Smash Master
YOU ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD!I'll say Sike when Mother 3 is released on the Wii U VC, the Gen 7 starters are confirmed fake, Splatoon Switch port is released, Mario Kart 8 deluxe doesn't exist but also has new stages, the Smash 4 port is released, Maxi is confirmed gay, the Star Fox racing game comes out, Retro's 2017 not-DK-not-Metroid project launches, Breath of the Wild misses the Switch launch, etc. etc...
You can criticize all of the insiders. But he hasn't been wrong about anything for a full year, sitting on a 11 first hand leak reported and 0 fail ,was the first one to talk about the November direct back in begining of October and the 1st November date dropped in his spawncast and he's saying that the leak is clearly fake because of:
Another Character is missing
Alongside seemingly being very iffy about Banjo
So, what do you think about that?
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