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Social Social Thread 4.1™-Rockets, Spiders, Drums, Arms, Wings, Lightning, Marsupials and OP form a circle

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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
The guy is getting ahead of himself,sm4sh still an unexplored jungle,the only way to get there is joining the explorers or leaving the place sometime until is officially explored,if you throw yourself into it without any knowlodge you will get hurt by the wildness of the game,and probally will get angry and try to kill everything in sight.

No :4diddy: joke intended.


Drawing like a tramp
Oct 20, 2014
The part of the conversation I'm most confused about is him calling :4yoshi: top-tier. This ain't release week. He's terrible. I just main him because I personally like the species.
Meh, he's okay. Not the best, but not terrible.

Ironically, that would be an improvement.

Better yet, let's cut through the fat and ban Nintendo. They've been riding on their high horse for too long.
Wait until 2052 boy, it's where they won't have enough money to survive.

And making fun of me is not a good thing... I think everyone forgets I rarely do humor.

Doubt it. Haven't seen a Mario in forever, and I don't wanna take the chance, so he's gone.

It would be great if I was taught the right way instead of being attacked.

You can speak to my grudges about it. At this point, if I have to fight everyone (except Diddy. I will NEVER EVER fight him unless a wifi tourney rigged it up against me) to show that my potential won't be besmirched, I will, starting now. If I get provoked one way or another, you can figure it out, since apparently I'm a beginner that doesn't do anything right. -_-
I'd rant about the origins of my hatred for some characters if I have to, or at least in this game.

I'll just post this here and let you think about it.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Is Down throw → Up tilt on Mario even a thing nowadays. Like, I know it's frustrating at times, but you can DI it.
If you want to style on your opponent you can do down throw → up tilt (2-3-4 times. Depends on character) → up air → Up B.
It's a thing on fast-fallers, but less on floaties, especially Jigglypuff who could just Rest in the middle of the combo and kill you... I hate fighting Jigglypuff as Falco.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Oh look, another 3rd party Wii U GameCube adapter, this time by Kelux (never heard of them)

Amazon is asking $35 for that.


Thank goodness I got the bundle.
I buy it I really want to use My gamecube controller, I'm sick of the gamepad.:(


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Doubt it. Haven't seen a Mario in forever, and I don't wanna take the chance, so he's gone.
For God's sake...

This is the kinda stuff I'm talking about. He just gave you a genuine tip for improvement, and what did you do? Dismissed it because you're either afraid of change, or too stubborn to change your views of things. Or too lazy to improve. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The game's not gonna cater itself to you just because you don't want to put in the effort to improve. Hate to be blunt, but you're choosing to limit yourself.

You can speak to my grudges about it. At this point, if I have to fight everyone (except Diddy. I will NEVER EVER fight him unless a wifi tourney rigged it up against me) to show that my potential won't be besmirched, I will, starting now. If I get provoked one way or another, you can figure it out, since apparently I'm a beginner that doesn't do anything right. -_-
I'd rant about the origins of my hatred for some characters if I have to, or at least in this game.
Another example of you not wanting to improve. Diddy's entirely beatable. You're just hurting yourself by not fighting him. Because face it. Diddy's always gonna be there, but your own self-made barriers don't have to be. Learn to adapt. Learn to improve. Your method (banning whatever doesn't immediately suit you) does nothing but piss others off. And frankly, I'd rather one person be pissed off than a great many. But even then, you don't need to be pissed off. Just either: A) TRY to improve, or B) Leave the game. At this point it's an ultimatum, because in your current playing conditions it's fun for no one, and newsflash, games should be fun.

Don't be selfish, AP.



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
How about we ban each other?
Unfortunately for this world, I cannot ban people anymore.

I don't ride this battlefield under a red banner anymore. I'm now just a mere pawn in a cosmic scale scheme led by an unknown entity some would call God, others would call fate, others would call something else.

Ironically, that would be an improvement.
With no more characters to play as, the Smash Bros. community would slowly die away and be vanished forever from history...

