So, definitive Direct thoughts.
Overwatch is dope but I'm probably only playing it on comp personally.
LM3 gets a whole segment and I'm still just kinda nodding. Probably give it a go though. Halloween release is a nice touch.
No personal history with the Mana series but Tales looks pretty nice. Maybe after the backlog dies down.
Seriously y'all don't sleep on Obra Dinn. Great game. Short game, but great game.
Little Town Hero looks aight. Not mindblowing. But aight.
Banjo releasing today was expected and welcomed.
Terry being DLC 4 was also expected and welcomed. The old school trailer warmed my little black heart.
TMS#FE remake was wholly unexpected. But welcomed. Didn't feel it got a fair shake and it'll be good to see it getting another chance. Just hope it doesn't pull a Pokken.
DOOM 64 is actually really cool to me personally. Picking it up when I can.
SWSH intermission:
- Giant. Foxcat. Thank you. Yes of course it's never been in question, it was still nice to see it.
- Outfit customization looks goddamn great. I just hope they let you save outfits so I don't have to keep notes or something.
- Pokemon Camp looks like it might be solid. Depends if it's got Amie's heart in it.
- I'd say something about what the **** this Curry-crafting **** is but I remember berry blending and Imma shut my mouth.
- I don't want to drink ghost tea. That's ****in weird fam.
- Bird looks denser than a bowl of oatmeal and his special ability sounds useless as hell but it's hilarious and I love it all the same.
SNES Online is aight. Lineup's about what you'd expect for a starter set. I'd say I might use it some, but NES Online is gathering dust. RetroPie too, so I got no excuse.
I'll give the DAEMON X MACHINA demo a go.
More than anything I'm surprised to see Jedi Knight II being talked about, much less ported. But y'know what? I respect the history. I'll consider it if the port goes well.
Dauntless feels like someone's mom going "We already have Monster Hunter World at home."
The Outer Worlds coming to Switch sounds fantastic, if I wasn't aiming for it on PC.
New Horizons looks good. Real good. Doesn't get an intermission though, there ain't much new to discuss. Also
Professor Pumpkaboo
not gonna lie I was picturing you as the lead there for awhile, pink hair aside.
XC Definitive looks amazing and I'm absolutely on board for another go round. Equally so because it gives me hope for an XCX Definitive. Or XCX 2. Or pull a two-pack, like Bayonetta 1/2? You got options, Monolith.
"So, if you'd like to play Banjo Kazooie can do it on Xbox." My heart, Ninty. My heart. Also I like how Sakurai sits there for two minutes talking about how and why he's dual-wielding Pro Controllers. Zero sarcasm, his is the most wholesome flexing I've ever witnessed and I enjoy every second.
I'm far from professional but Banjo looks mid-tier to me. Nothing seems abusable at a glance, recovery is just okay, specials might get a little campy but not really that much. Figure it'll pretty much mandatory to master RAR with grenade eggs. Literal invincibility sounded great for ten seconds before getting deflated by being horrifically unsafe on shield, but it'll make edgeguarding him a ***** at least. I'll let people far more skilled than me determine anything else.
Spiral Mountain is detailed as ****. Brings me back, I love it.
Sandbag Space Program looks pretty great. Glad to see it back too.
Sans costume coming with MEGALOVANIA is the easiest $0.75 I've spent all day. That Toby's broken bread with Sakurai himself is also a cool story to hear.
The man's face right as he begins talking about how they're working on more DLC fighters. Goddamn. I laughed, but I pity him. Won't stop the new fighter thirst, just...heart goes out.
That's bout all.