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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Also you needed to be in the war (yes, you only did anything in one of them) much more than we needed you. If you didn't participate you'd probably still to this day have the attitude from the 20s and be moaning about the lack of jobs and food.
War DOES NOT help the economy. In fact, your very next sentence shows part of the reason that it doesn't (blowing up all your ****), but the other reason is that all those people who are in the war could have been working and making stuff that people actually want instead of fighting. The remaining people were all making tanks, bombs, and guns, things that consumers don't want.

The idea that war helps the economy is one of the biggest fallacies around. Sorry, but that's one of my pet peeves.

Also it still seems ridiculous to say that the US needed to be in the war more than Britain/France needed the US in the war...

Which brings me on to economy. It would have been amazing if you didn't overtake europe, we basically had to rebuild our entire continent.
IIRC the US may have overtaken all other countries in the early 1900s. I could be wrong on this though.

All that was even touched in america was a harbour before a German built the atom bomb for you.
The atom bomb wasn't built by one person ... and I don't know who you are talking about here.

I mean, this guy led the project, and his parents were German, but he was born in America.

If you mean Einstein (who had nothing to do with the atom bomb project), well he was an American citizen as of 1940 anyway.

So yeah, it's the other way round, you've never won a war without British or French help.


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
" Do not create a new account to get around a ban or other punishment; these punishments will simply be extended or made permanent."

You even posted this...
im not trying to be a snitch but how come near has 2 accounts and why was tigerbombz allowed to make an account after having 2 of them banned?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I am going to Tokyo and Kyoto

So excited!
Supa's words of wisdom.

1. Don't try to act japanese
2. Don't use the phrases Kawaii or Uguu or Desu or anything related.
3. Play all day erryday in the arcades playing beatmania.
4. have fun :O


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
It depends on the situation... War can strengthen the economy. A high morale conflict such like WWII, greatly increased propaganda, production, and gave many people more job opportunities; ending the great depression.

War starts to take its toll on the economy when you're losing it.

Also, I don't think any nation won a war without help.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
How does war strengthen the economy WOTG? Putting people to work making bombs, tanks, and guns is a WASTE of resources. Those resources could have gone to making TVs or things that people actually want.

Jobs themselves aren't a good thing, it's productive jobs, jobs that produce something people want, that are good. Otherwise we would just give everyone a job digging holes and filling them back in for a perfect economy (or pretend to have a perpetual war, like in Nineteen Eighty-Four).


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Supa said:
1. Don't try to act japanese
2. Don't use the phrases Kawaii or Uguu or Desu or anything related.
3. Play all day erryday in the arcades playing beatmania.
4. have fun :O
1. I'm not a weeaboo
2. I will be using Kawaii every 10 minutes
3. Doubt I will be going to any arcades, probably some manga studios
4. No doubt


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
im not trying to be a snitch but how come near has 2 accounts and why was tigerbombz allowed to make an account after having 2 of them banned?
Tigerbombz gave the rules a STFUppercut. He's too imbahax to be banned.
I moved these two posts to the Social Thread because they're regarding SWF, not Galaxy 64.

I don't know anything about Tigerbombz being banned in the past. A very quick IP search doesn't pull up any results for alternate accounts, though.

IIRC, Near shares internet access with other people (although I might be mixing him up with someone else).

If you have specific information regarding people with alternate accounts, I encourage you to share.


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
I have looked through plenty of old threads recently just out of boredom and i found that tigerbombz had at least 2 accounts in the past that were banned and im almost 100% that they were his accounts by some of the post he made and how ppl responded to him. He probably had a different ip but they were still his accounts.

Im not on smashers side but watever rule that allowed tigerbombz to make a THIRD account after many of his were banned should apply to smasherx, its only fair. Unless of course there is no rule and u guys just let tigerbombz slide because hes tigerbombz and that would be sad. What exactly did smasherx do to get banned from the 64 section.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
don't bring it up, or you will get infracted.

Just let the situation go. Smasher was banned and he has to deal with it.

No one is crying tears of loneliness over him being gone anyway


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2010
One of my friends once theorized that WWIII would bring us back to the stone age, not because we'll have blown each other to smithereens, but because we'll have used up most (if not all) of the world's natural resources.

Don't see that outcome as being particularly economy-friendly...


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
don't bring it up, or you will get infracted.

