You do voice acting, right? That's one thing I don't know alot of other users do.
And you might say, "but it's not good enough compare to X or Y!", but the thing is, comparing yourself to others will always bring you down no matter what. Trust me, I think alot of my sprites aren't that good in some finer aspects, especially when I compare them better artists out there. Yet, many peoples say to me how good my sprites and such, yet, despite the good reaction, I still get that bad feeling from time to time.
So really, while I know it isn't that easy to do that, I think you should be OK at not being at the top and just try whatever you want until something click for you. I tried traditional drawing for a long time, but I just realized it wasn't me, so I moved to sprite making, looked how that stuff worked, and tried to make some sprites, good or bad at the end for months, and now, look where I am!
In short, don't worry about sucking, we all sucks, maybe not like Kirby, but nobody is perfect, and you shouldn't feel like you NEED to be perfect to stay around.