And making fun of me is not a good thing... I think everyone forgets I rarely do humor.
You really should take a video game and posts by random people on the Internet way less seriously than you do. :ohwell:

People are trying to help you and this is how you react? Jeez, just lighten up.

It's just a freaking game. >_> What's the point of playing it if all it brings you is rage and negativity? If you can't have fun playing and start wanting to restrict others and shove your ideas down others' throats, forcing them to bind to your will, don't just play it. The game might not be for you. It's okay, not everyone has to like the same things.

I'm not really great at Smash Bros. either. I'm not bad, but I'm not that good either. I know my limits and play under the circumstances I find the most fun. That works out for me. I don't make a big deal out of losing, as frustrating as it may be sometimes, because in the end that's what it is: a game. A small piece of software for entertainment and for one's own pleasure.

If you don't have fun playing a game and it becomes a chore to you, it's no good at all. Not for you nor for the others.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Personally, I actually like to lose sometimes. It helps me improve by showing me my weaknesses, which I can then work on, but that's just me.
Losing is one of the most frustrating and the most rewarding thing that can happen to you. Learning from your failures means much more than just succeeding and not knowing why.

From the game I got that one from, it has 108 costumes....I think.... Ill just say A lot
What game is this? I need more cute things in my life. Embarrass


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Doubt it. Haven't seen a Mario in forever, and I don't wanna take the chance, so he's gone.
It's true. Every move that has knockback is influenced by directional influence, meaning you can slightly manipulate where you're launched by tilting the control stick. In this context, you're manipulating the knockback so you are knocked away from the opponent, which in turns allows you to escape faster. Being able to influence DI is important because it can allow you to escape from attacks or avoid attacks altogether.
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Drawing like a tramp
Oct 20, 2014
For God's sake...

This is the kinda stuff I'm talking about. He just gave you a genuine tip for improvement, and what did you do? Dismissed it because you're either afraid of change, or too stubborn to change your views of things. Or too lazy to improve. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The game's not gonna cater itself to you just because you don't want to put in the effort to improve. Hate to be blunt, but you're choosing to limit yourself.

Another example of you not wanting to improve. Diddy's entirely beatable. You're just hurting yourself by not fighting him. Because face it. Diddy's always gonna be there, but your own self-made barriers don't have to be. Learn to adapt. Learn to improve. Your method (banning whatever doesn't immediately suit you) does nothing but piss others off. And frankly, I'd rather one person be pissed off than a great many. But even then, you don't need to be pissed off. Just either: A) TRY to improve, or B) Leave the game. At this point it's an ultimatum, because in your current playing conditions it's fun for no one, and newsflash, games should be fun.

Don't be selfish, AP.


Well said my friend. Well said.

Lmao I remember when :4bowser: and :4yoshi: were considered top tier
Good times. :yoshimelee:


Jul 7, 2014
It's a thing on fast-fallers, but less on floaties, especially Jigglypuff who could just Rest in the middle of the combo and kill you... I hate fighting Jigglypuff as Falco.
I'm guessing Puff beats Falco since you said you hate fighting it.

Yeah, the Mario combo is less common in floaty characters.

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
(Ex) Mod(s) couldn't have said it better.
I feel like an idiot because I completely forgot about this tourney today D:
Smash can really make you forget your priorities lmao


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

You should probably look into ways about controlling/weakening your anger.

This isn't just about the whole "ban things that are too difficult" matter, either.

You've taken almost all the advice and suggestions people have been trying to give you the wrong way, and have insulted them for it when it's not even remotely justified.

And all over a video game, for that matter.

I'll admit, I can get pretty frustrated during certain times in games as well. But I never let it get to my head. I usually realize it quickly and regain my senses and coolness afterwards. And if I don't, I realize it well enough to take a break from it for a while to calm down.

