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Smashboards Creates - Konami vs Capcom: Concerto of Champions

Should our game be 3v3 or 2v2? Or something else?

  • 3v3

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • 2v2

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • screw it, we’re making this a 4v4 i guess

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Impact, Goemon's mecha as a stage
Ahem, I'm sorry to say this, but...

Since we’ve added four new franchises to our roster since our last stage job and it’s been a while, I feel like I should give a quick rundown of what isn’t eligible for this job:

  • Street Fighter
  • Mega Man, including its various spin-offs
  • Devil May Cry
  • Red Earth
  • Darkstalkers
  • Metal Gear
  • Bomberman
  • Castlevania
  • Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja
  • Tokimeki Memorial
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #12: Capcom Stage - Wrestling Ring (Saturday Night Slam Masters)

A roaring crowd files in to watch some of the finest competitors throw down inside the squared circle. The Wrestling Ring is a simple but exciting stage looking exactly as it does here, with fights taking place between those ropes. No, you can't bounce off of them, sorry. Saturday Night Slam Masters is a great game, notable for taking place in the Final Fight universe as Mayor Haggar once competed in the wrestling promotion its centered around. I'd love to get a Slam Masters character on the roster if possible, especially if it means they could match with Reiko (not that Capcom has any shortage of awesome wrestlers), but I think a stage under the bright lights would be super fun.

Job #12: Konami Stage - Bemani Arcade (Bemani)


Thinking outside of the box for this one, and I know I sound appropriately like a broken record here, but Konami's arcade prowess is not to be ignored. So why not theme an entire stage after their rhythm game division? Imagine if you will a vicious fight taking place on a carpeted floor at a dark but crowded arcade awash in the glow of neon lights. In the background, DDR, Beatmania, Sound Voltex, pop'n Music, and Jubeat machines line the back walls and characters from those franchises arrive to play a few rounds or cheer the fight on. The soundtrack for this stage would of course be incredible. I just think it'd be flashy and neat. For an example of the energy level I'm imagining check out the Concert Stage level from KOFXV.
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Deleted member


Mars (Zone of the Enders)
Finding images for this was weirdly hard. Based on the mecha franchise created by Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima. Takes place on a colony on mars, with various characters from the game cameoing. Orbital Frames, the mechs from the series, can be seen flying around and possibly engaging in combat with enemies.


The Depths (Shinsekai: Into the Depths)
Shinsekai: Into the Depths is a side scrolling adventure game realesed by Capcom in 2019. It has the player exploring a deep ocean. This stage takes place in the occen with various creatures can be seen in the background. The diver from the game can also be spotted. Don't ask how fighters can breathe underwater. They just can.
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Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
Konami Stage
Fog Castle - Boktai

So let me first explain what Boktai is. Boktai is a GBA game that came out in 2003. It narrates the story of Django, a vampire hunter that uses the power of the sun to fight vampires (Konami got a thing for Vampires, but honestly, who doesn't). In the gameplay department, you can pretty much boil it down to it being an isometric fusion of The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania and Metal Gear Solid, along with a clear spoonful of inspiration of cheesy Western movies. Oh yeah, Hideo Kojima was somewhat in charge of the game along with Ikuya Nakamura, for those concerned.

Now what's crazy about this game is that the cartridge for the game itself had a solar sensor equipped within it, which would sense how much the sun was shining on your cartridge and would translate this into the game, which would benefit your game experience in more than one way. Now if this doesn't sound like some weird 4th-wall-breaking Kojima shenanigans then I don't know what does. In a way, this is the closest thing to Kojima expressively asking you to go outside and touch grass we'll ever get. Alright now that's all explained, onto the location: The Fog Castle!

Fog Castle at Noon
That intro is pretty cool don't you think? Fog Castle is the introductory level of Boktai, which serves as a tutorial and encapsulates all the elements of the game which make it so interesting. The most interesting thing about it in my opinion, is that the level design changes depending on wether the sun has set or not. Oh are you playing during night? Well good luck then as the Ghouls will be roaming outside as well, instead of being sheltered inside of the castle, which adds challenge to the game (especially at the beginning, since you don't have any items nor weapons yet). As who resides in this castle exactly? It's the one and only Count of Groundsoaking Blood ψ(▼へ▼メ)~. The main antanogist of the series himself, yep, right at the tutorial level! But oh well, not like you fight him there or anything, but you do mess with his double's coffin lol. Don't want to get in too much detail cause this game is super neat and has tons of charm, so I'll let you do the playing yourself.

