I don't know if there's as much interest in me talking about my playthrough of Ocarina of Time as there was for when I talked about my Persona 4 playthrough, but I beat the Shadow Temple this morning. I beat the Water Temple last night (which was a huge roadblock for me, and I'm glad that I used a guide), so now I just have the Spirit Temple to go through.
I've never made it beyond the Spirit Temple in prior playthroughs (I tried playing it without a guide, and at some point, I lost track of where to go or what to do), and I don't remember the Gerudo village portions all that well, though I know that I need to go in there as both a child and an adult. I'm not aiming for 100% completion, though I did get the Biggoron's Sword, which is making boss fights a LOT easier (Dark Link and Bongo Bongo went down insanely quickly when I used it).
I'm enjoying the game so far, and it's interesting to see how they adapted the Zelda formula to 3D. (I played Link's Awakening before this, and I've beaten the original Zelda and A Link to the Past before, so I'm trying to look at it through that lens) If I beat this, it will be the third 3D Zelda game that I've beaten. (the others being Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild - I have Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, but watching other people beat them took away my motivation to play through them myself, if that makes sense)