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Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Okay, I know I said I’m taking a break, and I meant it. But I gotta say this real quick.

Allow me to apologize for any pain I may have caused. I realize that I’m very emotionally unbalanced, and as much as I’d like to blame by strange childhood I have to be a man and accept that my actions are solely my own. No excuses.

From the bottom of my heart, i’m sorry.

Okay g’bye.
You've only given me laughs and joy, dude. How could you possibly have hurt me?


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Okay, I know I said I’m taking a break, and I meant it. But I gotta say this real quick.

Allow me to apologize for any pain I may have caused. I realize that I’m very emotionally unbalanced, and as much as I’d like to blame by strange childhood I have to be a man and accept that my actions are solely my own. No excuses.

From the bottom of my heart, i’m sorry.

Okay g’bye.
I always thought you were pretty cool.

If anyone was hurt by you, I'd be confused as to why and how.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I have never been this excited for a mobile game in my life.

Not just because it's a Dr. Mario game but mainly because it's been the ONLY mobile game that has caught my attention.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
So usually around E3 every year, I take some time to map out what I want to buy, what I want to wait on, or just use Amazon points on when it comes to gaming. After watching Microsoft this year, I felt like, “Eh, it’s not too bad”.

But now? What in the goddamn?! There are so many games I want and I didn’t even realize it.

Super Mario Maker 2
Fire Emblem Three Houses (Seasons of Warfare if I can manage finding it)
Sword & Shield
Link’s Awakening
Borderlands 3
Dragon Quest XI S
Gears 5
Luigi’s Mansion 3

I don’t even think that’s all of them. Luckily there was a discount on Mario Maker 2 that I nabbed, but this is going to be tough when it comes down to picking what to wait on and what to get at release.
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Deleted member

Okay, I know I said I’m taking a break, and I meant it. But I gotta say this real quick.

Allow me to apologize for any pain I may have caused. I realize that I’m very emotionally unbalanced, and as much as I’d like to blame by strange childhood I have to be a man and accept that my actions are solely my own. No excuses.

From the bottom of my heart, i’m sorry.

Okay g’bye.
Goodbye, I hope the break goes well.
Also, you have not caused me any pain.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
So someone on the newcomer speculation thread made an solid theory who the final two fighters could be.

Nightmare (Soulcalibur) and Crash Bandicoot.

If true I'd lose my ****. Already had gotten my three most wanted K. Rool, Ridley and Banjo but Nightmare and Crash both would just be icing on cake.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Because I'm bored.

01: Mario
02: Donkey Kong
03: Link
04: Samus
04e: Dark Samus
05: Yoshi
06: Kirby
07: Fox
08: Pikachu
09: Luigi
10: Ness
11: Captain Falcon
12: Jigglypuff
13: Peach
13e: Daisy
14: Bowser
15: Ice Climbers
16: Sheik
17: Zelda
18: Dr. Mario
19: Pichu
20: Falco
21: Marth
21e: Lucina
22: Young Link
23: Ganondorf
24: Mewtwo
25: Roy
25e: Chrom
26: Mr. Game & Watch
27: Meta Knight
28: Pit
28e: Dark Pit
29: Zero Suit Samus
30: Wario
31: Snake
32: Ike
33-35: Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
36: Diddy Kong
37: Lucas
38: Sonic
39: King Dedede
40: Olimar
41: Lucario
42: R.O.B.
43: Toon Link
44: Wolf
45: Villager
46: Mega Man
47: Wii Fit Trainer
48: Rosalina & Luma
49: Little Mac
50: Greninja
51-53: Mii (Brawler, Gunner, Swordfighter)
54: Palutena
55: Pac-Man
56: Robin
57: Shulk
58: Bowser Jr.
59: Duck Hunt
60: Ryu
60e: Ken
61: Cloud
62: Corrin
63: Bayonetta
64: Inkling
65: Ridley
66: Simon
66e: Richter
67: King K. Rool
68: Isabelle
69: Incineroar
70: Piranha Plant
71: Joker
72: Hero
73: Banjo & Kazooie
74: Nightmare
75: Crash

