It's been ages since I last posted.
As I am me, and I am running for the annual late to the party award, I'm going to say my opinions of the switch presentation now.
So as for all the things such as motion control and other that kinda things, I guess they're cool. I'm not really into that sort of thing, but as long as they're not forcing them down our throats, I accept them.
1-2 Switch, I'm really sceptical about, nothing else.
ARMS might be cool, if the motion controls work properly.
Splatoon 2. I have never played the original splatoon, but it looked interesting, and if this is just that but better, I see no reason to not like it.
Super Mario Odyssey looks pretty dang dope, and fresh, and all those nice adjectives. So a 3D Mario game, but better.
Dragon Quest XI is something I want.
Other RPGs and Skyrim, I guess they're cool.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Never played any of those, I don't really know.
And then, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That game is not an ordinary game. I have never felt like this about a game, just based on a trailer. This is love. The game just looks beautiful in any way, and the gameplay looks great. I need the game I need it.