Smash Cadet
Heh, that sounds familiar to be honest. Yeah, I usually go Duck Hunt in there, but it's been a long while since I used that tag.By the way, do you remember two players, one with the tag WOOF WOOF, and one with the tag BARK BARK? One named Mason, one named Adan.
We swear we've seen you on FFA. I was in a call with a buddy and we kept going into FFA lobbies to goof around together. One match was a taunt party where my buddy and I were playing Roy and jabbing at each other, while possibly you were Lucario or Duck Hunt.
I just saw the "O Hi Doggy" tag when watching your archive of FG Hell, and that Mii seemed somewhat familiar. I told my buddy about it, and he remembers those matches.
I should use it again, been using a lot of Duck Hunt lately. But now I'm just kind of avoiding FFA for the time being. I feel like that's PROBABLY what triggered my FG Hell this time. I guess I went to one too many FFA sessions!
Though if you go 2v2's, you'll most likely see me. My current tag is RAWWWWR or somethin' silly. I see a lot of the same players in 2v2's surprisingly! Just don't be surprise if you see me leave a room suddenly, because my goodness, I swear, the people that don't the good Internet/Wifi/NotUsingLANAdapter in that mode is outstandingly high.
I'm beginning to wonder if blocking players also triggers FG Hell. I've been recently doing that before being sent there after trying my gosh darn hardest not to block players. I can only take only so many months of unbearable lag from people who are more than 1000 miles away from me (and or overseas)
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