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SMASH BROTHERS VICTORY! Victoria Day: Monday May 18th/09 - Results


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
No you didn't.

Game 1: I won 2 stock mid percent on Battlefield
Game 2: I won 1 stock low percent (?) on brinstar
I thought so, the podcast said I got 3 stocked and they talked kind of negatively about my performance hahaha.

It's all good. I have a problem with underestimating MK's. Good ****.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2009
Niigata, Japan
next tourney im attending is your tourny (i hope someone will drive me :|... my ride seems to have broken his finger and has since lost his inclination to attend.). if i can make it another way though, i am the 6-foot 8-inch lad who mains DK.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
O_O...I just spent the last 30 minutes writing shoutouts. Then my computer got and unknown random error. I am not writing all that out again.

GGs everyone!

Pownz your tourneys are awesome as usual. Hurry up and get the Vid's up.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
sorry for getting angry Mikey. Brawl does that to me lately. I dislike being competitive now, which is why I'll be quitting soon. I'm too old for this lol. Too much traveling also.
I might go ganon exclusive from now on. I'm pretty good with him actually, and he'll keep me from hating brawl, just makes it more fun.


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2007
St Catherines, Ontario
Sweet tourney pownz, Pools were kinda chaotic, but other than that awesome stuffs.

1: Ally- Epic Smash 64 matches. Falcon Punch mindgames FTL.

5: Niko- Jesus combo of death. Glidetoss ->Bomb

9: Phiddlestix- Oh man, apparently you're 70000 times better now. I beat you last time, but based on your placement I don't think I would have this time

9: Mikey7- lol got *****. Maybe I should pick up a secondary so its not completely obvious of who I will be.... every. single. time.

9: Carter- Close match man. Slow getup on Halberd FTL.

9: Percon- I think the most fun I had at the tourney was playing Smash 64. Sick Yoshi, I kinda hate playing Ness cause hes WAY too cheap. It was funny when I picked Kirby on out last match though.

17: Limp- Since when did ZSS live to 199%? Who am I, Ally? Closest and most intense battle ever.

17: Minty- I guess the lava wasn't on your side that match. lol gg

17: Pho- Shyrouken to up air to shyrouken. Smash 64 is so broken its balanced. Awesome teams, I'm bringing it to every tourney I go to.

25: Sheep- Oh man. You got ALOT better. I need some more ROB experience.

25: Iliad-Sweet seeing ya again man. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR SEEDING.

Splash: "Kuenzel? They warned me about you..." OMGWTFBBQ


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
sorry for getting angry Mikey. Brawl does that to me lately. I dislike being competitive now, which is why I'll be quitting soon. I'm too old for this lol. Too much traveling also.
I might go ganon exclusive from now on. I'm pretty good with him actually, and he'll keep me from hating brawl, just makes it more fun.
Yeah I just try to have fun, I wasn't angry that you were getting mad or anything lol


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
17: Pho- Shyrouken to up air to shyrouken. Smash 64 is so broken its balanced. Awesome teams, I'm bringing it to every tourney I go to.
Man that combo was awesome. Nothing but luls.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Pownz just keeps getting better and better, it was great to see everyone again and I'm pleased to be playing consistently again.

1: Ally - Too good of course.

2: Hype - Good games, you play really solid, haha its so annoying to fight you as Falco. You know the matchup back just as well as I do, not used to that haha.

3: Doc- You totally got me this time bro haha, 2-1 now. Remember, don't sprint.

4: Minus- You're a boss.

5: Niko - Almost top 4 in your returning tournament? Not too shabby! I heard that guy who eliminated you is pretty good so don't feel bad ;)

5: Fool- Awwww yeah Zero Suit Sandwich!!! I told you man, hahaha I told you we'd do it, great time teaming with you and good **** in singles as well.

7: Danny- Haha I watch those c4's just as much as you :chuckle: GG

9: Mikey7 - Great set, I thought it was funny how it was all 2 stocks as well, good to see/play you again. Great set in doubles as well.

