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Smash Bros. 3D/U OST Contest! Round 27 - Midgar (Grading)


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Alright, this one wasn't easy. But I've managed to get a setlist together.

Name: Title
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (NGC, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S1IjOlzHA

Name: City (Day)
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4fgDObZ4w

Name: Title Theme
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wjm8y2Tf6g
Reason: The main theme from City Folk, which is the main game represented by this stage.

Sweet Day Medley
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Nintendo Land (Wii U, 2012)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leOEmghWBNA (Intro);
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLYGidJUNGQ (Island);
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrSllmK0Uj0 (Downtown);

These songs were used in Nintendo Land's Sweet Day minigame. While these songs are actually the three songs listed above, they deviate from Animal Crossing's acoustic style of music by being in line with Nintendo Land's quirky marching band style.

Name: K.K. Rockabilly
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZl0QZPPY-g
Reason: I think this song would work perfectly for a fighting game, especially if they were to remix it in a true 50's rockabilly style.

Name: 5 PM
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA5qUbu0Khw
Reason: I feel that the 5 PM tune is a happy medium between slow night songs and peppy day songs. This song could work out no matter what time of day it is.

Name: 2 AM
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin:
Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005), remixed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Reason: This song was popular back in Brawl, and it should definitely return for one more!

Working for Tom Nook
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin:
Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qs4yC7wuu0
A fairly peaceful tune. It's also close to those who have played Animal Crossing since the beginning.

And finally, my K.K. Slider songs for Saturday nights:
K.K. Fusion - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGY7Iwm4Pfk
K.K. Rock - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gemh9AEauHY&index=53
K.K. House - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwYmTJs0kJ0
K.K. Western - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nx3TEVHvvM
K.K. Rockabilly - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8OfkocXjs
Rockin' K.K. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM3Jt03UV8s
Through the Fire and K.K. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVyAcy-z2Dw (My joke entry, since everyone's doing them too)

Good lord, that wasn't easy! :p
Edit: For some reason, my song listings were clumping together. Hopefully I've got them so they're nice and spaced out. Music is surprising claustrophobic. And I threw in a joke K.K. song, too.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013

Name: Title (Animal Crossing)
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S1IjOlzHA
Reason: Already confirmed.
Name: City (Day)/ City (Night)
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4fgDObZ4w, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttPe3o5wbqE
Reason: Already confirmed. EDIT: Added City Night to this instead of having it take up its own space because I realized how it didn't make sense for the 2 entities to occupy their own space due to the fact that they are caused by the time of day. So....yeah.
Name: Title (Animal Crossing: City Folk and Wild World)
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3nobz3a_DQ
Reason: Wild World's and City Folk's Theme Song is THE Animal Crossing song and the theme that most people recognize from the Animal Crossing series. Considering this takes place on a City Folk inspired stage it makes plenty of sense for it to be re-used in some way shape or form. Though I linked to the Brawl version, I personally think a new arrangement is due and would be the most likely outcome if the song is used again.
Name: Two Days Ago
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4DF-Esh2bg
Reason: Two Days Ago is one of the most popular if not the most popular K.K. Song of all time. It was the last track on the K.K. Song listing of the original Animal Crossing and was 1 of 3 secret songs in the game. Since its release in the 1st one it has continued to be one of the most popular K.K. songs there is and remains notable for being one of the serious K.K. songs and one of the few to not use "K.K." in front of it as well. Its popularity as well as "perfect attendance" in every Animal Crossing game makes it suitable for a "Go K.K. Rider" remix. It also offers a nice change of pace with its melancholy tune similar to The Roost in Brawl.
Name: Shampoodle
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yLIKbc8sUg
Reason: Wait! Before you say something like "this song?!" let me explain. Shampoodle is a song featured in Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf and is a jazzy, upbeat tune. It is pretty catchy for what it is currently but one of the biggeset reasons I picked this is because of how easily it can be rearranged to fit in Smash even more. Brass instruments, drums, and possibly even a guitar/rock arrangement would work wonders on this piece. Not only has hair changing been a big part of Animal Crossing for a while but the salon Shampoodle is located in the City area in City Folk which means it is incredibly relevant to the stage and game. (The City being the main point of interest in the game.)
Name: 1 AM
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS, 2012)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX2NxSN49Tg
Reason: Hourly music is something very common in Animal Crossing and it happens...every hour. The time and effort that goes into it should be adknowledged in some way so I picked the most popular hour music from the most recent Animal Crossing. A new arrangement to make it upbeat instead would be very impressive. EDIT: I found something I like better 1 AM is just so beautiful. I can already see it being a Roost of this game especially if remixed with piano and chimes. The FEELS. PS: It is also kind of funny considering there was a song called 2 AM in Brawl.
Name: Rainy Day
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOVJhfMHuGI
Reason: EDIT: I needed something to replace the City (Night) track so I opted for this random, yet memorable track from the original. It proves to be popular for some reason and I think it be absolutely amazing when remix, something like this masterpiece. I opted for this instead of the New Leaf title because I would then have had 3 title themes which I don't think would have gone down very well with you guys....
Name: Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1svDZECOa4
Reason: It doesn't matter if it is a new arrangement or not, but this song plays in 2 very important places in not only City Folk but the whole Animal Crossing series. The building climatic makes it suitable for fighting as well. Nuff said.
New Leaf Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYDp...TA&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_206350

