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Smash is the hardest game there is?

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2007
Holy **** you were serious? Dude, that game is probably the worst 3D Fighter, you can actually button mash in that.. And there's like no mind games at all.. I do NOT think it's tourney worthy unless you're at like some high school tourney with a bunch of scrub gamers..

well i feel you. that was my first words when I played it. Then me and my boys looked at some match vids of it. Then we learned (lol) how to play. It's not a scubby game as you might think it is. No button mashing. Just the tiers are really far apart meaning Itachi, fan-girl, and a couple of other characters **** the game. I'll give you a link to prove it.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
well i feel you. that was my first words when I played it. Then me and my boys looked at some match vids of it. Then we learned (lol) how to play. It's not a scubby game as you might think it is. No button mashing. Just the tiers are really far apart meaning Itachi, fan-girl, and a couple of other characters **** the game. I'll give you a link to prove it.
Dude, I played that for about 3 days, unlocked all chars and understood how to combo into super and combo right after super.. Doing like 21 hits taking about 2/3rds your haelth..
Say for SAKURA..
bbb-wait for drop-bbX Like.. That's so ****ing easy.. And for like.. Sasuke, his Lion Combo, if you glitch it so he doesn't jump, you can land in. BB-Xglitched-BB BBBBB.. Seriously.. Range isn't even a factor in that game and it has it -_-.. Bad game imo.. Just link me w/e, I've seen some vids for it, no real attractions.. Just plain out button mashy or, simply easily timeable B mashing.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
Subject is REALLY going off topic and down hill from here.. Let's just stop until we actually talk about the thread/subject/topic at hand.. =[


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
It should cost no more than $21 used at gamestop. SF Anniversary Collection which has super turbo, and third strike. I'm not sure if you find compbut there are some match vids on youtube. And countless other fighting game match vids on this site. Don't stream save target as, ok.:urg:


Hey what do you think is the hardest technique to learn in the game? I'm trying to learn how to moonwalk with Falcon on cue in a match, and Waveshine with Falco like the shizwizzlemynizzle. But my l cancelin with Falcon is pretty much no brainer it's instinct for me now. Since I been L-canceling with Falcon for 3 years straight lol. almost 78 hrs out of every week for those 3 years. Just l-canceling lol.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
screw that list except for Naruto. Which Naruro? NGT4?:) That game is so throwed
man i hate naruto 4 its so boring sasuke cursed seal2 and 1 tailed kyubi naruto are cheap ubers soul caliber pwns Naruto clash of ninja 4 anyday. and the special moves were gay there is no escape from them. :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
Those are all basic things. things that are difficult are being able to multishine 15-25 times and turning around in your shine in each shine of your multishines. (like I do) Illusion stall/spiking, (like I do) and shffmc things like that. lol.

And I have a mod chip I download games for free.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
those are all basic things. things that are difficult are being able to multishine 15-25 times and turning around in your shine in each shine of your multishines. (like I do) Illusion stall/spiking, (like I do) and shffmc things like that. lol.

And I have a mod chip I download games for free.
What's multi shine? Wshining or JC SHine? No idea what a multi shine is, if it's one of the two, STILL EASY DOOD.. -_-.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
Those are all basic things. things that are difficult are being able to multishine 15-25 times and turning around in your shine in each shine of your multishines. (like I do) Illusion stall/spiking, (like I do) and shffmc things like that. lol.

And I have a mod chip I download games for free.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
Lmao. you don't know what it is so how are you gonna do it? you def don't have better tech skill than me so why do you say other games are harder when you haven't mastered this game? Just asking...
Wtf? Can you read? I said if it was ONE OF THE TWO, EASY.. And I probably do have more tech skill than you do if you were the fox against Wes. Once again.. DO NOT NEED TO MASTER A GAME TO KNOW WHICH IS HARD BUDDY... So basically, only Ken or M2K can say then.. So this thread is so pathetic.. Just answering =]


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
[QUOTE=Eggm;2800640]Fosho, why not bring up hard tech skill thats actually useful? lol.[/QUOTE]

Give me some ideas.

And to fatboy kazzam

that was starz he doesnt really have tech skill he has other things and he has gotten way better. Also you don't have better tech skill then me, I know this for a fact. :cool:

lol @ fosho, if you do 15-25 reasonably fast doubleshines and turn around in each one of them props to you.

oh wait, you don't.

eggm wins.
I do...

rofl multishining is when you Jc shines more then 2 times a row.

yeah its kind of hard to pull off in a match, but not impossible.
not hard at all. if you play other fighters which are "hard" and you find multishinning 2x in battle "hard" then that game must not really be "hard"


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2007
man i hate naruto 4 its so boring sasuke cursed seal2 and 1 tailed kyubi naruto are cheap ubers soul caliber pwns Naruto clash of ninja 4 anyday. and the special moves were gay there is no escape from them. :ohwell:
you just dont know to how to beat them with the basic cast. Now I would be full of it to say it wasn't somwhat still a button masher. But managing your chakra helps, and it does have mindgames a little. Tickthrowing mixups can go to unblockables to super or whatever you just have to play it to it's limits to understand.

