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SmashBoards Roster Creation Contest: Round 17: Swampasaur vs. Guybrush20X6

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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC

Only three more spots people!

Let's do this!


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I updated mine with some reasons.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I decided to join.

(forgive it if it looks a little unorganized. Hope the image shows up right too)

(Isaac will take Ridley's place if he turns out as a hazard)
Reasons for newcomers and some keeps-

I believe they would be more likely to give at least one rep to DK and Ridley for Metroid, given the potential of these characters (K. Rool, Dixie, and Ridley) and these series has been rather underrepped. Palutena was chosen, she seems like a wanted character with good potential, and Kid Icarus could use some more attention as well.

Kamek, now I'm not so sure of him, but I added him nevertheless, being a character who has potential as a magic user, probably would do a better job of a magic based character than Zelda did. (speaking of which, I chose her SS design as I believe they will do a similar style for Zelda as they did with Link, sort of a mix of TP and SS designs. Toon Link was kept because of Wind Waker HD coming out this year, and as Sakurai said he wanted to keep a second, younger Link, Toon Link is by far the best choice for that.

I didn't add any FE reps or remove any from Brawl, because I'm not very familiar with that series. The Ice Climbers were kept for being unique, Jigglypuff was kept as she could have potential for a new moveset, and Mewtwo, being the first Pokemon to have it's mega form announced, as well as it's popularity, has returned with it's new Mega form, and Lucario was cut, Pokemon Trainer being kept for the first three Pokemon starters remaining with him, same evolutions. R.O.B. was kept for his unique moveset, as well as being a big part of Nintendo's history, saving them during the North American Video Game Crash of 1983, and has appeared in several other Nintendo games in a either a small role, or a playable role. Mr. Game & Watch has no reason to go either, his moveset is unique and his removal would kill a franchise added to Smash.

Krystal I believe is a fairly popular character, though as I'm not familiar with Starfox much, that's all I can really say along with having some potential. Each Starfox character has at least 2 similar moves to one and other, Krystal could be rather different from all of them. Sonic was certainly kept, what with Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series, and Sega working with Nintendo often now, there is no reason to cut Sonic. I actually meant to keep Snake, but I forgot to add him. Little Mac's franchise came into play with the Punch Out! Wii game, increasing his chances and upgrading him to playable after being an Assist Trophy. He actually has some good potential for a fighting type character.

I don't even remotely expect to win this one, but why not try anyway?


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
I'm going to enjoy this, just remember: let's all be fair sports and not gloat!

I'm going to kick all of your butts anyway :troll:



Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2008
Playstation All-Stars Roster.png