K.K. Songs (all of the ones from Brawl plus):
Go K.K. Rider!
Origin- Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Reason-Too popular to not return....but since this technically doesn't count as a new song there are 6 more below
K.K. Bossa
Origin- Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Reason- A catchy, upbeat tune that just so happens to be very popular as well. It was voted the favorite KK song around the release of the official Animal Crossing Soundtrack and has plenty of remixes and arrangements out there already making it very notable indeed. Indeed...it was also the song used in that Animal Crossing movie...
Stale Cupcakes
Origin- Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Reason- It is probably one of the saddest Animal Crossing sounds ever and works as the perfect companion to Spring Blossoms which is its polar opposite in almost every way possible. It works as a change of pace in the vein of The Roost or Midna's Lament as well. Also, it originates from City Folk which is where the Villager's design and this stage hails from.
Spring Blossoms
Origin- Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Reason- As stated above the companion to Stale Cupcakes. A nice cheery piece that fits with the scenery of the stage though there are no cherry blossoms anywhere. One thing not mentioned above is that these 2 pieces are the 2 most popular from City Folk as well (more than K.K. House and Wandering for example).
Agent K.K.
Origin- Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Reason- Now I'm not sure if this one is popular or not but it fits Smash more than any other K.K. song really. It has a nice mysterious, yet action like theme that reminds me of a spy movie as the title suggests.
Bubblegum K.K.
Origin- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS, 2012)
Reason- A pop like theme that helps add to the variety of the K.K. songs which is what I was going for if you noticed. The signature new New Leaf song (along with Hypno K.K. for reasons I won't delve into here...) and though I think it would be even more amazing with a remix I believe it is not notable enough to get one. However, this song can't go without being represented I feel so here it is.
Steep Hill
Origin- Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Reason- Once again variety is key here and this song absolutely both counters and is companion with Stale Cupcakes, another sad song. It is also somewhat dark and once again I feel like a broken record here...but popular. It also is one of the longest K.K. songs in the series and probably one of the least repetitive songs so there is that.

EDIT 1: I added links to the KK songs and added explantions. I also changed out Wandering and K.K. Milonga.
EDIT 2: Moved City(Night) and replaced it with Rainy Day.
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Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2012
Back in the saddle!

Name: Title
Universe: Animal Crossing
Origin: Animal Crossing (2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S1IjOlzHA
Reason: Confirmed

Name: City (Day/Night)
Universe: Animal Crossing
Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4fgDObZ4w
Reason: Confirmed, plus a night variant, if you are playing this stage at night.

Name: K.K. Bubblegum
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (2013)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVcvBzfB4MM
Reason: Fun and upbeat, this song is a super catchy tune that switches between a more relaxed tempo and a more intense one, making it a great choice for both a fighting song and an Animal Crossing one.

Name: 3 PM
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (2008)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozI2zpMCDlg
Reason: Simple and clean, this track represents the hourly tracks of Animal Crossing. I think this track would sound good arranged with some more variation, switching between different instruments as the song goes on.

Name: Go K.K. Rider!

Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESYWOcXmhPI
Reason: AC's best song in Brawl deserves a comeback! It is probably the most out of place in terms of stage setting, but as a fan favorite track, I don't think anyone would complain.

Name: The Roost
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NQUmJUT8Ac
Reason: While we are at it, let's bring back this one too! As far as softer, more gentle songs go, you can't go wrong with this track. It is sweeping and emotional and one of those tracks you could almost tune out the fighting to listen to.

Name: Downtown
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Nintendo Land (2012)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrSllmK0Uj0
Reason: Another upbeat track that is light and giddy. It has a friendly competition feel to it and that works well for a fight on this stage.