Fog Castle at both Evening and Night respectively

How do we translate all this into a competitive fighting game stage? Well, the stage itself, just like the game, will run on a real-time-clock and will reflect the correct time in your timezone, just like the actual Boktai games. The stage itself will be set in front of the castle, with minor cameos that could appear depending on what time it is. If you're playing at night for example, the one and only Count of Groundsoaking Blood would appear sitting somewhere outside and chilling for example, along with some Ghouls staying at watch in front of the castle. If you're playing in the morning, the exterior could be more lifeless, sensing the fact that all undead have escaped back inside. During noon and the evening, maybe we could see Otenko or Django given if he's playable or not? Besides time affecting the appearance of potential cameos, I really believe the time of day itself could drastically change the mood of a fighting game stage. Similarly to old SNK stages that change slightly inbetween rounds, as it's something I severely miss in modern fighting games.

As an example, here's all round variations of Gato's stage from Mark of the Wolves. Now try to imagine something similar with Fog Castle, but based on a real-time-clock to represent Boktai's main gimmick.

Either way, if this wins or not, I'll still probably be submitting Django himself later down the line. cause Boktai is swag.
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
I just wanna say I’m in love with these stage submissions so far! We have some really creative ideas on our hands and I’m lowkey tempted to just Put Them All In. I’m not gonna because that woule be insane, but I want you guys to know that you’re killing it. This job will stay open until at least tomorrow morning (It’s currently around 9am for me, so about 24 hours after this post for those not in Da Est Zone), but for now, I have a stage I wanna pitch. I noticed that we’re a bit dry on Capcom submissions compared to Konami, and I do wanna remedy that a bit.

Job #12: The Junkyard (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)


So Ghost Trick is this cool little DS game released by Capcom in 2010. It was directed by Shu Takumi, who you may know best as the director behind the original Ace Attorney trilogy. You play as Sissel, a man who was recently killed and has no recollection of his past. He soon discovers he has the ability to possess inanimate objects and go back in time four minutes before a person’s death to prevent their untimely demise. He teams up with a detective named Lynne and the two work together to put a stop to a series of murders and uncover Sissel’s mysterious past. Ghost Trick is a pretty cool game that yall should totally play, especially if you love the writing of the Ace Attorney series.

The stage takes place at the titular junkyard at night. Piles of trash and a foggy, dark green polluted sky make up the stage’s backdrop. In the background, you can see the first chapter’s antagonist, Jeego, sneaking around and trying to whack our combatants. But before he can do the deed. Sissel will possess various objects and interfere with his assassination attempts.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Okay yall, it’s time to vote! Here’s our submissions:

Vote for your favorite Capcom stage here:

Vote for your top two Konami stages. Your own submission can only be put in last place.

Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
  1. Bemani Arcade - What an insanely cool idea. Anyone that knows me is fully aware that I'm in love with the arcade aesthetic, and to just make a whole stage out of it is a pretty direct way to play with my heartstrings. I love this vibe.
  2. Fog Castle - Shameless self-vote. Boktai is awesome.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
1. Fog Castle - Boktai is so darn cool, and I too am a sucker for stages that change mid-fight. A real-time-clock stage is such a clever idea. Imagine if we get this AND the UnderNet in, plus Django and some EXE rep...shoutouts to games I played in middle school.

2. Mars - I just really, really like ZOE. It's neat!


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Aight, time to close the vote. First up, The Wrestling Ring will be be our new Capcom stage! Now here are the results of the Konami vote:

Bonk: 1
Bemani: 7
Mars: 4
Fog Castle: 12

And with that, Fog Castle will be our next Konami stage! We ended up with a really cool selection of stages if I say so myself. Congrats to Flyboy Flyboy and Mr. Robotto Mr. Robotto for getting their wonderful stages in! Now onto the next round.

