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Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC

*sigh* like, I get why, but... geez, I really hope no one finds an over leveled Shiny.
Watch some streamer get this exact scenario and be furious. Only thing more infuriating is having a NPC find a Shiny.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
No idea on my team for the games yet. I’m using grooky. After that not sure. I like covernknight but don’t know if I’ll use it. Outside of that I avoided leaks so hopefully I’m in for some cool surprises.

Really interested in the anime too just to see the team ash and gou get

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
So, if I go Bandit, what stats should I focus on?
As Chucklehead said, stats aren't super important in Dark Souls. Your starting class matters mainly if you have a very specific build in mind, or if you plan to cap your level for the generally agreed upon "meta" level for PvP.

Also important to know is that each stat has a "soft cap," which is where leveling beyond that point has some minor diminishing returns, and a "hard cap," where leveling beyond that point has major diminishing returns and is practically useless, unless a piece of equipment requires going further.

Here, I'll break down the stats for you and what their value is:

VITALITY: Increases max HP, and that's it. Soft cap is at 30, and hard cap is at 50. If this is your first playthrough, 30 is probably a good place to go, but experienced players can get away with lower max HP.

ATTUNEMENT: Raises the number of spells you can equip, hard cap at 50. Only useful if you need more attunement slots.

ENDURANCE: Increases maximum stamina, maximum equip load, and bleed resistance, with a hard cap at 40. Maximum stamina is very important, and so is maximum equip load, since your equip load determines whether or not you get a fast, medium, or "fat" roll, which is one of the most important elements of standard gameplay. NOTE: Always try to keep your equip load under 50% at least. If possible, keep it under 25% for the fast roll.

STRENGTH: Increases damage on weapons with strength scaling, soft cap at 20 and hard cap at 40. Many weapons require a STR value past 20, so don't worry about going past the soft cap. What some call "quality" builds put 40 into STR and DEX, which gets the most practical effectiveness out of just about any weapon.

DEXTERITY: Increases damage on weapons with dexterity scaling, as well as increasing the casting speed of magic attacks, soft cap at 20 and hard cap at 40. Many weapons require a DEX value past 20, so don't worry about going past the soft cap. What some call "quality" builds put 40 into STR and DEX, which gets the most practical effectiveness out of just about any weapon.

RESISTANCE: Useless, USELESS stat. Primarily increases poison resistance by 7-10 per level. Poison resistance is incredibly circumstantial, and even in the circumstances where it's beneficial, it won't save you, just make it so you may or may not get poisoned. Avoid this one.

INTELLIGENCE: Increases damage for weapons that scale with INT and increases damage of magic attacks, soft cap at 40 and hard cap at 50. Mainly only necessary if you're using a magic/sorcery build, but some weapons require INT to use or scale with it for extra damage.

FAITH: Increases damage for weapons with FTH scaling and increases damage of miracles, hard cap at 50. Mainly only necessary if you're using a miracle build, but a handful of weapons require FTH to use and scale with it.

So, depending on what kind of build/playstyle you're aiming for, many of these stats are unnecessary for you to bother with. If you just want to whack people with weapons, Vitality, Endurance, Strength, and Dexterity are really your only concerns. If you want to use magic, you'll have to check out the other stats. It's best to specialize and make yourself strong in one playstyle than to spread your stats thin and try to be a jack of all trades. Unless you plan on obscene grinding to get to high levels early on or something.

The later two Dark Souls games make some changes to the stats, but most of it is the same across the three games.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
So, if the thread was just moving locations, was it ever really temporary? I mean, I’m fine with it moving, but having it labelled as temporary was kinda making me think they would make a new one. That’s not a bad thing, though.


Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2019
No way, it's gotta be Brawl.

All three of you that can remember this know the DOJO will always be the goat.

Characters nearly every week, baby.

Of course you have to look past that year that nothing happened.
I actually wasn't following the DOJO when it was out, so unfortunately I can't really relate.
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Sep 26, 2013
>working on finishing a complete living Spirit DeX in Ultimate.