Your entire mindset about everything that you've said here today would probably change, as would your anger itself, if you looked into ways about controlling it. Maybe consider some professional help on the matter? And once again, for extra clarification, this isn't about the "banning thing". I'm not trying to say or assume that you are bad at or very new to the game, either. It's because it's clear to me that you can be frustrated very easily by this game, and as well as by what other people say, to the point where you misinterpret it and needlessly insult them over something they didn't say or even imply. I'm sorry if you don't see that, and I'm sorry if I offended you by saying such, but this is not my intention, with it. I've tried to be as nice as possible with this post as I can be, like I have been to you in the past.Like pretty much everyone else here, my intentions with this post, regardless of how you happen to see them, are to help you.

And I recall you saying your anger is not something you can manage to control no matter what, no matter hard you try, or something along those lines. As I just said, have you ever considered professional help?

If not even that manages to help keep your cool, then, as a lot of others have been saying, then you would honestly be better off just leaving and forgetting about the game. And at the very least, for quite a while.
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Chinese food was delicious, but still I got sick :p

Anyway, looks like I missed something serious, what happened?
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The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
I think there should be a topic change for now. Would not do to get intense.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
For Smash 3DS, I never actually banned anything but the Paper Mario stage, and oly because the Bowser Castle's portion is virtually unplayable. Everything else? No biggie. I'm perfectly fine with removing custom equipment or custom moves too if the other players prefers it. They're fun either way.


Drawing like a tramp
Oct 20, 2014

I love Nichijou images. They are relaxing.

Space Stranger

space cowboy
Aug 31, 2014
Toy Hell
For Smash 3DS, I never actually banned anything but the Paper Mario stage, and oly because the Bowser Castle's portion is virtually unplayable. Everything else? No biggie. I'm perfectly fine with removing custom equipment or custom moves too if the other players prefers it. They're fun either way.
That :4bowser: portion in that stage is a giant middle finger from Miyamoto for everyone's complaints about Sticker Star.

Deleted member

Yeah... there should be a change on topic. What's your favorite mobile operating system? :troll:


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
I change the pic of my profile, the other one looked scary, Like Shulk was going to do something shady.
Yeah... there should be a change on topic. What's your favorite mobile operating system? :troll:
None I hate phones, I only use then when I need to.

Deleted member

Okay then :troll:
Android, because I get less confused when I use one
>I like Windows Phone's design.
>iOS is easier to use.
>Android is fully customizable and open-source.

Everyone wins. :troll: x9000.

So basically, everything.
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Space Stranger

space cowboy
Aug 31, 2014
Toy Hell
Yeah... there should be a change on topic. What's your favorite mobile operating system? :troll:
Easy, the Playskool Rockin' Robot.

Not only can I speak to the other toys, but I can play my mixtapes for others during staff meetings.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Even if there's a valid, personal reason to hate a character (Project M's in-name-only version of Lucario for me), I don't ban someone from playing as that character. That's literally the definition of "scrub"; you're scrubbing out everything you think you can't win against because you see filth where everyone else sees a clean surface.
That sounds offensive, too. I personally hate the word "scrub" just to let you know.

I'll just post this here and let you think about it.
Pfft, it's possible. Running away from a bomb to survive is a race won.

For God's sake...

This is the kinda stuff I'm talking about. He just gave you a genuine tip for improvement, and what did you do? Dismissed it because you're either afraid of change, or too stubborn to change your views of things. Or too lazy to improve. You can't have your cake and eat it too. The game's not gonna cater itself to you just because you don't want to put in the effort to improve. Hate to be blunt, but you're choosing to limit yourself.

Another example of you not wanting to improve. Diddy's entirely beatable. You're just hurting yourself by not fighting him. Because face it. Diddy's always gonna be there, but your own self-made barriers don't have to be. Learn to adapt. Learn to improve. Your method (banning whatever doesn't immediately suit you) does nothing but piss others off. And frankly, I'd rather one person be pissed off than a great many. But even then, you don't need to be pissed off. Just either: A) TRY to improve, or B) Leave the game. At this point it's an ultimatum, because in your current playing conditions it's fun for no one, and newsflash, games should be fun.