Just let the situation go. Smasher was banned and he has to deal with it.

No one is crying tears of loneliness over him being gone anyway
no one said anything about crying i just wanted to know something about how bans work


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
US didn't win war of 1812 ... it was kind of a general tie between US and Canada/Britain. I mean, the White House got burned to the ground ya know?
Look up the battle of New Orleans sometime (here is a good place). We definitely won the War of 1812. They got the white house but, be reasonable, we got York. There are ups and downs in every war, but I don't think it's unreasonable to say that we came out victorious.

By "brutally oppressing some of our less-awesome colonies" I actually mean "instigating a global industrial revolution and laying down millions of miles of telephone cables". Easy mistake to make though.
Oh, you British when you try to use "words" and "logic" just like big boys. Very amusing. Type more things about your technological innovations on that PC that Americans invented, using electricity that Americans discovered. It does my heart good. If laying telephone cable is your greatest national accomplishment, it's easy to see how you actually lost wars to the French, once upon a time ;)

you needed to be in the war (yes, you only did anything in one of them) much more than we needed you.

Thanks for that. You limeys are funny! Just like Monty Python. Of course, you know that in WWI, you guys were doing your little European scrap thing with Germany and getting whupped until we came over there and showed you how real men fight wars, and that this, by all accounts, was the primary cause of Germany's defeat? And that if we hadn't joined WWII or given you massive amounts of **** so that you could pretend to help, you would be eating Bratwurst right now? And that only our kind hearts and love of freedom, justice, and the American way made us join up, because frankly, we could have stayed the hell out of it and taught Germany a lesson if they tried to make a move on us at any point afterwards?

You're also all terrible at smash, but we only play console so you'll have to come over here to bring it.
Onus is on you, lobsterback. We're perfectly content to sit here and be #1 in all three smash games. No biggie. But if you ever do hop the pond, you know where to find me.

(Bad words in link above. Click at own discretion).


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
How does war strengthen the economy WOTG? Putting people to work making bombs, tanks, and guns is a WASTE of resources. Those resources could have gone to making TVs or things that people actually want.

Jobs themselves aren't a good thing, it's productive jobs, jobs that produce something people want, that are good. Otherwise we would just give everyone a job digging holes and filling them back in for a perfect economy (or pretend to have a perpetual war, like in Nineteen Eighty-Four).
Wars like WWII ended the depression because the propaganda and demand from the war increased production, giving people more federal, facility, marketing jobs, etc. It doesn't matter what job people have, a good economy mainly consist with the demand of consumers balancing with a good amount of jobs.

There's no economic gain from the current wars/conflicts, because they are not high demanding, especially since a lot of people have morale against them. A nation wouldn't be downsizing from a war unless its a complete lost cause. Say as in they're losing it, losing by military force or losing support in their own country.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
**** the main cities. head to Hokkaido where they`re aren't any foreigners. Noboribetsu is amazing so is Sapporo. rural japan FTW
Kyoto isn't that big, its probably smaller than Sapporo. But has so many touristic stuff like the golden pavilion, the old imperial palace, or the geishas :awesome: it was the old japanese capital for many centuries, it is a must see


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2009
ummm. i pretty sure WWII was the best thing that ever happened to america economically since they started growing tobacco. lrn2knowyourownhistory.
the propaganda wasn't significant economically, however it might have contributed to the huge spike in female workers which was hugely important. and the jobs types arent too important, the more cash moves the better for the economy, problems occur when money ISNT moving.
and there is huge gain in current conflicts,
look at Zimbabwe and the new diamond fields, or even the whole of africa.
America depends on the middle east for oil. whats happening in the middle east right now...oh yeah that.
probably the most significant wars which werent great for the american economy in the 20th century were the vietnam and korean war.

i suggest you read modern money mechanics, and get a basic understanding of american/world economic history before you make comments like ballin4life's

and for the actual battle of WWII, America's involvement had a huge impact on the outcome on the western front, get over it. but the eastern front out scaled the western front like 10 to 1 and if the soviets hadn't been successful there's little doubt most of europe would be part of the greater german empire.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2009
I prefer sports discussion but whateva

This is the only pro-USA argument that makes sense.

USA participating in the war caused the industry to boom. The people who weren't sent over to fight had job opportunities open up building weapons and such. The people who were sent over left jobs which were taken over by people who had none. It definitely helped. Plus everything that WOTG said, what a top lad!