This looks like fun so I think I'll put mine in too, if there's still room. I'm gonna write a bit of an essay about the changes I've made to hopefully explain the choices I've made and make it more interesting :O. I've cut quite a lot of characters because I'd like the new smash to be a stand-alone game and not as little of a re-hash of brawl as possible. There are 24 starters, 16 unlockables and 4 DLC characters. The confirmed starters have green borders, other starters have blue, unlockables have red and the DLC characters have yellow. I know that if they do cut alot of characters then people are going to be upset but I feel like the size of the roster might be limited due to the 3DS version (hence why only 44) and I also feel the need for a fair few newcomers. The characters I cut were Shiek, Wolf, Lucas, Ike, Lucario, Kanto PKMN trainer, Toon link, Ice climbers and ROB.
ROB, I feel like many was not really necassary in brawl and takes up a character slot for somebody else
Sakurai has said that he was having trouble putting in the ICs due to 3ds limitations and for me although it is important to have retro characters and as cool as they were in the previous SSB installments, the Ice Climber game is not very significant to nintendo's history and as such they're characters which can be demoted to assist trophies.
I think it best not to have to many clone characters and toon link would fall under that category, sure he represents a part of the zelda franchise which the other characters don't but IMO he doesn't add too much to the game in terms of moveset which other zelda characters could and what he does add can be accomplished through new stages. I also saw that toon link was shown as a NPC in the spirit tracks stage and therefore think it unlikely he'll be playable also. Just buff Link up instead.
Kanto Pokemon Trainer was one of my favourite newcomers of brawl but I feel like pokemon is such a vast franchise with so many possible characters and as I already have 3 generation 1 characters, pokemon trainer was the least necassary of them and I removed him to give space for a newer generation of characters.
Lucario was a cool character for brawl but he represented the newest generation back then and the novelty of him has slightly worn off for me, I also feel that his representation in brawl, as cool as it was, was in no way accurate to the games, I don't see why he got stronger as he got more damage and there was nothing which showed his steel type and I didn't understand why he could talk either. Not that I disliked him as a character at all but I think Zoroark should be given the opportunity as he is from a newer generation and would be less similar to mewtwo anyway.
Ike represented 2 FE games which I don't think are as good as the newest installment FE awakening, I considered adding him as a third representative but was not really too sure that FE was a big enough series to merit 3 characters and also didn't like the idea of having 3 blue haired protagonists all being in the same game because of the lack of variety. I do think Ike was a unique character who it is a shame to drop however I can see or at least hope to see Ganondorf taking up the role of the heavy-hitting swordman with a revamped moveset which is more accurate to the LoZ games he is in.
Lucas was the representant of one game which I don't believe is very significant for Nintendo and I don't feel like Earthbound deserves two characters especially if trying to limit the size of the roster.
Star fox IMO is not such a huge series anymore and Wolf being arguably a clone character is not as significant as the other 2 representatives so if one had to go, it was Wolf. However I do think that Falco's moveset should be changed to be somewhat more like wolf's to make him more distinctive from Fox.
I think Shiek is awesome but she's (he?) not really relevant to the series atm and I see no reason why SS zelda would transform into shiek as that would be silly. The reason shiek was put in brawl as TP Zelda's transformation was because the team were already too far in development to drop her.

Ok, so I've explained why I dropped the characters I did and you'll also notice that Mewtwo is the only character returning from melee, I didn't include the others because Roy is from one FE game a long time ago, plus he's a clone, Young Link hasn't been in Zelda since Majora's mask which was like a decade ago (unless you include OoT 3d but that's a remake and is already being represented by a stage) plus he's a clone. Pichu and Doc Mario are not very significant to nintendo IMO and are also, you guessed it, clones so none of them have returned to my roster. Mewtwo, however, does return. He's one of the fan-favourites to be playable again, he was a very unique character and there is also the issue of his new mega-evolution which makes him a significant pokemon to the series even today. I would like him however to have some of his specials altered from the melee days because some were just not useful to be frank.

Now lets get to the newcomers; the characters I have added who have not already been confirmed are Paper Mario, King K Rool, Ghirahim, Palutena, Kalos Trainer, Ridley, Shulk, Little Mac, Takamaru and the DLC characters Zoroark, Isaac and Lloyd.
Firstly Paper Mario represents it's own separate successful franchise and could make for a pretty interesting character. TTYD is one of my favourite games and I would love this too happen, I preferred him over other mario characters like toad and bowser jr. because I feel like paper mario will add the most to smash bros in terms of what he represents.
King K Rool is my 3rd DK character which is IMO a franchise large enough to have 3 representatives. He is quite a fan-favourite and I prefer him to dixie kong because I think he'll be more unique as dixie'd be quite similar to diddy.
Now Ghirahim is the character that I really really really want to be in so so so badly more than any other Dx. He was a really eccentric villain who really spiced up skyward sword and he was very significant to the plot of that game. His moveset also will be pretty easy for the smash team to create seen as he uses all the moves you need to make a moveset in the various times you battle him. The argument that he is a character who will not return to the Zelda franchise is fair but other characters like Lucas and Roy were the same and were still represented and with the Zelda franchise needing a newcomer (who is not a Link clone please D=<), ghirahim would be the most unique fabulous one. It's true too that, zant and midna both weren't included in brawl but ghirahim was more significant to SS than Zant was to TP imo and ghirahim is also quite the fan-favourite to be added too. Please just put him in Sakurai D= *begs*.
Kid Icarus may well get a newcomer, given the newest game is Sakurai's own game and if there will be a new character then Palutena may well be the one given that she is also a female which will add to the roster in that aspect.
Chrom is a definite imo given the success of his latest game, for me it's a question of when he'll appear rather than if and I would be pretty disappointed in Sakurai if he wasn't in.
Now Kalos Trainer is one I wasn't too sure about but I think there'll be a representative from pokemons X and Y and atm before the games are released, he is the most obvious. If he were included I would have the female trainer as an alternate skin.
Metroid needs a new representative for sure and Ridley would be the best choice, size doesn't matter so much, just scale him down like Olimar is scaled up but he can still be a heavy character like charizard was.
Shulk and Little Mac are two characters who represent their own franchises and deserve to be in.
Takamaru is a retro character and I'm positive that there will be some new retro character to be added and he seems likely from what I've seen.