Name: Gnat Attack 2
Universe: Mario Paint
Game of Origin: Mario Paint (1992)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSrQOjwRPZ4
Reason: While this is technically a Mario tune, Mario Paint's music is much more akin to Animal Crossing stylistically and this track is no exception. Update it to an orchestrated tune, and I think it would be a fun and fitting secret track.

K.K. Slider Saturday Songs
K.K. Western
K.K. Lament
Rockin' K.K.
Surfin' K.K.
K.K. Safari
Steep Hill

Bonus Track: Book of Nook


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
[collapse=Town & City playlist]
Song: Title (Animal Crossing)
Source: Animal Forest (N64, 2001) / Animal Crossing (GCN, 2001)
Reason: A track by the same title appeared in Brawl, but it was actually the title theme to Wild World, which disappointed me greatly, because I much prefer the original's. Anyway, this is the theme that started it all. It really should be the “default” theme for this stage, and it's confirmed to show up regardless. So glad to have it in the game.

Song: Title (Animal Crossing)
Source: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005) / Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, 2008)
Reason: This is that track from Brawl I was talking about. This is the title theme to Wild World, but it has since become the series' main title theme, and appears in the title for City Folk, so I believe it is fair game, and also a bit of a necessity.

Song: The City (Day) / The City (Night)
Source: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2009)
Reason: The most notable aspect of City Folk and its foremost introduction is the city, the premier shopping and entertainment location for players. It's a no-brained that it'd be included, and the Day version is confirmed to show up. I added the Night theme to play when this stage is played on after sunset. The tracks would transition if the internal clock shifts from one part of the day to another while playing.

Song: Morning Aerobics
Source: Animal Forest (N64, 2001) / Animal Crossing (GCN, 2001)
Reason: This music was supposedly planned for Brawl, but removed. It's a catchy little tune, and I'd like to see it included this time. Although the Sports Fair hasn't returned in any Animal Crossing games after its introduction in the first, it's a memorable part of the original game, and the music still shows up as an easter egg in radio and television programs in every game afterward. The classy melody here would fit the city portion of the stage nicely.

Song: 8 AM
Source: Animal Forest (N64, 2001) / Animal Crossing (GCN, 2001)
Reason: I'd argue that darn near every hourly theme from the original Animal Crossing is well-known and beloved by most fans. Out of the original 24 themes, I chose 8 AM because it provides a crisp, morning atmosphere while still functioning as a fitting track for midday and nightly brawls; it's cheery enough for daylight but somber enough for night. It also has Forest Life, the series' general theme, integrated into it.

Song: K.K. House
Source: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2009)
Reason: Debuting in City Folk, K.K. House is my suggested replacement for Go K.K. Rider! A remix of a popular K.K. Slider track that can be used as a standalone piece in a battle. It's jazzy, it's electronic, it's different, and it'd fit both parts of the stage. Here's one remix I think would be a good basis for rearrangement.

Song: Shampoodle
Source: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Reason: Though it debuted in Wild World, Shampoodle also returned in City Folk (since City Folk was basically a Wii port of Wild World), and brought its music along for the ride. It's not the most action-packed tune, but this is Animal Crossing we're talking about. The track is catchy, memorable, and would fit well in the city portion of the stage. It'd need a remix, for sure. I'd love to see something electronic and dance-able, but with an atmospheric mood, like this.

Song: K.K. Slider Songs
Source: Animal Crossing series
Reason: One common and prominent element that has bound all entries in the series together since the beginning has been K.K. Slider and his weekly performance on Saturday nights. Brawl's Smashville stage used the Wii's internal clock to stay faithful to the source game and bring Totakeke himself to the battle to perform from a small selection of his songs while the players fought. I'm assuming they'll bring this feature back, with some old and new tracks. I consider this my 8th track for my playlist, but if these are counted as extra, let me know and I'll add an extra standalone track to my list. Either way, here are my 6 picks:
  • K.K. Western - This classic tune should return from Brawl for Round 2. A straight encapsulation of the time-honored Western standoff score, it's perfect fightin' music.
  • K.K. Condor - I also chose to have this return from Brawl, for two general reasons. Firstly, it's my favorite K.K. Slider track. Secondly, it's fast, intense, and sounds very different from most Animal Crossing music, adding some variety.
  • K.K. Ragtime - Like Mask O'Gears, I'm also a bit of a ragtime fan myself, and this little ditty fits perfectly on the city section of the stage. It's highly popular within the fanbase, even if only because of Bob.
  • Mountain Song - One of the first new batch of songs after the originals, Mountain Song debuted in Wild World. A whimsical alpine tune, the live rendition sounds similar to the City's happy-go-lucky theme, and it's a really fun song that I think merits inclusion.
  • K.K. Adventure - One of the most beloved new tracks from New Leaf, think of it as the fantasy-themed alternative to the Wild West-themed K.K. Western. Out of Slider's library, it's perfect for an intense fight.
  • K.K. Jongara - Another addition from the 3DS installment, this is one of the few tracks that I believe sounds better live than on CD in-game. It's a fan-favorite, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it show up. It sounds very different from your typical K.K. Slider song, or from other Animal Crossing music in general, and I think it's the perfect way to end this list.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Quick question, I forgot to add two-three tracks in my list, can I change it?