9: Carter - GG'z in doubles

9: percon- Hey, the universe must balance haha, lets see it swing the otherway next time ;)

13: Nickcam - Awesome doubles matches.

13: Decoy - GG'z in doubles and good to see you out at real events haha.

13: Kuenzel+ 25: Iliad : No shoutouts guys? I ***** a lot of people that day so don't feel so bad... hey gg'z It happens.

25: wolfblade - Haha don't let the bad luck slow down your return!


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Hey guys sorry I took so long for shoutouts, just been busy.


1: Ally: Was a pleasure teaming alongside with your snake, you're a complete beast in doubles and singles, gj.

2: Hype: Words can't describe how much you've improved, I'm totally impressed, btw thanks for spliting singles prize pool with me.

3: Doc: You're amazing at this game.

4: Minus: That tournament was our little version of an ally vs m2k fiasco, i emerged victorious, so i guess i'm ally :).
Thanks for waiting for me at the end of the tournament, and for simply being a great friend / a beast at this game.

5: Niko: Nah, you're not weird, I just thought you were a girl on smashboards. You're actually a really cool guy, and nice. Good job in singles.

5: Fool: That burning passion of 1000 suns you're talking about can be cooled down with ease, i'll be sure to bring you an ice pack at our next tournament =P.

7: Culex: Last time I talked to you your words were " Don't be ignorant, unless you're looking to fight " I guess you turned out to be a really nice person in reality, see ya at the next tourney you decide to attend.

9: Mikey7: OMG you're a ****ing beast dude, such a patient dedede user, and your DI is almost as good as Allys, you gave me a really hard time. gj we'll see if you'll get me next time ;).

9: Carter: Calmest dude down there, always chill and friendly, was nice seeing / talking to you at pownz dude.

9: percon: Got my revenge on you in pools, haha. See you at the next tourney bro.

13: NickCam: Money match next time, no joke, you seemed depressed or something, was it cause' of your singles placing?

13: Decoy: Np dude, and ya when i say i'll get top 3 i mean it, im not all talk.

17: Drekkonis: You're cool dude, I like being around you you're very nice. See ya at fan expo.

17: Shifu: Your mk is really good, choose better cps though, mk kinda gets ***** in norfair cause' he has no platform to lava pressure.

17: Pho: The mystery goes on for who paid my singles, but thanks for having my back anyways.

17: Tippr: Your marth is crazy, can't believe i was so close to losing in the first round. diddy and snake ftw.

25: Iliad: You're a ****in funny dude, you made me laugh on several occasions. Would love to play you again.

Oh and of course --> Kingace, Ambrose, Cyan, Pastaboy. I wanna mm all 4 of you at the next tourney, better show up this time.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2005
Bindura, Zimbabwe
fashionably late shoutouts

1: Ally - I pretty much got destroyed by you in brackets haha. Either way I enjoyed the two matches we had. Congrats on the wins both at Pownz and at Apex :)

2: Hype - Is it just me or are you placing higher at every Pownz tournament lol. Maybe the pattern will continue at the next one and you'll get first ;) I know we haven't played yet, but your MK is sick

5: Niko - You must have watched my Bowser and thought it was SO FAST THAT IT REMINDED YOU OF MK (I'm kidding obv lol) I saw a few matches of your Peach and it looked awesome. I hope we can play either some friendlies or in tournament sometime.