Then there's the DLC characters, I wasn't too sure whether to include them or not but I think since Sakurai isn't going to be giving us a subspace emissary, he should concentrate on making smash bros a truely epic online experience which brawl sadly failed at. I think putting in fDLC characters would be one way to add to the online features, instead of just making them downloadable, I would make them downloadable only when certain online achievements have been acquired which would encourage more and more people to take advantage of what I hope will be a great online game for both wii u and 3ds. Sure people who don't have online unfortunately will not be able to get these characters which is why I limited it to just 4 characters who will be unlocked this way.

Zoroark represents generation 5 pokemon which hasn't been represented in Smash bros yet and plus pokemon probably deserves 5 characters given it's success and Zoroark is a reasonably popular and interesting rep so can be a replacement for lucario.
Isaac represents his own franchise and would be a cool addition to the roster.
Lloyd is significant to Namco, who are helping in the development of the newest game, is a pretty great character in smash flash and would just be a cool character to have. He trumps Pacman IMO because all pacman does is eat and turn blue (No offense to any Pacman fanboys out there) and would not be a very interesting character as far as I'm concerned even if he's more popular. Sure pacman could have a moveset almost entirely made up for the new smash but I don't feel that would be true to the Pacman games and if they did that they would end up creating an almost entirely different character who wouldn't add much to the game. Just my opinion but I understand why people would want pacman instead.

So there you have it, that's my roster =3. I know that was a long read so cheers if you did read all of it. I'm not expecting to win the competition by any means given all the cuts I did but this definitely was pretty fun to join in with :O.

Edit: Just to clear it up, I have not dropped ZSS but she remains as the 3rd metroid rep and would be picked in the same way she was in brawl. I would also assign random to the press of a button on the controller as opposed to a whole character slot.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2013
Here is my entry.

There are 49 characters in total
35 of said characters are veteran fighters, 14 are newcomers

Paper Mario would be a very unique character. He would have a clever partner gimmick and a Mr. Game & Watch-esque art style. Paper Mario would be representing an entirely new series of his own.
Dixie Kong seems like the next most likely Donkey Kong representative. Dixie Kong would be basically a luigified Diddy Kong clone.
Ghirahim is representing Skyward Sword. He is an insanely popular character and would fit into Smash Bros like a glove. He would be a lightweight villain who I envision as a Zelda/Marth combo.
Dark Samus is a secondary Metroid representative (I'm not a fan of Ridley). Don't let the name fool you, Dark Samus would be vastly different than ordinary Samus.
Waddle Dee is a good choice for a fourth and final Kirby rep. Kirby is already pretty well represented but I feel like Waddle Dee would finish off the series nicely. Wielding a spear, a parasol and his signature Bandana, Waddle Dee would be a charming and unique addition to the roster.
Villager is obviously in.
Wii Fit Trainer is obviously in.
Chrom is the natural choice for an Ike replacement.
Palutena is a definite shoe-in character for me. With the success of Kid Icarus Uprising, a second rep is almost guarenteed, and Palutena fits the bill perfectly. Another female and magic-user.
Little Mac is a new retro character, from Punch-out. He is a very popular suggestion and a natural fit into the roster.
Isaac is representing a new series, Goldensun. I put him in for his popularity and for the sake of representing new series'.
Shulk is representing another new series, Xenoblade, for the same reasons as Isaac.
Mega Man is obviously in.
Pac-man seems like a logical choice for a third party character. He is legendary - one of the most recognizable video game characters ever. Of course he should be in.