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Pretty sure the official policy is that you can change it as long as it's before the round is closed.
Thanks. I'll get to that latter today. Would it be alright if I posted the revised version instead of changing the original?


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2013
I haven't done one of these in a while, so it's great to be back!

Name: Title
Origin: Animal Crossing
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S1IjOlzHA
Reason: Already confirmed.

Name: City (Day & Night)
Origin: City Folk
Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4fgDObZ4w
Reason: Confirmed. I've added a night-time version that would play during the night.

Name: Main Theme
Origin: City Folk
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMda5giIEys&index=2
Reason: The main theme of the game - its iconic and catchy, and it captures the feel of the game. This should definitely be in.

Name: 4 PM
Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOk61hP2K7Q
Reason: Just my personal choice in an hourly tune. It represents the hourly music well and would sound good with some updated instruments.

Name: Town Medley
Origin: Animal Crossing
Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNTWLf64VQ4
Reason: I wanted to squeeze in a lot of the iconic 'indoor' tunes. What better way to do this than with a medley? I consider these sort of an expansion of the Town Hall/Tom Nook mashup from Brawl.
It begins with the Town Hall, which then leads into Tom Nook's similar to Brawl's track. After a minute or two of Nook's theme, it transitions into the Able Sisters song. This goes on for a few seconds until a faint tick-tocking is heard, and it turns into the Museum theme! After all of this it loops back to the Town Hall.

Name: The Roost
Origin: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NQUmJUT8Ac
Reason: A memorable song from both the Animal Crossing series and from SSBB. Calming, emotional - this tune has got it all.

Name: Go K.K. Rider!
Origin: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESYWOcXmhPI
Reason: Though it doesn't exactly fit the stage per se, it is a fan favorite. I could definitely see this track returning.

K.K. Slider Songs:
K.K. Ballad
K.K. Bossa
K.K. Condor
K.K. Disco
K.K. Dixie
K.K. Ska
K.K. Soul
K.K. Waltz
K.K. Western
Only Me
Rockin' K.K.
Steep Hill
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Here. I hope ya’ll are happy with my slave-like work on this list. :p
Here are two tracks I want to add to my previous list.

Name: The Roost
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of origin: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Link: Sorry, my computer is a bit on the bad side today.... Please Understand.

Name: 12 pm
Series: Animal Crossing
Game: Animal Crossing: Wild World

For the K K Slider list:

K. K. Bubblegum
K. K. DJ
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Hiow many songs are allowed in a Medley again? May edit this later.

Title: Animal Crossing.
Origin: Animal Crossing

Already confirmed.

City Day.
Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk

Already confirmed.

City Night
Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk.

What would the city's theme be without both it's day and night versions?

4 PM
Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk

A nice and memorable tune that plays nearing the end of the day in City Folk. Would represent the hourly tracks this time around, likely being updated for this game as well.

Town Medley:
Origins: Animal Crossing: City Folk

The Museum I think, wouldn't fit in as well s the others. The song is very short, with only one instrument playing a quick and quiet tune with a few small pitch changes, with a few small alterations depending on which room you're in, before it begins to loop again. Not a bad thing, but I don't think it would fit in, not nearly as well as the others anyway. Mr. Resetti's theme is very iconic, I simply couldn't leave it out.

Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk

I felt it needed one more City Folk song.

The Roost.
Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Origin: Animal Crossing.

I feel Brawl's version of this track would be the best version to include here, unless they decide to alter it to create a new version once again.

Go K.K. Rider!
Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Origin: Animal Crossing.

A very popular song, and Brawl's version of it is truly fantastic.

Ooh, K.K. songs will be tough.

I'll just pick a few songs of different genres. Despite being a huge Animal Crossing fan, K.K. songs are something I have almost no knowledge in.

