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Smashers' Reunion : Melee Grande - Results & Shoutouts


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2010
Roma, Italy
I really should've come.

**** you guys.



why the **** dutchies never get to Roma!?

best city in the world Miguel&Faab where u at


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2010
Roma, Italy

Paris > Roma..?


c'mon Baxon, we founded your city, deal with it

also, obviously, there's no comparison, it's not even a challenge


Smash Ace
May 1, 2005

ALL WHO BROUGHT SETUPS AND TV's: Thank you very much! This would not be the same without people like you :)

ALL WHO HELPED ME SETTING UP AND CLEANING THE VENUE: You have no idea how much I appreciate your help. I am forever grateful to have people like you in the community.

Generelt veldig bra spilt av alle nordmenn. Dere er best!

Flikkflakk/M0ze: Takk for at du holdt vakt under registreringstiden! Bra spilt i teams med Efen. Hadde det ikke vært for SD den avgjørende matchen, hadde dere vunnet det siste settet deres, men sånt skjer. Det samme skjedde også engang dere spilte mot Øystein og meg for flere år siden :p Uansett tok du nesten ut begge folka med ditt ene gjenværende stock, og det var veldig bra jobba!

Madlobster: Tusen hjertelig takk for all hjelp med bæring, sette opp ting, og rydde! Jeg veit ikke hva jeg skulle ha gjort uten noen som deg der!

Navntøsen: Jeg skjønner ikke hvordan du gjorde det, men props for å ta en match av Adam med Game & Watch. Det er helt sykt! Som alltid heftig å ha deg og den heftige stemningen din med på turneringen!

Askelink: Veldig jevne matcher i pools R1. Bra spilt!

Widl: Det var den beste allergien! Håper den gikk over fort!

Martelol: Tusen hjertelig takk for all hjelp! Utrolig snilt å disponere bil og tid for å frakte utstyr hele den veien! Jeg/vi setter pris på at du alltid er så hjelpsom!

Thomas: Utrolig bra spilt i teams og singles! Tror du kunne plassert enda bedre i singles enn du gjorde, men det fikser du neste gang!

Kami: Veldig bra Falco, og veldig close sett! Synd du ikke gikk ut av andre runde pools, men som du sikkert vet, er andre runde pools alltid et helvete!

TheBose: Bra spilt! Spesielt imponert over dine teams-prestasjoner! :)

Masamune: Utrolig moro å se deg igjen etter så lang tid. Skulle ønske å se deg prøve deg i singles også, men får nøye meg med å ha sett deg prestere i teams. Dere presterte begge veldig bra!

DJ Black: Bra spilt i teams og singles! Jeg vet vi kunne kommet en del lenger, men vi hadde gode motstandere!

Potato Chips: Du er mer enn god nok til å kunne komme ut av runde 2 pools, men du hadde også en veldig vanskelig pool! Sånt skjer, men jeg er helt sikker på at du vil klare det fint neste gang. Du er tross alt en veldig dyktig spiller!

Stavanger-gutta: Utrolig kult å se nye ansikter som kommer langveisfra! Håper dere hadde det moro, og at vi får se dere igjen!

Jeg nekter å skrive shoutouts til svensker på engelsk. For dere som sliter med skriftlig norsk: bruk google translate ;D

Leffen: Veldig bra spilt i teams og singles. Virker også som du har blitt bedre på å forstå norsk, pluss litt flinkere til å ikke snakke engelsk til meg ;)

Lolex: Takk for at du disponerte bilen din til å kjøre UK-boysa!

Smasher89: Jeg aner ikke hva som skjedde i pools, men jeg vet at du er god nok til å kunne klare deg ut av pools R2. Neste gang!

ajp_anton: Skulle gjerne sett deg delta i turneringen, men jeg forstår at du ikke kunne av økonomiske årsaker. Utrolig fine bilder fra turen din rundt i Norge. Er det mulighet for at du laster dem opp på serveren din?

Nedech: Den beste DK-en! Utrolig at du slo ut Over i pools, og fikk 1.seed! Hadde du ikke hatt en så stor svakhet mot Falcoer, tror jeg du kunne ha kommet lenger enn du gjorde i bracketen ;)

Calle W: Ãkta CW! Kult at du tok turen til utlandet for å delta i en turnering igjen! Veldig bra spilt!

Armada: Gratulerer med seieren i singles og teams. Du og Ice spiller veldig samstemte, som om dere skulle ha teamet siden starten. Dere er begge veldig godt team-orienterte spillere. Grand Finals var maks hype!

VJ: Jeg var veldig opptatt hele tiden, men fikk høre fra Madlobster at du var veldig hjelpsom under ryddinga, og det setter jeg veldig pris på! Som alltid utrolig kult å se deg på treff!