Job #13: Submit a structure for Arcade Mode

So we already know we have an arcade mode. It’s kind of a Basic Fighting Game Staple and there’s literally no reason not to have one. The only thing now is figuring out how it’ll be structured. How many rounds will there be? How will the fights themselves work? What are the rules? What are the endings like? What happens in between fights, if anything at all? All these and more will be answered by you, the threadgoer! I don’t have any super strict rules in place for this one, as long as it follows the basic structure of a fighting game arcade mode I’ll accept it. I look forward to seeing what yall come up with!
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #13: Arcade Mode Structure
Channeling both normal Versus games and KOF, I think the structure should be something like this:
  • Eight matches total
  • Seventh will always be your designated team leader's Rival Fight (Whether that's someone on the same or opposite company side can be determined at a later date - team leaders are either selected at the start of arcade mode a la KOF XI or determined by the first character you pick on the CSS).
  • Eighth is a boss fight, possibly split into two rounds with sub-boss and boss or multiple forms.
  • Every fight has pre-match dialogue between characters, or at least the first-ordered characters (Order is selected before the fight begins a la KOF). Konami has a lot of dialogue-heavy games such as MGS or Tokimeki Memorial, so I think having a lot of unique conversations and interactions would be a really exciting and fun addition to the story mode. It could even be done in a quick visual novel-esque style like KOFXIII.
  • Rival Fights have lore reasons to be determined by whatever we decide the final boss (which I assume would determine the overall theme) would be. For example, two groups fighting for a treasure, or one side possessed by DarkChips or under control of Psycho Mantis or what-have-you.
  • Cutscenes play at the start and in the middle of the arcade mode, so before the first fight and after the fourth. These could be generic lore cutscenes but with the VN-style in mind perhaps team members get small lines of dialogue that can play interchangeably depending on what's going on? Y'know, like "Shiori: Oh no!" with a picture cut-in as she watches the world crumble or...whatever. You get the idea,
  • Perhaps a mini-game can be added after the fourth fight, such as Street Fighter's car beat-em-up or a multi-mook battle depending on the story.
  • Team leaders get their own endings following the conclusion of the arcade mode, and these endings often have Konami and Capcom cameos similar to MVC3's endings.
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Aight fellow NickBoards users, looks like Fly’s proposal for arcade mode is what we’ll be going with! We’ll be working out the specifics of each character’s arcade mode story and rivalries once we have our roster filled out, but now onto the next job. And this one is sure to get everyone excited! You see, after mulling over it a bit, I realized that nobody really wants to see a Konami vs Capcom fighting game. Console games are a dying market and gamers aren’t interested in fighting games anymore. In order to keep in touch with the current gaming climate, I’ve decided that I’m scrapping this project and starting from scratch. Effective immediately, I’m rebranding this creation thread to be for the brand new... long anticipated... KONAMI VS CAPCOM... PACHINKO MACHINE!!!!!! We hope you look forward to this exciting new reinvention of our thread.

Nah I’m just ****ing with yall. April Fools! Here’s the real next job:

Job # 14: Submit a second rep for a currently represented Capcom series and Konami series

That’s right, we’re finally going for seconds with our represented series’. For the first few jobs I excluded second reps because I wanted to make sure we got a healthy variety of series on our roster before we overload on the Big Popular Things. And now that we’ve reached the 10 character mark, I think now’s the perfect time to start fleshing out our currently repped series. As a refresher, here’s the series that are eligible for this job:

  • Street Fighter
  • Mega Man (this includes its various spinoffs)
  • Devil May Cry
  • Red Earth
  • Darkstalkers
  • Metal Gear
  • Bomberman
  • Castlevania
  • Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja
  • Tokimeki Memorial
Now some of these are more viable for second reps than others, but I think this lineup gives us plenty to work with. As always, you can submit one rep for each company, but don’t feel too pressured to submit for both if you only have an idea for one. I look forward to seeing what we can come up with!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Job # 14:

Capcom: Juri Han (Street Fighter)

Juri Han.png

Some may call it blasphemous to add Juri before Chun (and I LOVE Chun), but I think Juri is long overdue for a modern vs Capcom fighting game. If you want a fairly recent Street Fighter rep, as well as a villain rep, Juri is your girl. She is one of the most popular Street Fighter characters, and easily the biggest breakthrough character the franchise has had since it came back with 4. She is HUGE. She was number 3 in the most recent character popularity poll, which put her above Chun-Li, and she won both spots in a costume costest back in 2020 to add fan-created costumes in the game. The only reason I think she hasn't been a default pick for crossover games is that she's still fairly recent, and Capcom was initially expecting C. Viper to be the breakthrough character when they were making MvC3.