Battlecow: I think you'll find that the first computer was made by a German then developed further by the British, Electricity is a toss between an Italian and a Scotsman. Hilariously enough you failed to mention the internet, which was pretty much an American thing. I'll give you that one. I don't know if you're being tongue in cheek (like I may or may not be) or not, but seriously, the British Empire is one of the most important things to happen to the world, and that's a fact that cannot be argued.

We may have derailed this thread a teeny tiny bit.


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
I have looked through plenty of old threads recently just out of boredom and i found that tigerbombz had at least 2 accounts in the past that were banned and im almost 100% that they were his accounts by some of the post he made and how ppl responded to him. He probably had a different ip but they were still his accounts.

Im not on smashers side but watever rule that allowed tigerbombz to make a THIRD account after many of his were banned should apply to smasherx, its only fair. Unless of course there is no rule and u guys just let tigerbombz slide because hes tigerbombz and that would be sad. What exactly did smasherx do to get banned from the 64 section.
I'm probably more anti-troll than any mod here, so there's no way I'd let someone slide.

So... links would help.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Wars like WWII ended the depression because the propaganda and demand from the war increased production, giving people more federal, facility, marketing jobs, etc. It doesn't matter what job people have, a good economy mainly consist with the demand of consumers balancing with a good amount of jobs.

There's no economic gain from the current wars/conflicts, because they are not high demanding, especially since a lot of people have morale against them. A nation wouldn't be downsizing from a war unless its a complete lost cause. Say as in they're losing it, losing by military force or losing support in their own country.
Demand from the war increased production of tanks, bombs, guns, etc. These aren't things that are increasing standard of living for the people. They might increase GDP, but this is just a reflection of how GDP is an imperfect measure of how good an economy is. What matters is producing things that will increase people's standard of living.

The resources that are consumed in war (labor, capital, natural resources) could have gone towards making something that people want, something that will increase standard of living.

If it "doesn't matter what job people have", then do you support giving all unemployed people jobs digging holes and filling them in? This will increase their demand, right? But it will actually hurt the economy for two reasons. The first is that those people will not be able to get actual productive jobs. The second is that the money to pay them has to come from somewhere - and that somewhere must be the private sector, harming the people that are producing things consumers actually desire.

A good economy does not mainly consist of the demand of consumers. It mainly consists of the supply of goods that fill that demand. Remember, demand is basically unlimited. I want a personal assistant, a rocket ship, and a new computer. But there needs to be supply to fill those demands. Paying people to make tanks, bombs, and guns or to dig holes and fill them up is not supplying anything people want.

ummm. i pretty sure WWII was the best thing that ever happened to america economically since they started growing tobacco. lrn2knowyourownhistory.
the propaganda wasn't significant economically, however it might have contributed to the huge spike in female workers which was hugely important. and the jobs types arent too important, the more cash moves the better for the economy, problems occur when money ISNT moving.
and there is huge gain in current conflicts,
look at Zimbabwe and the new diamond fields, or even the whole of africa.
America depends on the middle east for oil. whats happening in the middle east right now...oh yeah that.
probably the most significant wars which werent great for the american economy in the 20th century were the vietnam and korean war.

i suggest you read modern money mechanics, and get a basic understanding of american/world economic history before you make comments like ballin4life's

Basically you have no idea what you're talking about. How about addressing what I say instead of asserting your conclusion repeatedly. At least WOTG tries to make an argument.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2010
middle of nowhere
The reason WWII was "good" for America is because America made money selling armaments to its Allies for a war not fought on its soil, before even entering the war. Wars are not good for the world overall because of the destruction involved, but they are generally quite profitable for the winners because of the transfer of power and wealth losers to winners.


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
I think it was probably just overlooked. I might be mistaken, but I don't think this forum had any active mods when his 2nd account was banned.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
The reason WWII was "good" for America is because America made money selling armaments to its Allies for a war not fought on its soil, before even entering the war. Wars are not good for the world overall because of the destruction involved, but they are generally quite profitable for the winners because of the transfer of power and wealth losers to winners.
This would be the case if you could stay out of the war, and the country in the war can export you back some goods in exchange for the guns you export. The problem is that usually countries in serious wars don't have enough productive capacity to export anything in return for guns, because all their productive capacity is going into the war effort.

