Speaking of lore.That's true. I still find it hilarious 4Kids went with Demoness Knight in the Capsule Monsters dub. Like, why? That's ten times worse. Tons don't know what Succubi are anyway. I wonder what you could easily call her, though... Shadow Sword Knight? She's often a Shadow attribute in the DDS-style games. Kind of fits?
Anyway, true. The lore is grrrrreat. I also gotta finish up how I plan to do the Zelda-Ritual archtype. Called Tri- itself. You have ones like Tri-Celtic Defender, which is a Celtic Guardian and Link combo. Among others. I plan to have the Tingle variant directly be a Field Searcher, and possibly also a Ritual Spell/Monster searcher too for the archtype. I got the core characters already done via that(Link, Zelda, Ganon, Ganondorf, Fierce Deity Link, Sheik, Din, Naryu, Farore, and I'm working on ideas for Skull Kid/Majora's Mask too).
They brought back the Blue Mekk Knight in the newest card dump by having it fuse with Dingirsu now that Avram is a 'literal god'.
Like... neat? But what's the point? The World Legacy story arc is over.