EDIT: Added Toon Link.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
And with that, we are filled up!



Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
So, when d'ya think that the bracket will be completed, Swampasaur? Can I call you Swampy?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
So, when d'ya think that the bracket will be completed, Swampasaur? Can I call you Swampy?
I'd prefer Swamp, but Swampy is fine...

Not sure.

Peachy is in charge of that. We'll have to wait for him.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I'd prefer Swamp, but Swampy is fine...

I'll just call you Old Man Swamp!​
...inb4 no one gets it because it's an advanced generation anime joke and everyone quit watching aftergold and silver anime ended

Anyway, I'm amped. I have a feeling that this contest will be one for the record books!

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'll just call you Old Man Swamp!​
...inb4 no one gets it because it's an advanced generation anime joke and everyone quitwatching aftergold and silver anime ended
If I didn't have a gimmick for my avatars, I would change it to that.



Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I will personally use the counterarguements of the Pac-Man support thread to combat any and all rosters that do not include him. This should be fun >:D


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007

Here's my roster with some specific details. Hope you guys like it!

Numbers and character list:

46 selectable characters, 50 total characters counting transformations.
27 Starting characters, 19 unlockable characters.
35 veterans, 11 newcomers.

Cut veterans: Lucario, Snake
Unlockable veterans: Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Marth, Roy, Mr. Game & Watch, Falco, Wolf, R.O.B., Sonic

Starting newcomers: Little Mac, Saki, Lucina, Palutena, Wii Fit Trainer, Villager
Unlockable newcomers: Toad, Dixie Kong, Takamaru, Black Shadow, Mega Man

Overall explanations:

This roster balances obvious newcomers, surprising additions, and veterans. Since the roster won't see a big increase, I believe the cuts will be on less newcomers rather than less veterans or characters overall. I get this idea from Sakurai's interview on stressful character selection: "if that character is removed from the game, the people who live for that character in Smash Bros. are going to have their feelings hurt."

This roster has 11 newcomers, less than Melee but understandable considering the number of veterans. Along with the 3 confirmed newcomers, the safe guesses are Little Mac, Dixie Kong, and Palutena; the surprising ones Saki, Takamaru, and Black Shadow. Lucina and Toad are somewhere inbetween.
As a rule of thumb I put new franchises as starting characters and the franchise additions as newcomers; Lucina and Takamaru and Mega Man don't follow this pattern; returning franchise rep, japan-exclusive retro, and third party respectively.

Only two characters from Brawl were cut: Lucario and Snake. Lucario is because the Pokemon franchise would likely not have 7 fighters, and it wouldn't be in the Pokemon Company's best interest to push non 1st/6th gen Lucario in this Smash game: The focus is always on the 1st or most recent generation. For Snake, it's all on company relations, which I'm betting isn't focused on Smash Bros.. Third parties are considered guest characters in Sakurai's eyes, which can be led to conclude Snake (or even Sonic) does not have any priority as a veteran. It's not that I don't want Snake, but if there were any other cuts I would have to bet on Snake.

And of course, Roy and Mewtwo return from Melee. Mewtwo never lost his popularity and only gained more with the last movie, mega form, and Pokemon Origins. Roy's popularity is somewhat silent, but still adds a unique quality to the roster and is still the mascot of the first worldwide Fire Emblem game. Also, Roy being the reason either Fire Emblem character is in Melee (true story) as well as Lyn's assist trophy in Brawl without Roy can be further evidence of Roy's eventual return.
(Not to mention the hidden files we found in Brawl!)

