1) if anyone wanted a smashfest at their house, they would make a topic for it / recommend it in a related topic. Smashfests will come and go eventually. But the time gap there is between these smashfests is way to large, we should have at least one smash get together a week, especially in the summer, if we're really expecting to improve. Granted people have wifi and can practice by themselves, but some people can't. Practicing during tourneys will have you improve, but only practicing once a month (via tourneys) gives pretty small time periods to learn from mistakes. Especially without a system. Like i stated before, i don't mind hyping up smashfests and contacting people about rides to someone's house. But these smashfests are inconsistent. I know for a fact waba will always be there, therefore i have no problem paying five dollars to go there once a week.
2) You noting that people live near waba only makes it that much more viable to have the smashfest at waba. I know that if i was to tell my parents " Hey me and about 20 people want to play smash tonight until 3 am, is that okay?" I will get a hell no. If i was to say "hey two of my friends don't want to drive back to (insert far away place here) because it's so late, can they spend the night and leave in the morning?" That sounds a bit more charitable and I'll probably get a yes. Not everyone's parents are willing to do smashfests at their houses and risk things getting destroyed or dirtied up.
2) You're right, i can't expect them to drive safely, but what makes them have to stay until 3 am? Biglou has left multiple times from smashfests and tourneys to get home safely. You were at Zom~B's smashfest, he did the same thing there. It's called having common sense.