Don't be selfish, AP.

Until 1 fights me, observe me and see my reactions afterwards, or see things from my point of view, there is no understanding.

Avoiding Diddy is the only choice I have as I ain't going to be able to beat such a skill-less character with a trick that works on the majority of percent ranges, and takes little effort to be good with.
Game's not fun when you lose all the time, like me recently.

You really should take a video game and posts by random people on the Internet way less seriously than you do. :ohwell:

People are trying to help you and this is how you react? Jeez, just lighten up.

It's just a freaking game. >_> What's the point of playing it if all it brings you is rage and negativity? If you can't have fun playing and start wanting to restrict others and shove your ideas down others' throats, forcing them to bind to your will, don't just play it. The game might not be for you. It's okay, not everyone has to like the same things.

I'm not really great at Smash Bros. either. I'm not bad, but I'm not that good either. I know my limits and play under the circumstances I find the most fun. That works out for me. I don't make a big deal out of losing, as frustrating as it may be sometimes, because in the end that's what it is: a game. A small piece of software for entertainment and for one's own pleasure.

If you don't have fun playing a game and it becomes a chore to you, it's no good at all. Not for you nor for the others.
At least you have a good personality. I'm terrible overall.
I don't tolerate the majority of this generation's jokes (or many jokes in general), easy to set off. I honestly wanted a bit of Brawl back, but I can't play it anymore, at least with people anyways (insert no SD reader here, and avoiding MKs there).

I blame the arrogance of those on the other site for molding me this way...
I'm probably better off just taking creative snapshots....


You should probably look into ways about controlling/weakening your anger.

This isn't just about the whole "ban things that are too difficult" matter, either.

You've taken almost all the advice and suggestions people have been trying to give you the wrong way, and have insulted them for it when it's not even remotely justified.

And all over a video game, for that matter.

I'll admit, I can get pretty frustrated during certain times in games as well. But I never let it get to my head. I usually realize it quickly and regain my senses and coolness afterwards. And if I don't, I realize it well enough to take a break from it for a while to calm down.

Your entire mindset about everything that you've said here today would probably change, as would your anger itself, if you looked into ways about controlling it. Maybe consider some professional help on the matter? And once again, for extra clarification, this isn't about the "banning thing". I'm not trying to say or assume that you are bad at or very new to the game, either. It's because it's clear to me that you can be frustrated very easily by this game, and as well as by what other people say, to the point where you misinterpret it and needlessly insult them over something they didn't say or even imply. I'm sorry if you don't see that, and I'm sorry if I offended you by saying such, but this is not my intention, with it. I've tried to be as nice as possible with this post as I can be, like I have been to you in the past.Like pretty much everyone else here, my intentions with this post, regardless of how you happen see them, are to help you.

And I recall you saying your anger is not something you can manage to control no matter what. As I just said, have you ever considered professional help?

If not even that manages to help keep your cool, then, as a lot of others have been saying, then you would honestly be better off just leaving and forgetting about the game. And at the very least, for quite a while.
I tried for 10+ years. It doesn't work. Regarding advice, some advice I was given some say it in a way where I am treated like a noobish player, others make fun of me, and then there's those that try to add unnecessary humor while doing so, which actually only enrages me.
Now you get me a bit. But I refuse the "professional help" in the real world thing. I have personal reasons for that, which I only tell my true friends. But I can say one of the things I'd likely say to myself, or something like it.

"Everyone has their own set of cogs, gears, and gadgets that make them work. How it makes the individual work is different from another."
Sadly for me, my gears screech often, and steam comes outta the ears a lot, and overheating makes the sound of a boiling teacup. Only few can truly understand, and my past holds some of the keys to why I am like this, which again, I'll only tell very few ppl this portion.

