Hmm i got into the smash community 2 years ago, and i know HOW to play melee, i just didnt go to tournaments very often ( I was at MLG orlando WIT CHABOI SPARKS)
Im still gonna MM you laijin (and win, cuz its funny you think that i dont know how to play melee).
But w/e imma let people continue to QQ about brawl being bad, its all ONE BIG JOHN. At this point its amusing, i'll keep going to tournaments and people can keep crying about how they hate the game.
Brawl isnt going anywhere, anytime soon (as in it wont stop being played competitively). So you can either get good or cry like a f@ggot, whichever doesnt bother me.
LOL at people thinking i have groupies, someone defends you in a arguement and all of a sudden that person is on my ****.
I guess i forgot my opinion doesnt count cuz i didnt play melee for 192 years, and go to every tournament (ever). So i obviously cant judge a game. MY BAD COMMUNITY.
Shiz i dont even think its being cocky, im just defending my game.