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Smash UK Discussion Thread - Check first post for tournaments, facebook info and videos!


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
had fun hosting this event, thanks for coming etc etc, will post more in the morning.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
it's actually a thread for both.

/e and yes darren I already told you that before lol

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
brawl + melee is the only way lol
lol I can understand why they are joining again though....

Luckily Jolteon FINALLLYYY adopted the 'Numbering TV's' technique....I don't think people undertstand how much time this saves. You are INSTANTLY appointed ot a TV and it helps the frigging friendlies stopping.

I'm gonna be pissed off if I don't see the numbering TV's at GT3 or The next London monthlies.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
shut the **** up fool
God i could flame to the extreme now, but i cant because im one point from getting banned, lucky guy.
its alright guys, ive taken the hit for this one ;) MTR INFRACTION COMBO!!

On another note goodstuf this weekend guys, if I could get a bracket that doesn't completely **** me next time that'd be wonderful xD


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
lol I can understand why they are joining again though....

Luckily Jolteon FINALLLYYY adopted the 'Numbering TV's' technique....I don't think people undertstand how much time this saves. You are INSTANTLY appointed ot a TV and it helps the frigging friendlies stopping.

I'm gonna be pissed off if I don't see the numbering TV's at GT3 or The next London monthlies.
i never thought of numbering tv's actually, this sounds like a really good way of doing it, someone get prof on the tv organisation plz


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
the tv numbering thing is pretty popular in other communities and it works well, they even designed a "station manager" for it in tio.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2009
Southport, UK
Everybody played really well, I do not care what the o called top players say, I made mistakes too but you don't hear me johning about it, I just john whoever beats me :):):):):p:p:p:p:!!!!!!!!!!
London was well hosted.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
the tv numbering thing is pretty popular in other communities and it works well, they even designed a "station manager" for it in tio.
That's even better... So just as long all the Tv's get inputed there will be no mistake, I will help sort out the people who are not playing there games since the community isn't dumb and they can partially go and play their own games, but some people need that push lol.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
that bracket is hard to read / use

I was starring at it for like 4 mins lol trying to figure out who to play and how to confirm a advance

is it just me ? had to play someone 20 mins later than my last match

i couldnt go up to charles / jolteon because they was playing someone

if someone was just there to tell you it would make the tournament run more smoothly


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
That's even better... So just as long all the Tv's get inputed there will be no mistake, I will help sort out the people who are not playing there games since the community isn't dumb and they can partially go and play their own games, but some people need that push lol.
yeah you literally just type in how many TVs you have and it labels them "TV 1" "TV 2" "TV 3" etc, then when the bracket is up you can click on a players match and set it to "in progress" and set which TV you want them to be at. thats basically what i was doing+i used the microphone to call out people's matches and TV number, it also tells you how long its been since a match was scheduled to happen so you can use that to help judge if someone should be dq'd.

@Edwin: thats what i did this sat :O but charles hosted the last melee one so i let him take care of it then.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2009
Southport, UK
Ok, so I went to my second London Brawl tournament and it was fantastic and fun, the venue was more organised (Thanks Jolteon for doing that man), more unfamilier faces showed up (which means the UK community is growing as a whole!) and I feel I placed well,I got Top 5 again for in person tournys. (I have entered four now including this one)

Well, my placed 5th this time, just a one place drop, but its all good, since I played some really tough players, all of which were using different characters. There was no pools this time around it was just brackets with double elimination oh, and I used all of my 4 characters at some point in the tournament. Olimar, Wario, Donkey Kong, and Lucas.
1st round Winners Bracket: vs Captain Amazing: Forfight to Doplghost
My opponent did not show up, I did not even get his name,but if he did show up, I bet he would have destroyed me, I heard he main random, dear god, that is so PRO, MAINING RANDOM, never in a million years. YAY FREE ROUND!!!!!

2nd round Winners Bracket: VS V2: 2:1 to Doplghost
V2 was I thought was a pretty standard ROB, at least that was my first impressions untill he turned up the game a notch and I had to go to Olimar, I was using Donkey Kong throughout our gamesand it was going pretty well untill our second game where he caught onto my walling DK. GG's overall. Oh, and our Mario strikers football games we had together, you are a sweet teammate, keeping calm while I start having goalie johns lol!!!!!!! epic Hat, its better then mine.

3rd round Winners Bracket: vs Kasper: 2:0 to Kasper
Kasper's Falco is the best in the UK, its not even something to debate over, he was that good, I used only Olimar on Kasper, because from previous fests I already knew he was going to be tough, the first game he stomped me, or at least thats how it felt when your being beaten under lazer hopping pressure, as some people may know camping is not something I am good at although I am getting better at it, dispite being an Olimar main, I try to close in, and that did work for the most part on the second game on Delfino plaza, this is a much better representation of what my Olimar can do, and even though I lot that game too it could have gone either way, so my props to Kasper on that game, the guy sent me to the Loser bracket so there were more opponents to play against.

