Nothing much. Just been learning a bit more on how to draw online and watching Disney+.
Just managed to finish watching the second season of Agent Carter and I felt they really did leave the ending in a climax where a mysterious person shot Jack Thompson and took Agent Carter's file. I'm actually quite curious to why they did not do a third season of the show? Anyways, now that I at least watched both seasons, I guess it will be interesting to see what role Agent Daniel Sousa plays in Agents of SHIELD.
In addition, I've been watching a lot of different shows on Disney+ such as watching the interesting documentary series of Into the Unknown: Making of Frozen 2 as well as the Suite Life of Zack and Cody and there is this one part that really cracks me up when Mr. Moseby tries to teach London how to drive especially where he asked what radio channel she wants whether is "AM or FUME!":