Dev: Veldig bra spilt! Alltid kult å se deg på treff, men litt downer at du ikke møtte meg i turneringen denne gangen :( Er det første gang? :p

Android: Jeg aner ikke hva som skjedde, men du er definitivt bra nok til å komme ut av R2 pools. Det var dog mange gode spillere på turneringen, så forstår at det var vanskelig.

Rocky: Endelig fikk du revansjen du ville ha! :p Veldig god CF! Jeg tror ikke jeg kunne ha gitt deg stort bedre motstand, for å være helt ærlig. Takk for all hjelp med å sette opp ting også, btw!

Humpe: Jeg aner ikke hva du gjorde andre runde pools, men du var da mer enn god nok til å komme ut av R2 pools! Uansett veldig bra spilt i singles og teams, til tross for litt små-choking i R2 pools :p

Jack: Utrolig kult at du tok med så mange smash-spill og Wiis! Bra at vi har folk som deg som bidrar så mye!

Dual: Old school!

Ek: Utrolig bra spilt i Teams og Singles! Veldig kult at du tok turen til Norge. Du er fortsatt blant de beste spillerne i Europa, så fortsett å spille! Om du legge deg i hardtrening igjen, vil du muligens være topp 4 i Europa i løpet av kort tid. Det er jeg sikker på!

Akke: Utrolig bra spilt! Kult å ha flere old-school-spillere som presterer!

ROFLCOPTER: Tror du kunne gjort det bedre i bracketen, om jeg skal basere deg på hvordan du presterte i pools, men du spilte fortsatt veldig bra!

MikeHaggar / Kagg: Du er en dyktig kommentator, spesielt når du er mer seriøs enn useriøs. Jeg vet du ikke mener noe vondt med det, men noen av de tingene du sa om noen spillere på streamen var alt for drøyt, og jeg kan ikke si jeg er noen stor fan av det. Trolling er en ting, men noe gikk litt over grensen. Du har dog egenskapene du trenger til å være en god kommentator, så bruk dem! Vil også si du er en veldig hyggelig kar, og det er alltid kult å prate med deg :)

Finland might be my favourite smash country as we speak! Not only do you have awesome players, but you are all very helpful and really nice!
Of all the players that helped me out, the finns were the ones who offered the most help in general! Thank you for all the stuff you brought, and the job you did!
This tournament would definitely not have been the same without you!

Paju: GREAT Peach! I really enjoyed our set! You have great potential, and I expect to see you as a top player in a few years. Finally we have another professional Peach in Europe! Also you got a very solid team with NamiNami. I was hyped to death when I saw your set against Fuzzy + Jolteon!

NamiNami: Fantastic Falco! Extremely well played in singles and teams! The new age of Finland ***** the European smash scene!
Novi: You are a very nice guy with an awesome camera! Was very nice to meet you, and I hope to see you again sometime soon! Thank you for all your help! I hope you enjoyed the mountain trip, though I was very disappointed that there were so much mist that day. You'd love to see what it looks like on the top without mist!

Saska: A very nice guy! Thanks for all help! Hope you enjoyed your mountain trip :)

VilNess: Thank you very much for all your driving and all your help! A lot of things went through my mind during this tournament, but if I remember correctly you asked me for a Money Match. I didn't have time to do a single friendly against anyone this tournament, but if I'm not hosting the next tournament I see you, I'll definitely do the MM with you :) Also, if you are planning that trip to Norway in the future, you are more than welcome to stay at my place for a few days! You are a very nice guy, hope to see you again soon!

United Kingdom
Kingdom of Awesome! This tournament wouldn't be the same without your streaming setup with commentating and the commentators!

Alpha Dash: A nice guy with a couple of kick-*** Ice Climbers! Thank you very much for all your help and awesome commentating.

Fuzzyness: Very well played in Singles and Teams! I cannot thank you enough for bringing your streaming/commentating setup! I'm sorry that you got screwed over by the train, but the time tables of NSB (the norwegian train company) online said THAT train was going, so I was stupid enough to believe it!

Jolteon: Very well played!

Deathgazer: Thank you for all your help! You are also a very good player!

Ddiz: You are a very awesome guy to hang out with! Thank you very much for all your help and support!

Eagle: I don't care what you think about "this and that". The fact is that I've never played a Samus as good as yours, and I played a lot of Samus players in the olden days! I'm glad to see players that choose to play a little bit "different" characters can play as well as you did. While you always can get better as a player skill-wise, I think you should work on handling a defeat. Needless to say: You were a nair away from winning our set, so well played! :)

King Funk + Navn: Well played in teams!

Ice: Was very nice to house you! Thanks for not burning down my parents house! Very entertaining to watch your Singles and Teams matches. You and Armada really got something there. You play like you've been teaming since the game came out, while you in fact teamed for the second(?) time. Btw, shoutout from my mom to you for helping her out in the kitchen!