1st round Losers Bracket: vs Siri Glory Elemental: 2:0 to Doplghost
Siri Glory Elemental, man, I have been wanting to play that guy for some time, pro peach in the UK, yes please, I dont care if the matchup is in her favor, I went Olimar for the first round on him, and he used Peach, a very technical Peach might I add, I dont think I have seen tactics like thatin my life, I may be farly greenhorn to the smash bros scene, and he is the perfect example of old tride and true efforts, learning, creating and making your main character better. it was so much fun. But I genually thought he would be tougher, I got the impression he was having a bad day for brawling at some points, as he did much better in friendlys afterwards, two stocking my DK like it was nobodys buisness. The Second match tourny was more of an experiment, as with counterpicks, I had to be careful, so I decided to go Lucas, and this was very fun, I really enjoy Lucas, dispite his recovery issues, Siri was a blast to play with and I hope to play against him some time again. icon_razz good job Siri (critique me man!!!!!!)

2nd round Losers Bracket: vs KillerJawz: 2:1 to Doplghost
When a player forces you to change your entire play style, you are going to have trouble, while half & half of players can do this, KillerJawz makes this apparant and forces you to play safe and carefull, because if not, then you are going to fall for his camp traps, KillerJaws is good at what he does, an Incredible Samus and he knows every nook & cranny about his main, but for me he used Zelda for two games untill he swaped to Samus, his Zelda is very good, like with samus, he knows what he is doing, how long each move will take, a well as the hitboxes, all of his actions make sence when you watch him play, and I had to force him to come ot me insted, a very fun dude to play. keep up the pro skill KJ!!!! (oh, I also went Wario against his Samus, and Olimar against his Zelda!)

3rd round Losers Bracket vs J-Miller: 2:1 to J-Miller
And here is where I go 5th place, losing to who I concider my personal rival, and he definatly brought his A game to the tournament. I used two characters and Miller used one, I started with Lucas, and he stayed Luigi thoroughout our 3 games. Starting off with Lucas was probably a mistake since he trounced me, although I did take a stock, his priority in the air got the best of me dispite my PK fire spam. our second game was one I was proud of, I went to Olimar this time since things were getting srs, and I cped Lylat, and this was close, J Miller had plenty of Olimar experiance, so my offencive game was paying off in terms of unpredictability, grabs were helping to, I only just beat him on this stage, after that, the worst possible disaster happened to me, and it was my fault intirely.
I choked on game 3, it was battlefield and non of us change character. how bad waws my choking, Miller 3 stocked me, basicly not only was he basicly playing perfect except for one mistake which I missed the chance costing me a stock. I also tryed another stratagy for this game, the most well known olimar camp game, and it did not work on him, or for me, at all, he was so good with his character, that I must give him props. Congratulations, losing to J miller landed me in 5th Place of the London tournament.

As for how I felt I did, I personally felt I improved a great deal, and so did everybody else, everyone was hard in thier own way and I could not fault people for screwing up as we are all human, heck I make slip ups and we all have bad games. but there is one person I must give a particular special shoutout to before I do the others, that one person who I feel I must compete with now and who I must offer my apologys to......

Friendlies vs P4FOS: 2:0 to P4FOS (Olimar Dittos)
Ok, I am going to be frank man, although I did not show it and I had no anger toward you, I was ****y, I was confidant, and I thought you were going ot be hard, but a bit of a pushover, I honislty thought my tactics could overtake you, man oh man was I wrong, you were much harder then I thought, in fact you were better then me, outsmarted me, and your Olimar game was completly different to mine.
But at the same time, I must thank you also, because of this, I feel I now have someone I cam compete with for best Olimar in the UK since i cannot call myself that anymore, I will train night and day untill I can master my main, you sir have raised the bar. heck, you even beat Kasper a round, something which I have yet to do!!!!

StarShadowX:Awesome Sonic, Lucas, and Shiek you have man, it's cool that you came to the fest, at first I thought you might have been intimidated or rather disapointed by the fact that you were late, but me and Siri played some matches with you, and you are pretty good at your age, with nunchuk, got to give you props, Smash scene need younger blood to fill the ranks!!!!
M T R:Sorry for failing as a double partner, I will try to play better and study your play style, your Lucario is Rake and your Epic Toon Link is beyond words, (One Hit KO, that is all I shall say on the matter....) Also many thanks for car pooling me to the tournament, it was a great help money wise.
Calzors:Congrats on winning the tournament man, we never had our money match, our randoms after the tourny were fun and so were our double matches before the tournament, even if you did kick my *** at teams, and thanks for helping me get footage for my PSP camera, aswell as wanting to film interviews. great idea to build the scene up.
Anaky:Quit stealing my mouthwash!!! lol I only kid, your Ike, awesome, your Marth, awesome, your Link, Awesome yet again, our 1 pound money matches were putting me out of pound coins. My DK was getting beat by your Ike pretty bad, you also secured 2nd place, and thats really good. congrats on getting moneys.

Copyed & Pasted from my blog on AIB.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
after reading dopl's text walls, i miss the fact i didnt get to go, the sooner i move out teh better, seeing as the golf which is obviously so important and much better for me than brawl killed my confidense because i got trounced pretty badly both saturday and sunday by 12 year olds both times, want to quit plz.

but one thnig to note dopl, head to head dittos dont prove anything really, tournament placements are what shows the skill when it comes down to the line
shlurpie will tell you different though XD he dosent like my apparent concentration boost when its important


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
Dopl, you have nothing to apologise for man, you did far better than me in the tourny, if any of us was the weak link its me, lucario is so hard to use in doubles effectively. No offence to Xatm and Harlo but we should have beaten you guys, we had a couple of sds of frigrake and we beat both in singles. Guess you guys work better as a team than we do :/
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