Also if Nightmare and Crash were the final reveals how satisfied would you guys be overall of the Season Pass and final two DLC?
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Deleted member

so idk if this was brought up yet, but tragic news on the Metroid front...
I am very sorry to hear this. His work for the Metroid series was great.
My condolences go to his family and friends.
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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
This is an absolutely great match to watch! Bocchi is now my idol, I hope someday I could play Isabelle like she does.
And she's only 15. So many kids now just can become hidden bosses all of a sudden. VoiD even lost a 13 year old Cloud main named Sparg0 last week, because Mexico never has enough prodigies.

Because I'm bored.

01: Mario
02: Donkey Kong
03: Link
04: Samus
04e: Dark Samus
05: Yoshi
06: Kirby
07: Fox
08: Pikachu
09: Luigi
10: Ness
11: Captain Falcon
12: Jigglypuff
13: Peach
13e: Daisy
14: Bowser
15: Ice Climbers
16: Sheik
17: Zelda
18: Dr. Mario
19: Pichu
20: Falco
21: Marth
21e: Lucina
22: Young Link
23: Ganondorf
24: Mewtwo
25: Roy
25e: Chrom
26: Mr. Game & Watch
27: Meta Knight
28: Pit
28e: Dark Pit
29: Zero Suit Samus
30: Wario
31: Snake
32: Ike
33-35: Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
36: Diddy Kong
37: Lucas
38: Sonic
39: King Dedede
40: Olimar
41: Lucario
42: R.O.B.
43: Toon Link
44: Wolf
45: Villager
46: Mega Man
47: Wii Fit Trainer
48: Rosalina & Luma
49: Little Mac
50: Greninja
51-53: Mii (Brawler, Gunner, Swordfighter)
54: Palutena
55: Pac-Man
56: Robin
57: Shulk
58: Bowser Jr.
59: Duck Hunt
60: Ryu
60e: Ken
61: Cloud
62: Corrin
63: Bayonetta
64: Inkling
65: Ridley
66: Simon
66e: Richter
67: King K. Rool
68: Isabelle
69: Incineroar
70: Piranha Plant
71: Joker
72: Hero
73: Banjo & Kazooie
74: Nightmare
75: Crash

Also if Nightmare and Crash were the final reveals how satisfied would you guys be overall of the Season Pass and final two DLC?
I still want Ryu Hayabusa and Doomguy, but Nightmare is fine. Not sure I really care about Crash all that much, though.
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King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
Because I'm bored.

01: Mario
02: Donkey Kong
03: Link
04: Samus
04e: Dark Samus
05: Yoshi
06: Kirby
07: Fox
08: Pikachu
09: Luigi
10: Ness
11: Captain Falcon
12: Jigglypuff
13: Peach
13e: Daisy
14: Bowser
15: Ice Climbers
16: Sheik
17: Zelda
18: Dr. Mario
19: Pichu
20: Falco
21: Marth
21e: Lucina
22: Young Link
23: Ganondorf
24: Mewtwo
25: Roy
25e: Chrom
26: Mr. Game & Watch
27: Meta Knight
28: Pit
28e: Dark Pit
29: Zero Suit Samus
30: Wario
31: Snake
32: Ike
33-35: Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
36: Diddy Kong
37: Lucas
38: Sonic
39: King Dedede
40: Olimar
41: Lucario
42: R.O.B.
43: Toon Link
44: Wolf
45: Villager
46: Mega Man
47: Wii Fit Trainer
48: Rosalina & Luma
49: Little Mac
50: Greninja
51-53: Mii (Brawler, Gunner, Swordfighter)
54: Palutena
55: Pac-Man
56: Robin
57: Shulk
58: Bowser Jr.
59: Duck Hunt
60: Ryu
60e: Ken
61: Cloud
62: Corrin
63: Bayonetta
64: Inkling
65: Ridley
66: Simon
66e: Richter
67: King K. Rool
68: Isabelle
69: Incineroar
70: Piranha Plant
71: Joker
72: Hero
73: Banjo & Kazooie
74: Nightmare
75: Crash