5: Fool - You keep telling me about how you are 2-0ing everyone in pools. Either you keep getting super easy pools or your Falco is just plain too good. I have a feeling it's the latter :p

7: Danny - I have never played a C4 specialist B4 before (I am NOT making that joke). Those were some wicked fun sets we had lol

7: Culex - We didn't play in tournament, but thanks for the Ganondorf dittos beforehand :D (I love Gdawg dittos)

9: Carter - We still haven't played in tournament since my first one way back in the day, but it's nice how we always get some friendlies in :)

9: Percon - Those were some intense matches we had oof :s Your Kirby is ridiculous man

13: Kuenzel - We will get our rematch eventually ;) FYI, Splash is a friend of mine who picked up ZSS recently, and I told him to watch out for you and hopefully pick up some tips

13: Jasuke - We finally didn't get pooled together! I still want to play your ICs sometime :p

17: Shifu - Looks like we are even in sets now. I so should have banned Rainbow Cruise against you lol

25: P-CHAN - Good job making it out of pools at your first tournament bro. Maybe next time you won't have to leave before brackets start :(

25: Sheep - It's always fun playing friendlies with you :)

25: Iliad - Looks like I have your number hehe. Also, I was thinking about that Hamilton crew you were talking about. Possible name: Hammer Bros?!?

25: Stan - I was gonna say we should have a Pokemon battle at the next Pownz tournament but then I remembered I restarted my Diamond and don't have a team anymore (other than for Battle Tower) :( Ah well, thanks for playing some friendlies with me

25: Dan - Friendlies! I love playing friendlies. We haven't played in tournament yet, but I'm sure we will eventually

Splash - Don't worry about not making it out of pools. Just keep working and things will happen :)

Yami Atkatsuki/Hylian Phantom/Hylian Atkatsuki/Yami Phantom/whatever your next alias is - Where were you man you missed out on a sick tournament :(

Pownz staff - Excellent tournament. Thanks for running these things every month :D I'll try my best to bring a TV that actually plays brawl next time :x

I'm thinking I'll show up fashionably late to the next tournament as well so I'm not standing outside for awhile again :p At least it was nice outside though


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
fashionably late shoutouts
2: Hype - Is it just me or are you placing higher at every Pownz tournament lol. Maybe the pattern will continue at the next one and you'll get first ;) I know we haven't played yet, but your MK is sick
Placing 2nd at a tourney with Ally there is first lol.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
My turn at shoutouts.

Ally: Congrats again at APEX. Bringing home the gold to Canada! Getting you down to your last stock is nothing but luck.
Hype: Nice work on second. IT'S A TRAP!
Doc: Ya... I paid for your singles alright...*rolls eyes*
Niko: Welcome back to smash. Good to see you. Dtilt to perfect glide toss bomb is full of win.
Culex: Without online johns, I almost beat you. Next time.
Mikey7: GGs in brackets. So much effort to kill DeDeDe...
Carter: I was hoping to play your Pikachu. Good Snake as always. Very close pools.
Kuenzel: Smash 64 FTW
Jasuke: ICs were too much for me. Gotta rethink my plan against them. GG in brackets.
Minty: GGs in pools. Very close.
SRTM: I said play for fun! Not 'serious business.'
Jerk: Never played you, and I wanted to prove myself that I am the best Toon Link in Ontario. Next time I hope, and bring Insomnia next time. Niko's combo on you was too good.
Iliad: No friendlies? Boo!
Wolfblade: Same with you!
Dan: Last minute Guelphite. We need to practice more!
AvariceX: Chun-Li: "Try and dodge this!"


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
For Ankoku's list:

1. Ally (Snake)
2. Hype (MK)
3. Doc (MK)
4. Minus (Falco)
5. NikoK (Peach)
5. Fool (Falco)
7. Danny (Snake)
7. Culex (Snake mostly? guy uses too many characters)

...Such character diversity lmao


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
I wouldn't put it on the list but I used Oli for a couple games. Hes like, not even high tier? Thats diverse enough if you ask me.


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2008
**** niko 5th!!! nice!. ug looks like i gotta to canada to take down silly ally


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Man...5 pages and no shoutouts...


haha I guess this is what I deserve for failing so hard in pools XD. I actually don't have too many shoutouts to give this time either though...

