Job interview over. It went well, I think. Will have a follow-up interview next week.
Sweeping statements like this only add fuel to the already raging fire. If you want the Smash community to get better, try focusing on the positives of both Melee and Ultimate and respect what both have brought and bring to the community, respectively. You can like Ultimate more, or you can like Melee more. Perhaps an individual likes both equally. Whatever the case is, great. But, placing a blanket statement on an entire community, when the smash community as a whole is at fault for shady actions (not only the Melee elitists) is hypocrisy and just makes things harder for everyone. Nobody wins.
Besides, you said yourself that the "smash community in general is yikes", so to some level I would hope that you agree that the Melee section of the Smash community is not the only guilty party, even though they're infamous. However, with what you said in your first sentence...who knows other than yourself, right? It feels like a contradiction to one extent or the other.
Either way, wanting an entire game to die just to feel some form of "victory" is tragic, and it just adds more controversy in the long run. So, you can do one of two things... 1.) You can still prefer Ultimate, but at the same time ignore Ultimate haters while also respecting Melee and how it's made a significant impact on Smash's history, and also getting along well with the non-Melee elitists for still appreciating the game for what it is despite it not being your favorite Smash game, OR 2.) You can continue to curse the Melee community and act like they're Satan-spawn, thus only adding fuel to the fire that isn't really necessary.
I'm frankly sick and tired of seeing this "Melee vs. everyone else" debate. What has it helped? That's right...nothing.
Part of me wants to believe that the attitude will change, but I know that won't happen. I'm too cynical to believe that the Smash community will EVER get significantly better in attitude, even though I want to fight against the divides within the community.
Lag sucks, yeah. I much rather prefer local play because combos and recovery don't get messed up. I entered in an online tournament the other day, and while practicing for it online, the lag screwed up my recovery multiple times. It was awful. Thankfully, I didn't have any lag blunders in bracket. My losses were due to the other player simply being better, 100%.