Alright, now I really did it. Finished the True Pacifist ending.
Undertale is a really unique game. It’s charming, funny, and best of all, wholesome. It really beats the “power of friendship” thing into you, but it’s great
because of that. It’s like the antithesis to every other game ever, because it encourages you to not actually fight, but to be friendly. It would seem as though every other game asks you specifically to kill everything.
Previously I found the memes that stemmed from Sans to be annoying. He’s legit hilarious. The sound of his voice, his’s right up my alley.
It’s a short game, sure. But that’s the point, I think. There’s no reason for Undertale to be long. The gameplay is simple, yet funny and engaging. The characters are developed, and their animations are great, and full of character.
If you haven’t played it, I would highly recommend it. It’s just a good time. Like, I wouldn’t call it my favorite game ever, but it doesn’t
have to be. It’s probably one of the most unique games I’ve ever played, and I’ll remember it because of that.
Thanks again for the recommendations, my dudes.
@Bolderousness @Bakugan2556 @JDCabrera