Your’e right homeless, Europe always gets shafted. Can I get an amen from my UK homies?
Fortunately for me im in uni and have become a central part of cg-soc (the computer games society), so me and a couple of friends are forming a plan to scrape together and get an american wii and copy of brawl. For the society of course :D
Also I agree with the costume change thing. They should have more recognisable costume colour schemes where possible e.g. fireflower mario and also some more radical ones which slightly change moves e.g. Dr Mario. It wouldn’t be so hard, they’d just have to make a minor change to the fireball move. Sprite, hitbox, sound effect, and hey presto.
I was thinking it would be awesome if they took it one step further though. How about a function that’s more than just costumes? How about being able to have raccoon mario or shell mario. Each one would have not just visual differences, but slight physical differences. So raccoon mario would have his tail as side b and be slightly more floaty. Shell mario would have his side/down b as a shell attack and have more defense. Each character could have a few ’skins’, which all can be done in different colours. It allows for Dr Mario and other clone characters nicely and gives even more cutomisation and variety in the game thats already king of it.
Not likely to happen now, I know. But I can dream. Maybe next time…