>Game says I'm missing exactly 2 aside from the Tetris and Demon x Machina ones.

>........base form Marx and Dracula, meaning I'd need to replay World of Light again

Just **** me up fam


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
>working on finishing a complete living Spirit DeX in Ultimate.

>Game says I'm missing exactly 2 aside from the Tetris and Demon x Machina ones.

>........base form Marx and Dracula, meaning I'd need to replay World of Light again

Just **** me up fam
Well you could always speed run WOL and do it in two hours.


Drifting Soul
Sep 4, 2018
>working on finishing a complete living Spirit DeX in Ultimate.

>Game says I'm missing exactly 2 aside from the Tetris and Demon x Machina ones.

>........base form Marx and Dracula, meaning I'd need to replay World of Light again

Just **** me up fam

I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
>working on finishing a complete living Spirit DeX in Ultimate.

>Game says I'm missing exactly 2 aside from the Tetris and Demon x Machina ones.

>........base form Marx and Dracula, meaning I'd need to replay World of Light again

Just **** me up fam
Yeah, that's a frustrating part about trying to get one copy of every spirit. (along with cycling through the Spirit Board for that one. Last. Spirit that you need. Curse you, Metal Mario!) On the plus side, there's nothing stopping you from setting it to Very Easy, equipping the strongest spirits that you have, and going full-on Juggernaut on everything between you and those two boss fights.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I actually wasn't following the DOJO when it was out, so unfortunately I can't really relate.
I suspected as much. If your only frame of reference is PotD versus the Ultimate blog, I'd give it to PotD too.

Even though getting Smash in the same year it was announced was a luxury I was unaccustomed to since Melee - though obv I didn't follow things back then.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
So, if the thread was just moving locations, was it ever really temporary? I mean, I’m fine with it moving, but having it labelled as temporary was kinda making me think they would make a new one. That’s not a bad thing, though.
Well, we didn't know the thread was eventually moving locations when we made it. It was put here temporarily to serve user socialization needs, and we re-evaluated its status, including location, at a later date. What ended up being temporary about it was its location, but there was also a chance we would have just locked it and said no more social thread in this forum, or numerous other possibilities.
The main reason I don't think making a new one makes sense at this point in time is because I'd like a redirect to still exist, so if some user comes back from a hiatus they can easily find where it is.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Yeah, I ain't too worried about getting all the Spirits. Feels exactly like the Korok Seeds again except I don't think there's any reward for doing it besides maybe an achievement certifying you did get them all. Hell, that might not even exist and will be constantly reprimanded with each new batch of Spirits they integrate with DLC anyways.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Jeese. At this point it feels a bit like Pick Your Poison. If it's Lloyd we get another round of "blarg it's a GASM!" and if it's a Tekken character it's "but we just got a punchy man!". There's still Dark Souls and Digimon as far as Namco goes but those, i have to admit, would not cause much of a reaction if any. Dark Souls would be shocking at first but we'd acclimate to it even faster then we acclimated to Joker. As far as Capcom goes, the three big options wouldn't get those kinds of reception either, and they would certainly be big reveals, but I kind of feel like Capcom content will be saved for post-pass. Aside from that... like, they're all cool characters but there's gonna be backlash no matter who it is and I don't know how to feel about that.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Well, we didn't know the thread was eventually moving locations when we made it. It was put here temporarily to serve user socialization needs, and we re-evaluated its status, including location, at a later date. What ended up being temporary about it was its location, but there was also a chance we would have just locked it and said no more social thread in this forum, or numerous other possibilities.
The main reason I don't think making a new one makes sense at this point in time is because I'd like a redirect to still exist, so if some user comes back from a hiatus they can easily find where it is.
Hey, not sure if i should ask this hear or not but I'm not gonna squander the attention of a Modmin. Just out of curiosity, why don't we have the stock icons for Hero's alts?
how would you guys react if an horror game character getting in smash?
Depends on who it is. It would be interesting, it's pretty much the only untapped genre left for Smash unless I'm mistaken, except for FPS's.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
how would you guys react if an horror game character getting in smash?
Hard to say; the only horror games that I'm really familiar with are Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness, and the only Resident Evil games that I've played are 4, 5, the Umbrella Chronicles, and the Gamecube remake of 1 (I wasn't a fan of that one). If a character from one of those made it into Smash, I'd be interested, but otherwise, I'd have to do some research. (I'm not 100% sure what horror franchises are out there - the Evil Within, Silent Hill, and Five Nights at Freddy's, but I have no idea beyond that since horror isn't really my thing)
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Deleted member