For the record, I think there should still be room for Chun, but if Street Fighter only has room for two spots, I would go with Juri as my second in a heartbeat.

Konami: Shanoa (Castlevania)

Shanoa is the protagonist of Order of Ecclesia, and one of the breakout protagonists after they moved away from the Belmonts, along with Soma Cruz. In fact, they actually chose her over Soma when making Castlevania Judgement. Y'know, that one Castlevania arena brawler with designs by the Death Note guy. They also put her in Harmony of Despair and Grimoire of Souls.

Having her in would allow us to represent the about half of Castlevania protagonists that are magic users, but her magic allows her to use all weapons and even combine weapons (or double the same weapon) to get a unique power, sort of like in Kirby 64. There's amazing moveset potential out of that.

I also just think she's cool. I like her.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 11:

Chun-Li is one of side charactes of Street Fighter series. She is a martial artist that sometimes works as a police officer.
She could retain her moveset from her appearances.
She is no-brainer pick for the game, since she always appears in Crossovers.
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job 14:

Konami: Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 2/4)

So, Raiden.

Raiden is the protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2. Controversial at the time for being an intentionally non-binary protagonist meant to appeal to women (look up the original design documents if you don't believe me), Raiden was plunged headfirst into a world of espionage and intrigue while grappling with his tragic past. Ultimately he finds a way to carve his own path, being given a sword by a trusted ally, and eventually trying to leave combat forever but not before one last mission...

...A mission where he would succeed in saving Sunny Gurlukovich from the clutches of the Patriots, but in turn was experimented on and turned into a cyborg, much like Grey Fox before him. Raiden started to view himself as a "beast" as a result of his perceived loss of humanity, and aimed to die in battle because he felt it was what he deserved. His fighting style become fluid and acrobatic like a dancer's, but self-sacrificing to a dreadful fault. With his swordplay and acrobatics he gained great strength and little regard for his well-being.

Eventually at the end of MGS4, Raiden made it out of his hole and at the end was shown that he wasn't a beast, didn't have to fight for a living, and deserved love and to live a life untainted by his past as a child soldier. He didn't have to be forced into becoming violent or becoming another Solid Snake. He could simply Be. He's a wonderful, intricate character and his story in MGS2 and 4 are really so, so well-done. He is a highlight of the series that wasn't appreciated in his time.

I make it no secret that Metal Gear Rising is my least-favorite iteration of Raiden for a lot of reasons, but I know that this isn't just my game and in this hypothetical world that Konami is making it they'd definitely lean into it considering it's what they did in Super Bomberman R and they know it was played by a lot of people who didn't play mainline MGS. I just don't think it's a particularly faithful representation of the character as MGR was not a Kojima game and decided to take all of that up there and turn him into a Cool Badass Hero, and MGS without Kojima is hardly MGS at all. So, like, yeah, I think that this Raiden would have certain moves from Rising represented in his moveset, but I admit I do prefer his much more graceful 4 look, his more flamboyant 2 motions, and his overall more beautiful appearance. So I'm pitching him in his 4 look with his 2 and 4 mannerisms, but 2 and Rising could still be alternate costumes. He could use a few moves from it too, and I have no doubt that Rising will get a character and music, sure. But I want this character I care for to be accurately represented as best I can, even if realistically I know where they'd go in the real world.

Capcom: Bass.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)

Bass.EXE is a NetNavi with no operator, a recurring boss and later super-boss in the MMBN series, and a tragic character abandoned by his creator who feared his destructive power. Following the events of MMBN2, Bass.EXE would fuse with the virus beast, Gospel, to form BassGS, as shown here. Bass.EXE is one of my dream characters in a Capcom Vs. game as he's an important and truly excellent character - a highlight of the series, in fact. He has some killer moves, as seen in his boss fights in 2 and 3, such as teleportation, a glowing hand, and the Gospel cannon in his GS form. He also has the ability to use a LifeAura, a special barrier that nulls damage unless attacked by a sufficiently strong enough move, after which it vanishes.

