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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Banned via Warnings
Feb 20, 2013
I stopped playing for more than 2 years and nobody noticed or gave a ****. The only reason I even came back after my abysmal performance at zenith was to see if I could improve and shake off the rust. After my abysmal performance at apex, I realized that it wasn't rust and I'm just a mediocre has-been. There's a ton more reasons I'm quitting and they all have to do with apex. I don't even know why people are making a deal out of this considering I'm one of the least liked members of this community.

Don't you even dare try to project yourself onto me. I never made several posts and threads about how I'm not playing anymore nor did I make several alts. Also, you're one to talk considering you wanted me gone from this community.

So me not going to tournaments means I'm not allowed to post anymore?

Did you give your account login info to Yobolight?


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
Don't you even dare try to project yourself onto me. I never made several posts and threads about how I'm not playing anymore nor did I make several alts. Also, you're one to talk considering you wanted me gone from this community.
I'm not projecting anything onto you, brochacho. Me mentioning how many times I "quit" is supposed to make a point that it's hard to truly stop playing smash. The anecdote of me announcing I was quitting many times was just extra info, which has no bearing to my main point. And lastly, I don't know what you're referring to when you say that I wanted you out of this community nor do I ever recall anyone ever telling you to leave. And for the record, I'm indifferent whether you stay or leave.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 6, 2012
Isle of ゆぅ
lol smash 'careers'
public announcements of 'retirement'
«hey guys i'm gonna quit»
stop guys it's embarrassing


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
dont leave me olikus i need you

is what i would say if i wasnt getting half a dozen likes from kero cousin jokes

how does kero have more likes than me, i have to rectify this

#socialcapital #facebook


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
If you become a poster like kero, I'm leaving and never coming back except not really because it's impossible

fireblaster I shouldn't have said "playing" I meant like in general being in the smash 64 circle. Also who hates you? I have seen many people calling you angry or something similar, but that doesn't mean anyone hates you. And you know you don't have to be the best in the game, it has to be fun for you to want to come back to it so what's wrong with just playing for fun and just getting better along the way.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Just to clearify before i vanish in the abbys. Im not retiering. I just nead a long break because of irl stuff. And since there so many cool people here I thought I leave a notice.

So mixa you can stop being embarrassed, and the rest of you can stay cool.



Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
I'm not projecting anything onto you, brochacho. Me mentioning how many times I "quit" is supposed to make a point that it's hard to truly stop playing smash. The anecdote of me announcing I was quitting many times was just extra info, which has no bearing to my main point. And lastly, I don't know what you're referring to when you say that I wanted you out of this community nor do I ever recall anyone ever telling you to leave. And for the record, I'm indifferent whether you stay or leave.
You were one of the people that wanted me banned from the skype smash group and you're also one of several people that completely avoided me at apex as much as possible. Actions speak louder than words. And you have definitely seen other players who have explicitly stated their disgust of me being in this scene (several of these are also uncoincidentally the ones that completely avoided me at apex). I won't put any other names here unless they tell me they don't care.

But if you say your opinion about me is indifferent, then it will be so and I won't put words into your mouth. I'm just tired of people telling me "youll be bak next year XDDDD" like they think I didn't already quit for 3 years beforehand.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2013
West Chester, PA
From my experience, Javi online vs Javi IRL is a completely different person. When I was brand new to the 64 community and I met Javier on the skype group I thought he was a complete asshole because of silly arguments. Then I got to meet him irl and hang out with him for a bit and he's one of my favorites to hang out with outside of playing smash. Super ****ing funny too. Not seriously relevant, but it's social thread. Would be a shame to see you go, I need that Mario practice.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
what the **** happened to my avatar

it was there, and it was ****ing moving, and it was like 50kb in size, what possible reason was there to suddenly disable animated gif functionality


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Animated avatars and vertically longer avatars were supposed to be removed and only available to premium members. It just took longer for them to implement that. I'm not even sure these privileges are currently active for premium members.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
Animated avatars and vertically longer avatars were supposed to be removed and only available to premium members. It just took longer for them to implement that. I'm not even sure these privileges are currently active for premium members.
so it seems kirby u-tilt is so broken that it breaks the smashboards avatar system

¨°PÞ-§°¨ Bane

Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2012
this game is the most addictive drug i've ever tried lol. i don't really think it's the game though, it's just the enjoyment of the competition and the fact that i'm already good at it (too lazy to learn another game at this point in life). i'm a vet from like 2006 and i don't think most people even realize it :c

thankfully women and life have managed to start weaning me down to only playing a few times a week as of late


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
I've said i would quit a hundred times and still find my self coming on kaillera nearly everyday..........

SSB64 on kaillera was the first online game I ever played so it has sentimental value to me


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2005
North Hollywood, CA
this game is the most addictive drug i've ever tried lol. i don't really think it's the game though, it's just the enjoyment of the competition and the fact that i'm already good at it (too lazy to learn another game at this point in life). i'm a vet from like 2006 and i don't think most people even realize it :c

thankfully women and life have managed to start weaning me down to only playing a few times a week as of late
If you would have came to APEX and got TOP 8, you would have more WOMEN in your LIFE. Everybody knows all the fine HONEYS go for the TOP 8.

ISAI stole all my HONEYS with his JIGGLY mating dance. I ain't mad tho, DUDEs got GAME.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
thankfully women and life have managed to start weaning me down to only playing a few times a week as of late
You make it sound like it's a bad thing that you spend your free time on something you enjoy, and like it's a good thing you have less time to do something you enjoy

I don't get it man.

¨°PÞ-§°¨ Bane

Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2012
it's simple; i enjoy smash, but i enjoy real life more. i didn't really have an active social life until these past few years so it's nice to get out and experience things and feel like i'm slowly maturing away from this game. i don't mind playing it or talking about it still when i'm stuck at home with nothing to do but i know it's not going to be my preferred method of fun for the majority of my life, lol


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
it's simple; i enjoy smash, but i enjoy real life more. i didn't really have an active social life until these past few years so it's nice to get out and experience things and feel like i'm slowly maturing away from this game. i don't mind playing it or talking about it still when i'm stuck at home with nothing to do but i know it's not going to be my preferred method of fun for the majority of my life, lol
just think if you come to an actual tournament, its like a mix of smash AND social interaction.

¨°PÞ-§°¨ Bane

Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2012
it's not like i've never been to a tournament before lol. i used to go to melee tournaments all the time and still occasionally go to melee fests around my city. i definitely want to go to the next major 64 tourney.
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