Deleted member
I really want a source for this. I'd believe it, but it'd be great to have a definitive source that talks about these issues.Isn't that because there are a whole load of licensing issues with Final Fantasy music? I remember somebody talking about that the other day.
Something like some guy has to be paid (outside of Square Enix) for the songs and it's ridiculously expensive or something like that.
He has to be credited by his name and his union. Smash doesn't do credits that way. There's nothing saying Nintendo couldn't have tried to work out an arrangement, though. In Brawl, David Hayter (Snake) is credited as "David Hayter (Special Guest)" due to him being a union actor, but I have no clue why they didn't do this with Cloud. Could've been due to the limited budget of the DLC, could've been a lack of caring, who knows for sure?What's the harm in putting his name in the credits?
It's more Nintendo not working with unions than Squeenix in this case though.