Jon_a$$: Very skilled Fox indeed! I enjoyed our sets in Pools!

Flyfunner: Will always remember you as the guy with the awesome PAL HRC scores :p Cool to finally see you attend a tournament!

°UCK: Nice to see you again, man! Hope you enjoyed my tournament! :)

ProsmasherTim: ****ing ProsmasherTim, the guy everyone knows for his technical Fox, picks Zelda to **** with :( Was ****ing scared to death, but glad I didn't lose that match. Your Zelda is great, it's just that no one wants to lose to a Zelda nonetheless! :p WELL PLAYED!

Däumling: Those Ice Climbers! Sadly I didn't have the pleasure to see any of your matches, but I heard the tales!

The NetherlandsI would expect more of you to show up, but you all did an awesome job nonetheless!

Adam: Very glad to see you pick up your Sheik again! Your Sheik is definitely one of my favourite Sheiks, so I think you should stay with her. Needless to say you also got an awesome Falco! Thank you for all compliments, they are very appreciated! Also, well played in teams!

Zgetto: Still the same good old Zgetto! Well played in singles and teams, but it will still remain a mystery why you picked Marth that last match against Ice. Would love to know why :)

Jeffz0r: Thank you very much for the driving and all your help! Greatly appreciated!

I love you all!

Slhoka: Thanks for letting me have a space at your hotel room! I also have to thank you for all your help during the tournament!

Joanna Dark: It sucks so hard that you couldn't come due to worn out ID!

porc: Great to see you again, man! Thank you for your help, and well played!

Willy: I'm sorry that i couldn't play friendlies with you during the tournament, but I didn't have time to play a single friendly during the tournament, sadly :( Anyways: Good to see you again after all these years!

Baxon: The same good old nice Baxon as always! Thanks for being so helpful, and well played! That set against Dr.PP was mad hype. Would love to see the Americans' faces if you had won, especially considering how upset they were because you did so well :)

Doraki: Your Fox has improved a lot since last time we played! Keep it up!

4ever: You got a good Doc :)

Aldwyn: Awesome that you were able to attend in the end! I admire your moral as a player and a person, but sometimes the organizers have to do what they think is the most fair thing to do, regardless of what the other players think (you know what I'm talking about). Anyways: You played very well, like always! Hope to see you in future European tourneys! Porco dio!

Dax: Well played in teams, and good to see you again!

I8FATGIRLS: A.k.a Alain! Cool to see you again! You got a good Falco!

dr peepee: Too much to say, so I'll try to keep it as short as possible. First of all it was fun to finally have a top American coming over to Europe. Was fun hanging out with you, and I'll never forget those nights where we never got to sleep because we couldn't stop talking sh|t. You are a funny guy to hang out with and talk to. Also fun to play smash with ; especially in Carlos-dittos! I know that mountain trip partly killed you, but I hope you enjoyed Norway as a whole :p Your sets in the tournament was very entertaining. You could as well be the one winning this tournament, but this time you didn't. Maybe next time! Hope you come back to Europe some time in the future, cuz I don't really expect any other top Americans to do it!

Eclipsing Binary: Awesome guy with an awesome camera! Was very nice talking to you! Hope you had a good time!

Over Triforce: Thank you for all help! Well played in teams and singles! Hope to see you again soon!


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
Yhea I went to far with some stuff, I admit that. I should focus less on entertaining the stream and more on actually being a good commentator. Next time I will make sure there is only trash talk between the matches, and not during, so we get the best of both worlds. Hope it's ok if I do it between matches since it won't be on YT and I won't bother the players while they play.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
that feel when melee players use popularity to make a point
brawl, anyone?


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2006
Oh yeah, you laughing? Take a look at this, mo'fo'
Numbers speak by themselves.


We're first and you're like 5th...

EDIT : LOL @ Slhoka, 8th...;)[/QUOTE]Some of the most awesome places I've been to are completely unknown with no tourists whatsoever. That a place is known and visited by tourists says nothing.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2010
Roma, Italy
^what AJP said..

That chart doesn't say anything O_o'

Also, Italy is just cool in Roma, Venezia, and some cool sea-places.. other than that is not that big of a deal..

there is obviously some stuff to see everywhere in Italy, but if you can get to Roma, we got more than whole Italy put together.. (actually we got more than whatever on Earth, but, hey whatever)

Venezia is good 'cause is really peculiar in its way, so I guess someone has to go there sometime..

Paris just stays there, with a giant metal-tower with no sense, and stuff stolen/copied all over the world (mostly from Italy)........

and there is Baxon too! so it can't be a good place!!! :p


Smash Rookie
Jun 9, 2010
gbg, sweden
Shoutout to ppl I played against :) And shoutout to a random norwegian old guy who started talking to me on the street. He lived at the place and didn't like swedes.

Nice tournament also.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2006
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