W/E happens don't panic...
The problem with seeking approval and validation from other people is that even if you get that validation it's only a temporary perk for a long-term process. People in general are more focused on themselves than anything. They go about their lives worrying about their own problems, whether it's bills, work, school, whether their favourite character will make it to smash. We all set up this artificial bubble in our minds of what the world/universe is based on our own biased perception. As we go about our day we believe that everyone else is part of this percieved world, but instead think of everyone else as being within their own bubbles. So many are so preoccupied with what's happening in their own universes that they won't even notice you, and even if they do it'll be only for a moment before they step back into their universe. Whatever it is you do, whether good or bad, others will more than likely forget about as fast as a few minutes later. Most of the people you see and even interact with, you will never see again for the rest of your life. If these people are going to fill up such an insignificant role in your own life, then why should their opinion, their approval matter that much to you? Even for those people who are close to you, they are more than often focused on their own tasks, even if they care about your well-being, remember they won't be there forever and that the only person that is ever guaranteed to be there for the rest of your life is YOU!Any tips on how to not rely on the approval of others too much?
Long story short, learn to just not give a ****! Not in an arrogant "other people are insignificant insects!" but in a way that what they think of you shouldn't have that big of an impact on the life you are leading. You should develop that mindset of "You are enough." Of course that isn't to say that you shouldn't be open to advice and criticism when it happens; and use it to learn from others to improve yourself for the long term rather than think of yourself as perfect. Perfectionism is a self-defeating trait that can also hold people back from their potential growth.