Banned via Administration
Dashing is worse, I didn't say it wasn't there.
There is almost always a better option then dashing, watch how Ally uses his dashes, its more or less for tech-chasing from what I have seen.
Also since everything that takes extra time to input is bad (general consensus of every board because Pivot Walking takes 'to long' when its faster then they're walk) shield dropping is a bad answer.
Not saying its not good, but there is better.
There is almost always a better option then dashing, watch how Ally uses his dashes, its more or less for tech-chasing from what I have seen.
Also since everything that takes extra time to input is bad (general consensus of every board because Pivot Walking takes 'to long' when its faster then they're walk) shield dropping is a bad answer.
Not saying its not good, but there is better.