I actually had a really hard time choosing an EXE character to submit, and will definitely get some other ideas down in the future. MegaMan.EXE himself is amazing, and Colonel.EXE would be a fantastic big-body powerhouse, but I had to go with my boy Bass.EXE first because he's pretty much the MMBN rep I'd go for in any project ever if I had the keys to them.
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Deleted member


Nero (Devil May Cry)
The son of Vegil and nephew of Dante. Nero is called into action when his childhood friend Kyrie is kidnapped by a pack of demons and his arm becomes the legendry weapon Devil Bringer. He goes on a mission to save her, discovering his ancestry in the process. This Nero would be based off his appearance in DMC5, in which his arm is ripped off and replaced with a cybernetic one. He would make use of this arm in his moveset, along with his weapons. Nico would even help out in her van for a super. He could have some great interactions with Alcuadd about their shared background as sons of powerful villainous (sometimes) characters.


Soma Cruz (Castlevaina)
The protagnist of Castlevaina: Aria of Sorrow and it's sequal Dawn of Sorrow. A transfer student who discovers he is actually the reincarnation of the Lord of Darkness, Dracula, and is destined to become him. During the events of the game he prevents this with the help of Dracula's son, Alucard, and defeats the vampire hunter Jullius Belmont. He has the ability to absorb the souls of the monsters he defeats, then being able to use their abilities in combat. He would use this in his moveset.

Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
"Power to the People of Earth!"

Job #14: Secondary Rep
G - Street Fighter

I've got a feeling this will be a tough one to convince you guys, but let me make a case. G is absolutely the most important character introduced in SFV (maybe besides Luke) and let me tell you why.

So, G, self-proclaimed "President of the Earth", was introduced in the 3rd Season of DLC for Street Fighter V and uhh puzzled a lot of fans! His own story mode initially portrayed him as a crazy lunatic trying to garner attention from the world (through the power of streaming) for a mysterious cause. He fought AND bested Rashid, who wanted to give him some clout because the young man wanted to bring more attention to him. Both Menat and Rose then took an interest in him, and the latter read his fortune, branding him as "The Fool". Unfortunately, Menat took the wording too literally and underestimated him during their fight as a result, as she was sent to investigate. Following up on that, in Rose's story, while she did not sense any evil in G, she foresaw the end of the world after battling him, all the while G being fully aware of everything. Moreover, in Gill's story, he met up with G and defeated him, yet G did not seem fazed by it, and revealed that he knows of the Illuminati's plans, implying he stands even above them. All this while donning a grandiose title as "the President of the World", really makes you think the Street Fighter team has something big in store for this mysterious figure, even having a literal golden map of the world rotate on his body.

Due to his charismatic personality, he quickly became a fan-favorite in the Street Fighter community. Although, who can blame them, dude pulls of some of Michael Jackson's moves in a few idle animations. Although now onto some other neat stuff. It's no secret that G adopts the normal and special moves from Q, another mysterious figure who was introduced in SFIII, although this connection as of now is still left unexplained. But I'm fairly certain, as the series develops, more light will shine on this as well. G even got a costume reminiscent of Q's look. Gameplay-wise, G is also one of the most fun characters to play as, he is what we call a "level up character". Using the power of Mother Gaia, he can level his "President Gauge" up to 3 times, which will significantly buff his special moves (think of Heavy-D! from KOF or Order Sol from Guilty Gear here), and in some instances, make his special moves cancellable into each other. This could essentially serve as a rather fun and very unique gimmick for our game. Also, this dude's theme is a banger, especially the variation that plays in his story mode. Go take a listen.

Also, to expand on that "The Fool" bit from his story mode. The tarot of "The Fool" doesn't mean "dumb", rather, it signifies "infinite potential". If you remember Rose's SF4 story, Rose is fully aware of what The Fool Card means and even foretells that only The Fool could defeat M. Bison, saying it's Ryu. Now, G has been given that card, and what will they make of it? I guess we'll see what Capcom has in store for the character with Street Fighter 6.

Citizens of the Earth, your President depends on you.​
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Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #14: Secondary Reps from Currently Represented Franchises

Capcom Fighter - Zero
  • Series: Mega Man (Mega Man X/Zero)
  • First Appearance: Mega Man X (December 17th, 1993)
  • Character Theme: Vs. Zero (Mega Man X2)
The deuteragonist of the Mega Man X series and later on, the titular main protagonist of the Mega Man Zero series, Zero was created by Doctor Wily as his greatest creation and successor of Bass, becoming a high-ranking elite Maverick Hunter who doesn't hesitate to take action as a legendary freedom fighter, often accompanying Mega Man X and fellow hunters in their missions on defeating Sigma's forces from exterminating humanity with the Maverick Virus, which caused the Reploids to go rogue.

