Reporting some stuff I've noticed.
Holy crap is

good. I've thought he was the best character in the game for quite some time even though everyone else says Sheik. Here's why:
-If he lands an interrupted fair, it's a grab
-Absurd, absurd combos. Fair grab as stated, dthrow up smash, up throw up tilt, up throw up air, up air into a lot, pretty much if you land a grab/fair it's 30% or stock if you do it right.
-EDGEGUARDS. If Pika dairs you offstage, half the cast is dead. Nair is really good for quick stuff and Pika can come back from pretty much anywhere.
-Quick Attack. You don't ever have to go in with Quick Attack so you can sit back and get some chip damage. If it hits the opponent must tech or they risk getting jablocked. If you QAC I think you get an up air (I can't QAC) which leads to stuff as mentioned.
-Oh, I forgot, back throw can set up edgeguards from center stage simply due to how it works.

is still himself, don't worry. Up air was nerfed again, but he has nair and up tilt here, he's definitely still high or mid-high tier.

got a lot better. Up tilt has some semblance to what it was in Melee now and combos into a lot, making down throw turnaround up tilt a good option instead of a dead one as it was. I can't jab fsmash and I don't know if you can, but I am pretty sure you can now jab grab. Even if you do miss it, the second hit of Marth's jab is basically a gentleman now (IDK if it was before.)
So yeah, he's basically Marth again.