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So I always dreamed of this girl I really like...


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
...to notice in the moment of my depression an to respond by,

walking up an asking whats wrong. So to allow me to tell her how I really felt.

Background story, real fast. Met her last year in October. Fell instantly in love(of course not really but extreme infatuation). The more I found out the more I fell. Out of my league in my mind so I put her there.

2 months later, stuff gets hot at a party. Be mindful that when I said shes out of my league that means I didn't try nothin. We weren't drunk, and the opportunity to give her a massage came up. I took it. Led to a make out session, not too long.

After that night, lost my balls. Got paranoid. Stopped trying, letting the days eat at me due to allowing such a burden of regret on my chest.

Well she noticed today that I wasn't at the party(attended a cinco de mayo party last night). I was outside, alone, one house away on the side of the street with a bottle of 151 tequila and a tall boy of corona(or large long neck, bigger then average). I wasn't trashed nor drunk. "Tipsy" is the best description of my state at that time. An remarkably i was depressed out there because of her. Usually gets to me whenever im around her so I take a few moments, 5-10 min to just compose myself. Never cry but to just shake it off.

An she came over to me, sat down next to me, an asked what was wrong. (She liked me back then, but I ruined it through my actions. Its been a while since shes shown any affection till that moment.)

But who knows. She took it in a way I couldn't read but you learn to stop trying to read women. Thats a lost cause. Just react, an react honestly. But when I was getting into how much I liked her, I couldn't help but notice how much she digged it. You shoulda seen her when I said how her giggle an eyes made me feel, yadda yadda...My god.

Yet she remained silent mostly. When I was done, she made a lame joke an apologized for it. The moment was kinda ruined with the arrival of a group of people, not allowing her to respond.

But Im sure, at least to her, I mind gamed the **** outta her. Facebook status for her reads "60% of life= great! 40% = Wtf..."

You know, It kinda bugs me. Actually, it frightens me. Not only did what I always wished for happened. Not only did I actually go through with what I felt needed to be said at that moment, in that exact situation that ive already foreseen/dreamed. The timing of this event. Of all these events.

At least I can move on now if its not meant to be. She knows how I feel. An I can't explain to you how amazing that feels. There are truly no words to describe. But I wonder what does this all mean...really. Life is so beautiful.

Is it really true that everyone you meet is for a reason? My god, just so weird.

Yet just so beautiful.

PS, Of course id love for it all to work out. But In all honesty I know it probably wont happen. But just like I said earlier. What a feeling.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001

Can somebody summarize this topic for me?


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Actually the rule is you can't read the girls you want to be able to read. Otherwise I've done pretty well for myself.

Well written though. Good luck man, I think we all know what it's like to be tortured by someone who doesn't know they're the torturer.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
lol i saw the "so i always dreamed part" and immediately thought:

"to this madison square garden"


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
DC stop being lazy.
aight ian ill read it, but aye at least she knows now. An if anything is weird its because she knows an shes makin it weird cuz as of now I can act normal around her xD. YEs!
Lol that is exactly true. Im **** good at knowing what any other girl is thinkin, signs are apparent, almost obvious. But the ones you would actually love to know how they tick...impossible xD.
Emillio shut up you lil pimp of an animal you... xD. Im a good man at heart brother, thats who I am. I can help you out big time though, major wingman...

Ask raistlin


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2010
NC; get at me.
Pol, im a woman, and i think you sound like a cool guy but imo, just a little(i dont know you at all) maybe you seem like you couldnt really care less if you got a relationship.

just the fact that you said you can read women, said youve ruined it bc your actions, didnt attempt to make the most important move to begin the relationship-rt after game, set tonsil hockey.

you probably couldve scored a great(?) girl...but it's not too late, move on it if you still feelin it. seriously, she's probably still thinking about you and that hot night at that one party.

she seems like she's into you, women, at least me, wont make out with you or let a feel in unless we're interested, or really drunk.

and if someone picks on this MAN for being a MAN, you have done nothing but prove that you cant roll with the big boys, ie this thread-see OP top. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2010
European Alaska
Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
I don't know if you've read Cummings, but from your tone I think you'd like him. Stay sensitive to the world: to understand its pain as beauty is to live fully.

Bless your journey Mike.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
cummings huh? Ill go to the library monday. Ty brother.

MLEsis, ty. AN I hope she is feelin it.