Character/Roster-specific details:

- Mario franchise: The Mario characters are the main reoccurring characters, so Toad would be a logical choice, (above Bowser Jr. in my opinion, Jr. being 20 years newer) especially given the recent Mario games. There's still some doubt due to Peach's Toad, but I'm not changing my roster because of it no more than Ridley or Toon Link fans would. Sorry Jr., Paper Mario, Geno, and Doc.
- Zelda franchise: None of the Zelda characters have been one-shot characters, asides from Sheik who is Zelda who is not one-shot. Sorry Ghirahim.
- Pokemon franchise: I don't think the Pokemon franchise would be permitted to have 7 movesets for this roster-tight game; and frankly, Smash seems to only keep 1st generation Pokemon. Sorry Lucario.
- Donkey Kong franchise: It's King K. Rool vs. Dixie Kong: K. Rool isn't in recent games, Dixie is. Throw in those hidden Brawl files for Dixie Kong, she seems like the clear winner. Sorry K. Rool.
- Kirby franchise: Bandana Dee isn't a really established character in the franchise. Sorry Bandana Dee.
- Metroid franchise: Ridley is just... TOO BIG... of a bet for me to take. According to Sakurai in the Melee era, he would be the largest character and really slow for a fighter. In Brawl, he kept his normal size as a boss. Shrinking down to fighter size would be a complete 180, unless Sakurai found a new creative direction for him. Very sorry, Ridley.
- Star Fox franchise: Like it or not, clone characters are added because it's easier, and that's why we get more characters every time. I doubt that structure will change, especially compared against cutting veterans and adding newcomers. Sorry Krystal.
- Fire Emblem franchise: Similar to the above, except Ike is still VERY popular especially in Japan, and has a unique moveset that's still close to home. Sorry Miciah, Anna, Robin, etc.

- Saki: I consider his inclusion a biased one on Sakurai's part, as he is an admitted fan of this series, and in the Brawl Dojo noted how well he adds to the Smash atmosphere, something Sakurai expresses interest in. This would also be the ongoing franchise to gain popularity from Smash.
- Black Shadow: This is the most surprising addition in my opinion. Just like Bowser's changes, I expect Ganondorf to enter semi-clone status like Ike, with Black Shadow inheriting a cloned moveset identical to Ganondorf. This was the original plan for Melee, (Black Shadow instead of Ganondorf) so this is not such a surprise after all; it's as if Ganondorf will be the newcomer and Black Shadow is the veteran. It would also test F-zero's modern popularity, something Nintendo would definitely watch closely.
- Takamaru: The obvious choice for japan-exclusive, as well as the obvious retro addition to the roster. With his popularity in recent Nintendoland and ongoing cameos, he's following in the same footsteps as R.O.B..
- Lucina: As Smash development began long before the release of Fire Emblem Awakening (and Lucina's popularity) I would not be surprised if Intelligent Systems (the company making Fire Emblem) chose Chrom or no newcomer at all. However, recent popularity and possibly due to being the poster character in disguise, I place my money on her.
- Palutena: One of the most wanted characters for a reason, she has unique potential that Sakurai is looking to bring, and has a recent successful game to boot. Not to mention it was by Sakurai, whom's bias always affects character selection.

EDIT: Whoops. I forgot to indicate that Zero Suit Samus is included, I forgot that the roster maker didn't put her in the new Samus picture. She's in the roster, counted under the 4 transformation characters.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Our rosters are very similar, Mr. God Robert's Cousin. If they are pitted head to head... well, it will be a match to remember.
Indeed. It will be a matter of who reaches greater popularity: Your newcomers or my veterans. I look forward to our match-up, should we ever get to one.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Kind of off-topic:

Youngsora1, you are equal comeptiton, and I shall give you respect. You have the upper hand in presentation and number, yet I have a more typical cast and less third parties. May we have an honorable yet interesting battle. May the best roster win. :)


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Also, two questions:

A. Will we get points if a character is revealed and it's on our roster?
B. Will voters state reasons why they voted for or against a certain roster?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Question. Will the entrants be allowed to vote, or would that be a no-no?
Not on their own rosters but yeah.

Also, two questions:

A. Will we get points if a character is revealed and it's on our roster?
B. Will voters state reasons why they voted for or against a certain roster?
A. No, but you can change it if you want. We will allow confirmed/deconfirmed characters to be editted on.
B. Sure.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
So do we vote here by stating who we vote for?