Jeese. At this point it feels a bit like Pick Your Poison. If it's Lloyd we get another round of "blarg it's a GASM!" and if it's a Tekken character it's "but we just got a punchy man!". There's still Dark Souls and Digimon as far as Namco goes but those, i have to admit, would not cause much of a reaction if any. Dark Souls would be shocking at first but we'd acclimate to it even faster then we acclimated to Joker. As far as Capcom goes, the three big options wouldn't get those kinds of reception either, and they would certainly be big reveals, but I kind of feel like Capcom content will be saved for post-pass. Aside from that... like, they're all cool characters but there's gonna be backlash no matter who it is and I don't know how to feel about that.
I honestly have no idea why you keep repeating the same point over and over.

Realistically a lot of characters would have a great reception and just because it isn't surprising to you, it doesn't mean that they wouldn't be hype for the general public.

Deleted member

What does it say in-game that prevents the catching?
couldn't find a clear image, sorry. Only thing i was able to deduce is a "streamer" (so a review copy, probably) was playing the game, and it happened. dunno anything else.

Deleted member

Gwa ha ha! It is me, Tira! Happy to see me? I thought so!

Let me see how I can get a laugh out of y'all tonight...oh, I know! This time, I am gonna show y'all some more of my favorite meme!

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Poor Mai Shiranui. She just does not give up, does she?

Gwa ha! Another job well done! I bet Mr. :bowser: will totally give me a raise after this! :shyguy:


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I honestly have no idea why you keep repeating the same point over and over.

Realistically a lot of characters would have a great reception and just because it isn't surprising to you, it doesn't mean that they wouldn't be hype for the general public.
I don't know. I just don't know what to talk about and for the first time since Joker released we really have nothing definitive to lock forward to. When Hero was revealed, Banjo came with him. And when he was released we still had Banjo to look forward to. Then when Banjo came out we got the Terry reveal to speculate over and get excited for. Now, we have nothing. There is nothing definitive to be excited for, only the chance that it could be revealed at the game awards and the chance it could be something interesting. That is not exciting. Not knowing anything is not exciting, it's frustrating and boring. And at this point I just don't know what to talk about like at all.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Defeated the demon dude on the bridge connecting two towers in Dark Souls.

Kind of cheesed it with plunging strikes. But whatever works in this game.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
how would you guys react if an horror game character getting in smash?
If Sakurai puts as much effort/detail as the other DLC fighters, and the pick isn't completely out of left field, then I'd be OK w/ it.

Don't really care for the genre in general, but I'll still end up buying it probably because it's Smash.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
I think Leon and Lloyd are the frontrunners for pack 5.

Heihachi, Chosen Undead, Agumon, Nightmare, Phoenix, Layton, Dovahkiin, Kratos I'll entertain the idea of but less so right now.

Deleted member

Also, glad to see that r/Pokemon hasn't changed a bit./s
r/pokemon right now has started to chill out a little bit.

This was actually one of the top comments!(woulda gotten downvoted if posted before, methinks)

"This is getting pretty hilarious now. I was perfectly fine with the first few issues everyone raged about, but they keep adding more on as if to make absolutely sure that everyone will be mad. This, again, isn't a particularly big deal to me, but it's really funny just how many "not a big deal to me" things in the game there are. It literally is like adding bits of straw over and over until my camel's back breaks.

It's almost enough to make one start to believe the silly conspiracy theory that GameFreak is trying to intentionally tank Pokemon because they're sick of the franchise and want a reason to stop doing it."
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