There was a party I attended. It was a good month after the "night". I was sure it was over by then. I came late, an I was met with excitement due to me bringing a blunt. Well, there was these two girls there who ive never met. An one started off real fast, putting pressure on me(she wasnt to pretty). But I had my eye on the other, who was much prettier and had feeling of prominence about her. I liked that. To cut the story short, we were flirting all night. But throughout it, the girl i was mad for was sooo jealous. I could see it, but I took it as she was just being a *****.

Everyone left thinkin me an that girl did something(I wouldnt blame them since It was heading that way an we were making it obvious). But the sad thing is is that when she started to make sexual advances I just couldn't do anything.

Because arianna was there. An she just wouldn't leave my mind.

Im probably going to see her at my friends party this saturday. But Im just going to act normal, an hope for the best. Ive done my part. But Im glad, so glad, ive done something ive never been able to do.

Truly release my feelings. The act of leaving yourself completely vulnerable. Im pretty sure Im still scared of it but like I said I will be alittle braver the next time.

Can a girl still be into a guy like 6 months later?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2010
NC; get at me.
To cut the story short, we were flirting all night. But throughout it, the girl i was mad for was sooo jealous. I could see it, but I took it as she was just being a *****.

Everyone left thinkin me an that girl did something(I wouldnt blame them since It was heading that way an we were making it obvious). But the sad thing is is that when she started to make sexual advances I just couldn't do anything.

Can a girl still be into a guy like 6 months later?
oh god, me giving relationship advice let me call someone in here....no i think i can handle this...toughy

let's see...

you like her a lot,
youre horny,
you party a lot,
am i close so far?

your popular with that other girl for the ONLY fact that (assuming the first) you look good and you had a blunt, it SOOOO TRUE!! SORRY! the blunt was what she's interested in--"ooh, he's a bad boy."

the girl you like knows that that girl got some issues with self esteem, if youre willing to fall for her...daaaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnnnnnnn, puts a damper on how id look at you.

HOWEVER, only in my opinion!!!! you still have a chance.

i like a guy rt now and if he dropped me and found someone else, yeah, id move on, but if he called me back...i think id be there--playing hard to get like a mug, but id be there.

i dont care how turned on she makes you, take of care of business before you leave the house, she'll think that's all you came back for...tease her, if things happen let them, but dont seal the deal yet.

are there any other women in the freakin atl south who looks at threads other than thier own region? im gonna start a thread for advice from all the women of the atl to all the men of the atl...lmao, women with worthwhile advice, thatd be the day. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
it could be a trap. dont worry, i think i lvled up as a man in this past year an in this past month.

Im good with women until i get to liking them then i just become such trash xD. Like they could be hot but not my type an If someone dared me or I just felt like gettin some action I can open an close like a champ.

But when it counts, hopefully now ill be better since I actually did it for the first time.

Everyone is horny but Im a good guy.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
I know what you mean. As men we can't really express our love to them too much in a flattering , or any kind of clingy or disney bull**** romantic love or it pushes them away. You gotta give them rough genuine good mascluine love.

You can love them, but you have to love your life more.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol im so late on this one

i do agree that everyone you meet is for a reason though. You may not know the reason at the time, but theres always a good reason.

I recently started talking to this girl from waaaaaaaay back, and im not sure if shes really my type now, but we're still talking. While taking a shower the reason I met her just freakin blindsided me, and now I feel much better about my decision to keep talking to her :laugh:


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
lol GDX just looked down and realized it was because he was thinking of her that...



Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
DC stop being lazy.
aight ian ill read it, but aye at least she knows now. An if anything is weird its because she knows an shes makin it weird cuz as of now I can act normal around her xD. YEs!
Lol that is exactly true. Im **** good at knowing what any other girl is thinkin, signs are apparent, almost obvious. But the ones you would actually love to know how they tick...impossible xD.
Emillio shut up you lil pimp of an animal you... xD. Im a good man at heart brother, thats who I am. I can help you out big time though, major wingman...

Ask raistlin
ROFL agreed

good luck dude


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
lol GDX just looked down and realized it was because he was thinking of her that...

lol lol ooloool xD oh keith

The more you speak from your heart the easier it is to be true to others an especially yourself.

Thats the secret. The respect to your own self.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
yo dog, basically, what everyones said,

just be a real nicka and no other nicka can get in the way of you nicka

ya feel me dawgz?

-has most girl issues/girls gotten ratio is horrible-
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