Today I had a class on Fake History and News, and something my professor said got me thinking in regards to Smash. In these cases, misinformation isn't spread around by one singular person, but rather, by a group of them.
People have been saying this is too much effort for one person to fake, and that it means it's likely real with all these details. But what if it wasn't just one person? What if this was a fake leak coordinated by multiple people who each focused on making one aspect of it to look real that, when combined, looks completely legit?
Additionally, he also mentioned the concept of half-truths, which are easier to propagate than full on lies. What if the Grinch isn't the key here, but rather the bait? What if that's an actual legit piece planted into the leak to give it more legitimacy? (And this one is more on a tangent as I have no real experience on the area but would two completely promotional materials be handled by the same people, in the same room, and get them all mixed with one another?)