Ally - I finally got you XD. I mean you were goofing around last stock...but I got 3 PKT2 kills so what else can you ask of me? lol. It's hard to believe, and probably hard to notice for some people but you have got a lot better since last time I played you (as if it were really necessary -_-). Man...how is it possible that I drown in pools and then win a game against you (1 game out of like 30... but that's not the point ><). Just wait... I'll get you in tournament one of these days :)

Pho - GG's in SF4, mad props for being so good with Chun Li, and good talking to you again.

Niko - sorry Zen is such a failure and we couldn't come to St. Catharines...after FOiN for sure though :)... So good seeing you again, tourneys are so much less awesome without you around.

Wolfblade - Same as Niko, and sorry our matches got cut short due to the Pownz interview thing, but those were still fun games. Looking forward to more Ness vs Lucario in the future...and honestly, I think we can bypass these silly DBZ-esque warmups and go straight to using our mains from now on lol.

Percon - Barely talked to you, but good seeing you again.

Culex - Ness dittos every month are too key.

Minus - Too good. I thought I was pretty good at the Falco matchup, but man I got ***** so hard. I have a long way to go to catch up to your Falco, and the Ness vs Falco matchup is seriously not that uneven, which is just a testament to how insane your Falco is. ggs.

Iliad - Before this I had only played you once before in doubles, but I can tell you improved a lot since then, thanks for playing your hardest even though you wanted me to make it out of pools, I would so much rather play against someone at their fullest regardless of the circumstances (just ask Ally about my absurd MM requests XD)

Danny - Your Rufus is so good, and your Vega drinks Jesus Juice. Thanks for the games and for the advice, I won't let it go to waste. Also getting 1st seed in pools and finishing 7th in your first tourney of a game you don't even really play is absolutely incredible; good stuff.

I'm sure I missed someone; I always do.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I knew I was forgetting someone.....I did my shoutouts late at night and I pondered upon who was missing. It was you and zen!

I'm pretty sure you know what I'm going to say though xD. GG good seeing you again, way to fail and not come to my place thanks to zen xD. next time for sho!


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
The legend of mikey continues. Players he's made retire: 53829 lmao
Srtm, playing mikey'll make you hate brawl, but playing ganon'll make you hate life. Dont do it ahaha. Besides youve got a real nice diddy.

And correcting niko's list....
7: Culex (Snake/Dk/Falco)
9: Phiddlestix (bowser)
9: Mikey7 (3De)
9: Carter(pika/samus/snake)
9: percon(Kirby)

...dunno where he got all that mk business from ahaha. Pretty diverse.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
I used Marth a good couple matches too, but it doesn't matter I wasn't even top 8 lol : p

Top 8 was pretty lame though, was just Falco, MK, and Snake for the most part

Stack It Up

Smash Rookie
May 21, 2009
Sup y'all.

Got banned for having the Yoshi sprite of him smoking weed.


So like, Mikey7, how far is the Tournament you're hosting from Meadowvale T.C.?


Wow, no one has mentioned me yet in shoutouts. :[


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2008
Mikey7, I think I played Marth dittos with you in friendlies. I was astounded, where I'm from I've beaten all the Marth mains, so to see someone who was able to read me like a book the way you did was quite the fresh experience. I hope to play your Marth again someday, and I promise it's not going to be as easy.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Yeah, I remember you Steve, white Marth right...I got too lazy to leave everyone shoutouts for friendlies >_> played like 10 people lol. Look forward to playing you in the future.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I used Marth a good couple matches too, but it doesn't matter I wasn't even top 8 lol : p

Top 8 was pretty lame though, was just Falco, MK, and Snake for the most part
Don't know where you go off saying i only played MK, I used Ice climbers for losers quarters, losers semis, losers finals, and first round.

diddy and snake also. So I'd say i'm pretty versatile.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Lol I never said anythign about you not being versatile >_> but its whatever character you used most games total or in the games that counted, so that would now be mk/ics
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