A popular character and fan favorite on his own, Zero appeared in multiple games outside the Mega Man franchise like in the Vs. Capcom series as a sub-boss in his Mega Man Zero version on SNK vs. Capcom: SvC Chaos, hidden/unlockable character in Onimusha Blade Warriors and a playable character in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Infinite, even appearing as a pair unit alongside X in the Project X Zone series and a Mii Costume/Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Zero himself is a rushdown fighter, who is capable of using both of his trademark weapons, the Z-Saber (beam sword weapon) and a Z-Buster arm cannon for a wide variety of attacks and techniques he gained throughout the Mega Man X series like Ryuenjin, Hadangeki, Hienkyaku, Raikousen, Rekkoha, etc.

Konami Fighter - Simon Belmont

(note: both classic/Smash and Chronicles designs can be used as customization options. Maybe even other Belmonts' outfits, as well?)
While I'm open for both Soma and Shanoa as the second Castlevania fighter, I think we should go for a more traditional character like Simon freakin' Belmont himself to represent it's classic platforming origins, compared to Alucard's "Metroidvania" side since Symphony of the Night. Pretty much, he kick-started the legacy of a whole franchise.

The original protagonist of the first Castlevania game released on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986 and it's sequel, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Simon is the fourth direct (and most well-known) descendant of the Belmont Clan consisting of vampire hunters and heir of their renowned whip Vampire Killer following his ancestor Christopher, who was born in Wallachia and fought against their eternal arch-enemy Count Dracula twice in a lifetime, all on his own (solo/alone, unlike other protagonists), the first time in 1691 and a second time while he had a curse placed by him upon his death and gathered Dracula's remains to resurrect him in order to get rid of it seven years later.

Due to his status as the series' first playable hero/protagonist and how his story was retold a few times later (Vampire Killer on MSX, Haunted Castle on the arcades where he was married with Selena, Super Castlevania IV on Super NES, Chronicles on Sharp X68000/PlayStation and Lords of Shadow's sequel, Mirror of Fate) besides appearances throughout the franchise itself like Harmony of Despair, Judgment (where he looks like a goth Light Yagami) and Grimoire of Souls, Simon himself is often considered one of Konami's most recognizable faces/mascots and iconic characters of Castlevania alongside Dracula and his son Alucard themselves, having made several appearances outside in other Konami-developed games such as Hai no Majutsushi (a mahjong game released for the MSX2), Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 as a recruitable ally with his fellow 1986 Konami mascot, his non-canon descendant in Wai Wai World and himself in it's sequel, DreamMix TV: World Fighters (alongside Bomberman, Solid Snake, TwinBee, Moai from Gradius and famous Transformers, Optimus Prime & Megatron themselves), New International Track & Field, Super Bomberman R and finally, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate itself alongside his descendant Richter Belmont.

And oh yes, this was a REAL thing:

For his moveset/playstyle, Simon clearly focuses on abilities such as using his Vampire Killer whip to attack the opponent by striking them or brandish it by spinning around in-front of him which even stops projectiles, having high mobility (like being able to swing-kick by ring-grappling hence Super Castlevania IV and Spider-Man's web-swing move in the Marvel vs. Capcom series) and is able to perform good combos with martial arts techniques borrowed from Richter like in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls. He can also use the sword from Haunted Castle, Flame Whip for more powerful attacks and perform techniques/skills from Grimoire of Souls and Judgment such as:
  • Twisting Arrow: A dive kick while spiraling like a tornado, hitting multiple times before landing.
  • Binding Whip: Catches the opponent with his Vampire Killer whip and then drags them towards him.
  • Whip Tornado/Valiant Sunder: Spins around to strike the opponent with his whip.
  • Dancing Whip: Simon whips around himself quickly and then dashes forward with his Vampire Killer whip.
  • Holy Ruin: A rushing punch with the whip wrapped around Simon's fist.
  • Rising Whip: Charges up and then performs a vertical uppercut, which launches the opponent into the air.
  • Crushing Strike/Sudden Impact: Charging up, Simon spins his whip around and then slams it in-front of him.
  • Nimble Beat: Unleashes a quick flurry of whip attacks akin to Alucard's Crissaegrim.
  • Vampire Killer: Simon's most powerful move which works for his Level 3 super. He starts by charging at the opponent, whipping them five times vertically and then finishes with a rapid barrage of whip strikes powered with holy energy which hits up to 99 times and engulfs the opponent with a light sphere-like explosion.
Simon can also make use of various Sub-Weapons such as throwing daggers, axes, cross boomerangs, rebounding stones, holy water bottles to summon flame pillars, the bible/magic book that spirals around him, a stopwatch to briefly freeze the opponent's movements for a short period of time, etc., even being able to unleash Item Crashes for a super move depending on which sub-weapon he previously used like Grand Cross (cross), Hydro Storm (Holy Water), Thousand Edge (dagger), Spiral Axe (axe), etc.

