I wonder if I behave like a girl at times... >_>
Also, I like like you for you. It's your behaviour that logs me in, gurl dude bro gal.
Kenith is clingier than a tagnut, which is why I've distanced myself from him.
Well, I'm writing a crossover between Nichijou and the Ace Attorney series. But it's mostly scripts that I'm writing, for then creating a manga. Maybe I could go there if I need to translate my stuff ? I don't know, I'll see if I'll join or not. But thanks for the invatation.
The Lounge is Private, so that people can (if they want to) share their material outside of public view. The Lounge is for any writing topic -- grammar, character, narrative, worldbuilding, prose, structure, writing ethics and motivation, advice and tips, strategies for overcoming problems, etc.
The Lounge's activity has been shaky -- though I've just yesterday learned it was because half the people weren't getting alerts, so they forgot they ever joined XD. But as per the Lounge's motto, you get out what you put in. I'm familiar with manga on a novice level, so at the very least, I might be of service (and hopefully others might chime in as well).
So that's that. If ever you want an invite, just tag me (or PM me, or leave a post on my page, etc.). Same goes for everyone else.