Anyway, I was only referring to the part where America entered the war.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the war wasn't good for the British or the French despite the fact that they were among the winners. You might be able to point to other wars that were more "worth the cost" for the winners, but still I think it is a stretch to say that they are generally profitable.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2009
ballin there is no point addressing every point of your argument, because you have a very bad understanding of how money works. you are assuming that money and the economy is a resource driven institution. absolutely wrong.
you have already proven that you have no idea what your talking about, I see little/no evidence backing up your statements.
When you have read year 8 text books (to start with), then economics for dummies (to start with). then start to construct a basis for your argument.
p.s. i actually laughed when you said wwII didnt increase america's standard of living.
further reading
Romer, Christina D. "What Ended the Great Depression?"
Fraser, Steve. Labor Will Rule: Sidney Hillman and the Rise of American Labor
Evans Paul. "The Effects of General Price Controls in the United States during World War II


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I dont know very much japanese, so going to lesser known areas may be difficult for me. I think I am seeing some ancient castles though.

Nova, I was not insinuating you were, just that not many people miss him in the first place

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I'm not a proponent of trolling or anything, but I always thought that tigerbombz was the funniest troll on this forum.

MATTS! has had a few hilarious posts too though.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
you can get by in japan with pointing, grunts and use of the following phrases


also learn to recognise names of cities and numbers, and you'll be set


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
ballin there is no point addressing every point of your argument, because you have a very bad understanding of how money works. you are assuming that money and the economy is a resource driven institution. absolutely wrong.
you have already proven that you have no idea what your talking about, I see little/no evidence backing up your statements.
When you have read year 8 text books (to start with), then economics for dummies (to start with). then start to construct a basis for your argument.
p.s. i actually laughed when you said wwII didnt increase america's standard of living.
further reading
Romer, Christina D. "What Ended the Great Depression?"
Fraser, Steve. Labor Will Rule: Sidney Hillman and the Rise of American Labor
Evans Paul. "The Effects of General Price Controls in the United States during World War II
Assert, assert, assert with no reasoning to back it up. You might try addressing what I said too.

How did WWII increase America's standard of living? A detailed explanation of how sending people to die and diverting all production to tanks and bombs is going to increase standard of living. Is it going to be demand side explanations again?

How is the economy not driven by resources? I mean, in particular, Solow's model attributes long run economic growth to advances in technology. But resources, in the form of labor and capital, are important to the development and implementation of technology (plus capital accumulation can increase economic growth as well). At least you didn't explicitly bring up the broken window fallacy (yet).

I'm an econ minor by the way. I think I'm a little ahead of econ for dummies.

But yeah, thanks for citing some papers that I can't look at for free...

edit: Wikipedia has a quote from Christina Romer stating that WWII did not help end the Great Depression:

Wikipedia said:
However, some consider that it did not play a very large role in the recovery, although it did help in reducing unemployment.
which cites

Christina Romer said:
fiscal policy was of little consequence even as late as 1942, suggests an interesting twist on the usual view that World War II caused, or at least accelerated, the recovery from the Great Depression.
Your own source disagrees with you. Although I guess she does say that other economists agree lol. But they are still making a correlation causation mistake, or assuming that GDP is the end all of economic growth or using flawed Keynesian models.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
Sou desu ne can be replaced by smiling and nodding thoughtfully.

Might also want yoroshiku and introductions if you intend on having any prolonged conversations


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
˙͜ >˙
Sou nan dess karr??

I took japanese for a week, ****ing weeaboos in that class ruined it for me. Switched to woodshop


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
Uh, wow. Talk about off topic. Take it to the Social thread, please (just quote a post from here and post there).

More on topic: I need to find ways to be more creative. Thinking outside the box is hard. :(
I know this has gone to far off topic. But if we move the discussion to the social thread, it gonna last 3 posts and then someone talks about how nice the weather is, or what kind of sandwich they are gonna buy on sunday. So my advice would be to just make a discussion thread here in the 64 section. Would that be okay? I dont know the rules for that, but it seems like a good solution.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Sou nan dess karr??

I took japanese for a week, ****ing weeaboos in that class ruined it for me. Switched to woodshop
Uh, I thought you were a weeaboo. All those anime avatars.

Anyways, like half my Japanese class is Koreans that only talk to each other and judge me for being half Korean and not being able to speak it all, and I still stuck with it :3
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