Taking a break doesn't work. There isn't much stuff out there that I do and it gets boring. While I was able to avoid Brawl for some time during MK fest when KIU came out, cue mainstream weapon/sets happening that drove me to Single Player alone. Went back to Brawl before Nintendo killed off the wifi (which was probably for the better). Eventually I come back, and things just get worse, sometimes.

While I understand you are trying to help, I'm too complicated and frustrated to ever be able to change, and I am aware of this. Ranting at least prevents more harm from happening, but even then I'm generally a waste, at least I feel like I am.

Remind to just send tags next time to preserve space.
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Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
For Smash 3DS, I never actually banned anything but the Paper Mario stage, and oly because the Bowser Castle's portion is virtually unplayable. Everything else? No biggie. I'm perfectly fine with removing custom equipment or custom moves too if the other players prefers it. They're fun either way.
Paper Mario is the worst stage of 3DS, only because of that segment. Heck, maybe it's even the worst stage of Smash 4 in general.

Deleted member

On the subject of mobile OS, as long as it has the ability to play music, I'll be fine. That's all I do on my phone anyway. People call me, but I always miss their calls.

Paper Mario is the worst stage of 3DS, only because of that segment. Heck, maybe it's even the worst stage of Smash 4 in general.
I think I like Pac-Land more, if only for the music selection and bizarre perspective.

Deleted member

I actually considered at one point picking up an iPhone, but I settled on the crashy but worky iPod touch 4G. Maybe next time, a wild iPhone 5c would appear out of nowhere. Or anything.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Taiko no Tatsujin
Quick name a japanese song from the top of your head
Shiki no Uta.

I'm guessing Puff beats Falco since you said you hate fighting it.

Yeah, the Mario combo is less common in floaty characters.
Jigglypuff invalidates like half of Falco's entire moveset. The endlag of Up Smash gets punished, Side Smash is too slow even as a punish, Down Smash and Dtilt won't hit Jigglypuff unless it's on the ground for some reason, Fair becomes risky because of its startup, Bair would be nice if Falco could catch up to Jigglypuff, Dair is a no-go unless you know exactly where Jigglypuff will be, Falco Phantasm isn't that useful since it's telegraphed ever so slightly, I don't have to explain why you wouldn't use Fire Bird do I, and Jab combo can be interrupted by Rest, Bair, and anything else in Jigglypuff's arsenal. Grabs aren't exactly easy when Jigglypuff has good mobility and Falco doesn't.

That leaves Nair, Uair, Ftilt, Utilt, Reflector, Dash Attack, and Blaster. Of those moves, only Uair and Utilt reliably kill while Nair can kill if all hits connect which they won't usually. Reflector still remains as a good spacing tool, Blaster can still be used for free damage, and Ftilt is the main way I get damage on Jigglypuff. Dash Attack is also decent for damage and getting Jigglypuff away.

The same goes for Rosalina since she can 0% death juggle him because Falco's air speed is horrible and fast-falling means it's much easier for Rosalina to keep juggling. Palutena can sort of do this, but I believe Palutena doesn't jump as high and falls faster than Rosalina making it a bit more manageable. Personally, I believe that Jigglypuff shuts Falco down while Rosalina comes close since to it, but I rarely fight her, so I can't say entirely. Still, I have never heard of a character in SSB4 being shut down that hard.

At least Little Mac is fast, so fighting Jigglypuff would be like trying to control Jigglypuff on the ground while Jigglypuff tries to control the air. Even Diddy Kong is manageable with Falco. Why? Because Falco hits as hard as Diddy. Watch Keitaro's Falco vs. Diddy and it seems like Diddy does have an advantage, but not a you can't do **** against this matchup. If anything, Falco might be one of Diddy's more even MUs - in terms of Super Diddy Bros. MUs, of course. :p

The other issue is For Glory. Do I need to say anything? Jigglypuffs will usually stay on one end of the stage or float about which is freaking annoying and the whole Final Destination policy makes it difficult since I bet with platforms, this MU would not be as ********* difficult.

Duck Hunt infuriates me because of all those projectiles which is Duck Hunt's game plan, so whatever.
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