FoSho, I'm pretty much got every expert technique/also every character in the game at a high level down packed besides waveshielding. I can do it constantly for at least 6 shields before i lose it with Fox. How do I perfect it? Should I put it on super slow or super fast settings to help with my normal timing. I just feel I'm doing it wrong. That's one of the stupid things in this game I do compare to other games with in complicated play. Waveshielding should have never been found out. What a jip.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
So basically, he avoided my question and ended up attacking me while acting like I didn't know what it was.. ****, this thread is AWESOME!@@!@@oneon11on1e1111!!


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
this thread is awsome.

rawsex88. I can they have no reason to discredit me they havn't seen me play. lol.
*cough cough cough* Super omega hypocritical scrub *cough cough cough* I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU DID WITH ME BUT I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT! As always



Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
not hard at all. if you play other fighters which are "hard" and you find multishinning 2x in battle "hard" then that game must not really be "hard"[/FONT]
Hey uhm next time before you try twisting my words stop so you don't look like a *** lol.

I said multishining is when you perform more then 2 jc shines in a row it could be 3 or 16.

Good job trying to distort my words though.

For the record I was thinking of 10x shines not 2.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
I also find it funny that he edits every single one of his posts just to make new people that come to read stupid threads find that he's not ********. Seriously, all of his raw posts are so contradictory and hypocritical..


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
Everyone who knows fosho is a scrub and a "***" like Aesir said.. post "AYE!!!!" Lol.. I wanna see how this turns out ^_^


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2007
In my opinion.. Power Shield is alot more on the timing scale than teching.. Way more.. But that's like.. Still easy dood..


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Power shielding projectiles is rather easy.

However power shielding normal attacks not so much, plus you have to make the power shield worth it too usually grabbing lol.

THen again the result after the power shield isn't hard just the PS its self, thats just in my experience I can't PS say arials and jabs and **** but projectiles I can. >_>


Smash Apprentice
Jun 8, 2007
screw that. smash bros equalz hard of teh gameaplay. OH MY JEBUS!!! :068::crazy::demon::estatic:

Aesir thats what I mean PS'in normals 98 percent of the time. that must be hella crazy to do.

Perfect Hero

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2006
Bay Area
What's multi shine? Wshining or JC SHine? No idea what a multi shine is, if it's one of the two, STILL EASY DOOD.. -_-.
JC shine is pretty easy, never bothered to learn multishine because I don't Fox it up that often.

[QUOTE=Eggm;2800640]Fosho, why not bring up hard tech skill thats actually useful? lol.

Give me some ideas.

And to fatboy kazzam

that was starz he doesnt really have tech skill he has other things and he has gotten way better. Also you don't have better tech skill then me, I know this for a fact. :cool:

I do...

not hard at all. if you play other fighters which are "hard" and you find multishinning 2x in battle "hard" then that game must not really be "hard"
Wait. . . You linked a video that wasn't even yours when he asked for a video of you? Good job buddy.

Why are you implying WE think it's hard? I'm sure I could learn it in a few hours. Doesn't seem hard at all. Now GG seems hard.

I also find it funny that he edits every single one of his posts just to make new people that come to read stupid threads find that he's not ********. Seriously, all of his raw posts are so contradictory and hypocritical..
Seriously. Theres like an edit at the bottom each time. That is why you quote posts.

Aye, on a slightly different note, melty blood looks really cool lulz.
Gonna start playing that game.
if a character from melee got into a fight with a character from another 2-d fighter and both characters could use techs from their respective game, who would win?

obviously, a melee character could DI out of every combo while the other character ate it. that or they would be wobbled to death or drill shined to death. melee wins
Marvel characters have infinites and GG characters can burst out. SF character can Daigo Parry everything.

Edit: Added quote code/


Smash Cadet
Mar 8, 2007
north jersey
why do you say other games are harder when you haven't mastered this game? Just asking...
Rofl..The same things you say to other people go for you. How the hell are you going to make a topic saying that smash is harder then games the YOU dont even play, and then come up with a wise *** post such as this one? Seriously..You should really watch what you post. You flip flop everything you say WAY too much.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2006
Rofl..The same things you say to other people go for you. How the hell are you going to make a topic saying that smash is harder then games the YOU dont even play, and then come up with a wise *** post such as this one? Seriously..You should really watch what you post. You flip flop everything you say WAY too much.
Watch him edit that post...


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
See we all underestimate each game. You think you can learn it in a few hours which you obviously cannot and I think I can learn some GG techs in a few hours which when I really looked it at, I can't. All techniques take practice.

I didn't get pwned by eggm I think hes on my side, he wanted me to say useful things so I can shut you guys up even more. Eggms the man.

thanks for entertaining me with immature banter. Seriously I can be ignorant sometimes but im not immature.

And to wordman, no offense but you say you can play all characters at high levels of play....AND CANT WAVESHIELD. C'mon do I even have to say anything about this. lol.

And he said post of vid of you(meaning my crew) beating pros. And starzonedge is in my crew and he beat wes in the video.

Editing my posts hmmm maybe because I want to add o correct something...what the button is for. Knowing that you came up with so many explanations why I most likely edited my post is sad, for new readers? Give me a break...

Envy I just said something that was hypocritical without even realizing it. I dont think many people can say things like that anyway...

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