IMO, I love the expansion passes over "third versions". Makes sense too. They're doing more work, and gasp, are getting paid for it.
Though to be honest, it's hard to say if they could actually get more Pokemon in with the ridiculous deadline from the base game. Either way, they're a pretty well-priced purchase for a major game expansion, and you are only paying half the price of a full game too. Maybe it could be possibly a bit cheaper by 10 bucks each, but a lot of time developers get underpaid due to the price of games being way lower than they should be, so this is a pretty reasonable price, imo.
On another note, finally figured out my Mega for a ToyAgumon line. It's a LEGO Crocodile with Paper Teeth. Idea is that it's a heroic subspecies of Leviamon, and smaller too, of course. Still very large on its own, but isn't supposed to be towering over the entire Digiworld. It also takes notes from MetalPiranimon, having a similar biting attack. Name is still being worked on, but Resindilemon is a beta one. Resins comes from Polymers, which comes from Plastics. I'm thinking of calling another attack Plastique Tail.