Also if Nightmare and Crash were the final reveals how satisfied would you guys be overall of the Season Pass and final two DLC?
Nightmare is my 3rd most wanted character, been wanting him to rematch Link for years, and Crash is pretty cool too. I'd love for this to be the season pass.
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Just saw Dark Phoenix. Eh. Like, I have no real reason to actively dislike it. But I don’t love it by any definition of the word.

I’m just interested to see what the MCU does with the property because honestly, Fox’s X-Men movies never grabbed me. If anything they pushed me away with movies like X3 (which gave me nightmares)

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I'm not too experienced with Soulcalibur tbh but I do wonder if he gets in what Nightmare's stage would be.

Crash I would imagine it being N. Sanity Beach.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
I'm not too experienced with Soulcalibur tbh but I do wonder if he gets in what Nightmare's stage would be.

Crash I would imagine it being N. Sanity Beach.
Ostrheinsburg, Nightmare's stage in every Soul Calibur game except 5.

There's many different part of the city they could chose from, be it the castle battlements, the chapel, the raft in the moat, or the throne room.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
This is an absolutely great match to watch! Bocchi is now my idol, I hope someday I could play Isabelle like she does.
An experienced military vet lost to a cartoony dog secretary and her pail of water.

Nevermind how hard it is to main Isabelle. I just think it's funny seeing these serious, realistic characters lose to their polar opposites.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
super unpopular opinion, but i wouldn't want Nightmare, Doom Slayer, or Ryu Hayabusa. it's just me.

I still want KOS-MOS, a Tales Of character, or Elma as some of the final choices.

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
An experienced military vet lost to a cartoony dog secretary and her pail of water.

Nevermind how hard it is to main Isabelle. I just think it's funny seeing these serious, realistic characters lose to their polar opposites.
Animal Crossing and Metal Gear are some of my favorite game series, despite being so drastically different. I just love that I can have a game with both of them in it, despite how crazy it might seem.

Plus I love all the fanart with Snake and Isabelle together, its perfect.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
super unpopular opinion, but i wouldn't want Nightmare, Doom Slayer, or Ryu Hayabusa. it's just me.

I still want KOS-MOS, a Tales Of character, or Elma as some of the final choices.
Hey just as long as we get Elma I'd be fine with not getting Nightmare or Doom Slayer. After all I want her more then those two. Currently in my top three wants since K. Rool, Ridley and Banjo had made the cut.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
super unpopular opinion, but i wouldn't want Nightmare, Doom Slayer, or Ryu Hayabusa. it's just me.

I still want KOS-MOS, a Tales Of character, or Elma as some of the final choices.
I half agree.

I wouldn't want Nightmare, Doom Slayer, or Ryu Hayabusa, but I don't know if I'd want any of the characters you listed either. Maybe Elma to a small extent, but I feel like Rex deserves it more due to how popular his game ended up being. I'm not really a Xenoblade fan though, so don't take what I say to heart.

