I like the idea of having an intro, but we probably want an animator to pull that off.
I kinda want to talk about story mode if we do put that in. I was thinking maybe we have chapters to go with it. So like,
Chapter 1: The Clash Tournament,
The old 5 veterans return and entered a tournament. They meet these new fighters (and couple "old" ones that were in a smash clash 1 update) and talk trash to each other and eventually become rivals for the tournament.
Chapter 2: A New Threat,
Right after someone wins the tournament, the 5 veterans return to their homeland (or live together which ever is easier) in peace until, some big leader comes to invade the world starting at their home. The 5 veterans must fight off some of the invader's minions.
Chapter 3: The Spreading,
Meanwhile, the 5 veterans are fighting at their home, the other team was also invaded.
Chapter 4: Team up,
Both of the teams joimed together to stop their main enemy.
Chapter 5: yada yada ect... and can keep going for a few more (or a lot more, whatever floats) chapters. Maybe they will bond together or some dark or plot twist and all that jazz and the final chapter is them winning clearly.
This was just something that was on my head for a few hours.

(I probably don't want to talk too much on this unless we are going to keep all the sequel stuff on this thread rather than a new one)
Oh, and sorry for asking, but how are the Party Box and Bouncer doing? I haven't heard anything from them since I've showed them. Can they be in smash clash 1?