Since there's probably 5 additional characters being added after the first fighter pass, I'm really hoping for at least one additional female character, since the last true new female addition that isn't a clone/echo fighter (Isabelle-even though she has her own slot, Dark Samus) or an avatar swap (Inkling, Pokemon Trainer) was Bayonetta, and that was 4 years ago. No wonder this is called Super Smash BROTHERS...I legitimately believe Nintendo has done horribly when it comes to female characters in Smash. From what I can tell, Smash is almost exclusively a boys club, with 97% of the roster being male characters, and hardly any female Smash players on various circuits, and this site is almost exclusively male. I hope I'm wrong, I hope that there's. That's kind of why I was somewhat disappointed when Terry was revealed as SNK's Smash rep instead of Mai. In terms of female characters I'd hope at least get consideration( 2B, Lara Croft, Kitana, Kassandra, Tracer, Kerrigan, Sylvanas, Aloy or Liara T'soni), I really doubt there will be any female newcomers, not even from a Nintendo IP.