Personally, I'm holding out for another Pokémon from Gen 8 or a Champion from BotW. I wouldn't mind BWD either if Nintendo were willing to add him.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I'm not too experienced with Soulcalibur tbh but I do wonder if he gets in what Nightmare's stage would be.
Ostrheinsburg would definitely be Nightmare's Stage. That said, there are some other noteworthy areas in Soulcalibur that re-occur in the series, like the Kunpaetku/Palgaea Shrine(Astaroth's Stage), the Eurydice Shrine(Sophitia/Cassandra's Stage) or the Lakeside Coliseum. But Ostrheinsburg would be the most fitting and most unique due to using any potential part of it, like the Throne Room, the Moat or the Chapel. And while Astral Chaos is a pretty frickin' cool stage from Soul Calibur, it's incredibly similar to Final Destination.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
The characters I have left that I'd like are Dante (Capcom), Agumon (Bandai Namco), and Crash (Activision). Perhaps also Tracer (Blizzard, not sure if it would fall under Activision Blizzard with Crash). If we could get multiple characters from companies, Sora or Geno (Square Enix) and Master Chief (Microsoft, mainly for the moment in gaming, not necessarily for the character). And if assist trophies could become characters, Bomberman (Konami). On the Nintendo side, Dixie Kong, Bandana Waddle Dee, and Isaac.

I actually think after Banjo & Kazooie, we're not going to get big shockers. I think if Square can get another rep, the last character could be Sora or Geno, which I think would be a fitting end to the pass. If not, Crash I think has the most potential to "top" what we've had so far.

Those are the characters I've considered the most, and I'm certain one or both characters will be ones I haven't thought about, or haven't considered deeply. I'm content with the roster as it is now, and getting every character regardless, but those are the characters still on my mind, at the moment.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, but do you guys have any ideas for things I can do with my camp kids. They're active little ****heads who just want to pelt each other to death with balls. I think they're 9 or 10 years old. They're quickly exhausting every game I can come up with and they won't sit still long enough to do anything crafty.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, but do you guys have any ideas for things I can do with my camp kids. They're active little ****heads who just want to pelt each other to death with balls. I think they're 9 or 10 years old. They're quickly exhausting every game I can come up with and they won't sit still long enough to do anything crafty.
If you have a lot of space outdoors, a game that involves running would be ideal. I can't remember what it was called, but there was this version of Hide and Seek I used to play as a kid where you'd have one team count to 100 on a "base" while the other team went and hid. Once the team counting was finished, they'd announce it very loudly so the people who were hiding could sneak back to the base without getting tagged by someone. We'd take turns between the teams with each round. No one ever really won, but it was fun coming up with strategies to get as many players on the base as possible.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
when that one lyric lines up perfectly
There was a problem fetching the tweet


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Animal Crossing and Metal Gear are some of my favorite game series, despite being so drastically different. I just love that I can have a game with both of them in it, despite how crazy it might seem.

Plus I love all the fanart with Snake and Isabelle together, its perfect.
snake has a beard in his render

where the **** is his beard in the model i dont see ****


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2018
Where the caribou roam
I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, but do you guys have any ideas for things I can do with my camp kids. They're active little ****heads who just want to pelt each other to death with balls. I think they're 9 or 10 years old. They're quickly exhausting every game I can come up with and they won't sit still long enough to do anything crafty.
If they want to pelt each other to death I have an idea. The first step is too dig a hole and make a gladitorial arena with them getting a crate of balls each then you put them down there and you have them fight for your amusement and you set up a chair above the pit watching while two kids use palm leafss to keep you cool from the sun the other kids will be around the out yelling screaming for a fight the ball pit as the arena is known is a place for glory and not a place for the weak hearted and you have made it you are the master of the pit.

Or you know I thinks its always fun with little kids to just watch what they want to do make sure its not dangerous and interact and joke with them that's my strategy with kids.
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Deleted member

I liked Z-Moves.
I felt like they just added more competitive thinking to the game. It is not just some "automatic kill move", you actually have to think.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I liked Z-Moves.
I felt like they just added more competitive thinking to the game. It is not just some "automatic kill move", you actually have to think.
Yeah but Dynamax is literally doing the best of both worlds from Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves. Applicable to every Pokemon (unlike Megas) and isn't restricted by a held item (unlike both Megas and Z-Moves).

They're definitely gonna kill it in Gen 9 and talk about how Dynamaxing is actually super bad for Pokemon and we should be ashamed of its existence.
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