Furthermore, will only rosters be featured in the official match post from one of the hosts, or will textual support for choices be there as well? I'd like to know whether justifying my roster will help those decide without looking at my original post or not. If so, it'd be of good note to remind participants that explaining their choices will be a factor when pitted against their opponents.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
So do we vote here by stating who we vote for?

Furthermore, will only rosters be featured in the official match post from one of the hosts, or will textual support for choices be there as well? I'd like to know whether justifying my roster will help those decide without looking at my original post or not. If so, it'd be of good note to remind participants that explaining their choices will be a factor when pitted against their opponents.
Swap has the OP, so he'll decide if you place your votes here or if he's making a poll in the OP for you guys to vote on, although explaining your vote is welcome regardless of the method.

We'll just be posting the roster pictures. You are free to post your explanations again once the round has started. If you want to win, it'd be a good idea to put the effort in :p.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Sorry guys.

Things are a little busy. I'll post it soon.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Okay people!

Here is the current bracket!


The first round is...

Swampasaur vs monkeyfrenzy!

Please vote for which one you think has the better roster in the poll in the OP!

For reference, this is Monkey's roster.

And this is mine.
Smash 4 Roster.jpg

Start voting people!


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Both are similar in many ways. Despite the lack of Chrom I'm gonna vote Swampasaur here, Rayman really kills Money's roster for me, and I'm not a believer of Tetra either.

Pretty excited to face off against AngelGlory, it'll be Ridley vs LandRidley.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Descriptions play as much of a role as you want them to have.

If you want to see them, go back and look for them. It's not gonna kill you. If the contestant wants to share them again, they can post them again.

It's not like the past two pages don't exist anymore.

Voted for Swampasaur because, although I feel like there will be cuts, I don't think Ike and Snake are the ones getting cut. Plus I don't think Rayman is legendary for third party status in Smash. Also Roy is back whoo.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I graded on a point system for this one. So I'll probably grade on a point system for the other ones. Having no cuts/cuts is a pretty big deal for me. As long as you cut any of the possibly at risk characters rather than non-risk characters, that's a positive. The Rayman thing is a big thing but not disqualifying. I also give extra points for picking risky characters with plausibility rather than safe characters. But negative points for picking implausible characters. This is all subjective so that's why I came up with the points system.

Gave my vote to moneyfrenzy, but the similarity of the rosters made them really close.

I forgot the read the descriptions, but next time I'll read them.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
I'm feeling bad because I already changed my roster literally seconds after I sent it to Swampy. asdf

The deal breaker for me this round was no Snake.

lo siento moneyfrenzy


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
Third parties and Fire Emblem are really the major differences here. Even then, tough match.

I like that Money takes more risks by cutting some characters (Snake) in favor of others (Pac-Man) but then when you consider Ray Man is also in there, my too-many-third-party-characters alarm starts ringing. One thing is dropping Snake, but doing so in favor of Ray Man is a bit more ambitious.
My second issue is that Chrom is in there replacing Ike.

Swampy's roster seems very solid, but I'm going to take issue with how safe it is (because FUN, guys, unexpected can be fun.) I understand people here like no cuts, but they very well could happen and as long as they're reasonable they shouldn't deduct. What is counting against me liking no cuts in this roster is the fact that it leads to choices that while other people may like, to me just lead to very safe, uninteresting situations.
For example, no new Fire Emblem rep and Roy. Who is really the only kind of newcomer you have that Money doesn't.
And why is the Mii slot sitting there awkwardly in the middle? That kind of clashed.

Ultimately, I'll give the vote to money because it has better organization and is not afraid of making cuts, EVEN THOUGH I personally think some of those cuts were made for questionable reasons (like cutting Ike for Chrom and Snake for Ray Man)
There's not much wrong with Swampy's, but it's too safe for me.

Again, keep in mind though, this was a very tough choice and I only was able to side with one of you guys after writing out my thoughts.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Just gonna say this because it's important.

Please don't vote for yourself.

It may seem like I shouldn't have to say that, but I feel that that may become an issue later on.
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