I finished Act 1 of Metal Gear Solid 4. I'm liking the story of the game, though there are odd design choices, like making it so the radar and the rations take up the same slot. The rations are essential for me because they're basically a safety net - if my health runs out, then the rations will automatically be used. However, I need the radar (or the Solid Eye in general) to be able to tell where the enemies are.
I miss the Soliton Radar from Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2. At least in those games, it didn't take up a separate item slot, you could see what direction the enemies were facing, and you had access to it by default. Metal Gear Solid 3 had the same problem as MGS4 in that regard, but at least there, I was able to use the EZ Gun that boosted my camouflage rating and had a limitless suppressor. (I tried playing the game on a difficulty that didn't include the EZ Gun, but enemies were able to spot me when I wasn't moving and had 75 or 80% camo ratings)