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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #14 (Capcom Side): B.B. Hood (Darkstalkers)


Baby Bonnie Hood is one of the many colorful characters in the Darkstalkers cast and one of the only playable humans in the roster. Despite her innocent exterior, she is a cold, ruthless, homicidal maniac through and through. She is a trained assassin who hunts Darkstalkers for money and disguises herself as a defenseless little girl to catch her target off guard.

While we literally just added Morrigan to our roster, I think we have plenty of space to give Darkstalkers another character or two somewhere down the line. Darkstalkers has quite possibly the coolest cast of any Capcom fighting game franchise and it’d be a damn shame if we didn’t explore it more thoroughly. There’s plenty of other Darkstalkers I was considering for this spot, particularly Jon Talbain and Lord Raptor, but I absolutely adore Bulleta and would love to see her come back for another Vs. game outside of MvC2. I adore the idea of a character putting on an innocent facade to manipulate their opponents, and the way her intentions show through in her animations is nothing short of brilliant. This is 1000% a bias submission and I’m not even attempting to hide it.

Konami Side: The Boss (Metal Gear Solid)


The Boss is a major character from Metal Gear Solid 3 and the mentor of the man who would eventually become Big Boss, Naked Snake. She was a well-renowned soldier during World War II and helped develop the technique of CQC. She also founded the Cobra Unit, a team of incredibly skilled super soldiers that would later serve as the main antagonist group of Snake Eater. I feel like we should represent the Big Boss Saga here in some major capacity, but having two Snakes who, at least to my knowledge, play nearly the same seems a bit redundant to me. The Boss is a major player in MGS3 and a fan-favorite character, so I feel like she would make sense to include.

Also submissions will close in roughly 5 hours, so make sure to get yours in if you haven’t already
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Job #14: Ebisumaru from Ganbare Goemon

Ebisumaru is more or less the "player 2" character across the Ganbare Goemon/Mystical Ninja series. He's a wandering ninja who's also Goemon's best friend and most longstanding partner. He's also quite the eccentric figure, and loves to eat. I think a case can be made for a second Goemon rep, seeing as it's one of Konami's most iconic franchises and definitely up there among the ones they most frequently Put In Things, and there are several good options. Sasuke is also a pretty fun character and I'm biased towards Yae, but I think Ebisu takes priority for me, considering how he's basically the next most important character in the series after Goemon.

Another reason to go for him is that he actually has some pretty fun moveset potential. He's used such things as mallets, paper fans, shuriken and bombs, has some ninjitsu skills at his disposal, and perhaps most notably, he's a skilled gymnast and dancer, and will incorporate that into battle by making use of things like hula-hoops and gymnastic ribbons. He is fun


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Alright yall, submissions for additional reps are now closed. Which means it's time to begin voting! Here are our submissions:

Vote for your top three from each category. You can only put your own submission in last place.

Deleted member

1. Chun
2. Bass. Exe
3. Nero

1. Raiden
2. Simon
3. The Boss
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Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
  1. Chun-Li
  2. Hail Our President of the World!
  3. Zero
  1. Ebisumaru
  2. The Boss
  3. Simon Belmont
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Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
  1. B.B. Hood - More predominantly in the MvC series, Morrigan has never really come alone. Being accompanied by Felicia, Anakaris, and B.B. Hood herself in MvC2, then Hsien-Ko and Felicia again in MvC3, and then with Jedah (my beloved) in Infinite. Both B.B. Hood and Anakaris (along with the rest of the Darkstalkers cast who haven't appeared in these crossovers) desperately need their time to shine in 3D, so I say give them a chance. Also B.B. Hood is probably on of the more fun characters in the cast, personally.
  2. Bass.EXE - Probably one of the coolest Mega Man character to date. Mega Man Battle Network has never really appeared in a big Capcom Crossover as of yet, and I'm always in favor of putting more cooler characters in instead of the usual face that represents the series. And honestly, in this scenario, with Bass.EXE being a predominant boss and character, it's fully deserved. And while I'm a big fan of Zero, dude has already been in both MvC3 and Infinite, so I'm inclined on letting other characters shine first.
  3. G - I will fully back my president at any given moment in time... My fellow citizens of Earth, we must come together as one!
  1. Simon Belmont - I don't know, but, I feel like having Simon in your big Konami crossover game is a necessity. He stands out from Alucard, reps the other side of the series, and comes with his own plethora of tools. The puzzles match and I can't really see a reason for him not to get in.
  2. Raiden - Same case as Simon really. Raiden would personally be my go-to 2nd Metal Gear rep. Besides having a whole other spinoff game centralized around him, he stands out from Snake and can come with a fully unique moveset.
  3. Soma Cruz - Soma is cool, I have a soft spot for him. While he, like Alucard, reps the Metroidvania side of the series, he could have a really cool soul gimmick. Also him essentially being an incarnation of Dracula could lead to some funny and interesting interactions with the cast.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
1. Juri - I really think she needs to be top priority here. G is just as cool though but Juri is such a breakout star right now.

2. BB Hood - She's honestly one of my favorite Darkstalkers characters! She sparks joy.

3. Bass.EXE - I think I've made my position clear on him. He's just so good and cool.

1. Shanoa - it's really difficult to pick between her and Soma since I adore them but Shanoa is so god damn cool and would play really uniquely and I like that.

2. The Boss - One of the greatest characters ever made and I truly believe this.

3. Simon Belmont - I'm super happy Alucard got in first but I absolutely understand that Simon should be in to make this more of an all-star crossover.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Hey sooooo sorry I’m late! I was busy yesterday and couldn’t get around to closing the vote at the usual time, and then Smashboards decided to do its monthly shutdown right when I was getting ready to close things this morning. But it seems like it gave some of yall more time to get your votes in so in the end I guess it all worked out. Anyways, let’s get into da results!

Juri: 4
Chun: 13
Bass.EXE: 9
Nero: 6
G: 13
Zero: 4
Bulleta: 9

Shanoa: 7
Raiden: 18
Soma: 5
Simon: 15
The Boss: 9
Ebisumaru: 6

Well, it seems like there’s a tie between two of our Street Fighter reps, so you know what that means! Tiebreaker time! Vote now on whether you’d want to see Ms. Street Fighter or the President of the World become our next SF rep.

On the Konami side, our winner is as clear as day. Raiden will be joining Konami vs Capcom as our second Metal Gear rep! Congrats to Flyboy Flyboy for getting her character in! And while we’re waiting on the Capcom tiebreaker, I thought we might as well take a break from these jobs and have another discussion period. Don’t worry, we’re not sending an entire series to the shadow realm this time. This topic is going to be much more laid back and is mostly just to get to know you all better.

Discussion #2: Who are your most wanted characters for this project?

This is a pretty straightforward question. Now that we’re at the 12 character mark and we just added our first batch of secondary reps, I wanna take a breather and get to know what characters you all want to see pop up in this crazy crossover. I’m sure we all have our favorites among Capcom and Konami’s diverse catalog of franchises, so it’ll be fun to know where everyone’s tastes lie. I have my own answers that I’ll probably share later, but for now, have fun discussing!
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Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Most Wanted(s)
: A Yie-Air Kung-Fu character
Capcom: Natsu from Rival Schools
Pipe Dreams: Giant Characters like in Tatsunoko vs Capcom (ex. Jehuty from Zone of the Enders, and a Tech Romancer robot), non video game guest characters that had history with both companies (Mickey Mouse for the Capcom side, and The Simpsons stance fighter for the Konami Side), a cross-promotion event with Battle of AGES.
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