K.K. Soul
K.K. Western
Imperial K.K.
K.K. Salsa
Surfin' K.K.
K.K. Metal
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I edited my list a bit. Changed the last song in the medley from Nookington's to Gracie Grace's store, added Go K.K. Rider and put in my selection of K. K. songs.

EDIT: Actually scratch that as well...I decided to make GracieGrace's theme it's own song on the list and put Mr. Resetti's theme with the Medley.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2013
[collapse=Town & City playlist]
Song: Title (Animal Crossing)
Source: Animal Forest (N64, 2001) / Animal Crossing (GCN, 2001)
Reason: A track by the same title appeared in Brawl, but it was actually the title theme to Wild World, which disappointed me greatly, because I much prefer the original's. Anyway, this is the theme that started it all. It really should be the “default” theme for this stage, and it's confirmed to show up regardless. So glad to have it in the game.

Song: Title (Animal Crossing)
Source: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005) / Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, 2008)
Reason: This is that track from Brawl I was talking about. This is the title theme to Wild World, but it has since become the series' main title theme, and appears in the title for City Folk, so I believe it is fair game, and also a bit of a necessity.

Song: The City (Day) / The City (Night)
Source: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2009)
Reason: The most notable aspect of City Folk and its foremost introduction is the city, the premier shopping and entertainment location for players. It's a no-brained that it'd be included, and the Day version is confirmed to show up. I added the Night theme to play when this stage is played on after sunset. The tracks would transition if the internal clock shifts from one part of the day to another while playing.

Song: Morning Aerobics
Source: Animal Forest (N64, 2001) / Animal Crossing (GCN, 2001)
Reason: This music was supposedly planned for Brawl, but removed. It's a catchy little tune, and I'd like to see it included this time. Although the Sports Fair hasn't returned in any Animal Crossing games after its introduction in the first, it's a memorable part of the original game, and the music still shows up as an easter egg in radio and television programs in every game afterward. The classy melody here would fit the city portion of the stage nicely.

Song: 8 AM
Source: Animal Forest (N64, 2001) / Animal Crossing (GCN, 2001)
Reason: I'd argue that darn near every hourly theme from the original Animal Crossing is well-known and beloved by most fans. Out of the original 24 themes, I chose 8 AM because it provides a crisp, morning atmosphere while still functioning as a fitting track for midday and nightly brawls; it's cheery enough for daylight but somber enough for night. It also has Forest Life, the series' general theme, integrated into it.

Song: K.K. House
Source: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2009)
Reason: Debuting in City Folk, K.K. House is my suggested replacement for Go K.K. Rider! A remix of a popular K.K. Slider track that can be used as a standalone piece in a battle. It's jazzy, it's electronic, it's different, and it'd fit both parts of the stage. Here's one remix I think would be a good basis for rearrangement.

Song: Shampoodle
Source: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)
Reason: Though it debuted in Wild World, Shampoodle also returned in City Folk (since City Folk was basically a Wii port of Wild World), and brought its music along for the ride. It's not the most action-packed tune, but this is Animal Crossing we're talking about. The track is catchy, memorable, and would fit well in the city portion of the stage. It'd need a remix, for sure. I'd love to see something electronic and dance-able, but with an atmospheric mood, like this.

Song: K.K. Slider Songs
Source: Animal Crossing series
Reason: One common and prominent element that has bound all entries in the series together since the beginning has been K.K. Slider and his weekly performance on Saturday nights. Brawl's Smashville stage used the Wii's internal clock to stay faithful to the source game and bring Totakeke himself to the battle to perform from a small selection of his songs while the players fought. I'm assuming they'll bring this feature back, with some old and new tracks. I consider this my 8th track for my playlist, but if these are counted as extra, let me know and I'll add an extra standalone track to my list. Either way, here are my 6 picks:
  • K.K. Western - This classic tune should return from Brawl for Round 2. A straight encapsulation of the time-honored Western standoff score, it's perfect fightin' music.
  • K.K. Condor - I also chose to have this return from Brawl, for two general reasons. Firstly, it's my favorite K.K. Slider track. Secondly, it's fast, intense, and sounds very different from most Animal Crossing music, adding some variety.
  • K.K. Ragtime - Like Mask O'Gears, I'm also a bit of a ragtime fan myself, and this little ditty fits perfectly on the city section of the stage. It's highly popular within the fanbase, even if only because of Bob.
  • Mountain Song - One of the first new batch of songs after the originals, Mountain Song debuted in Wild World. A whimsical alpine tune, the live rendition sounds similar to the City's happy-go-lucky theme, and it's a really fun song that I think merits inclusion.
  • K.K. Adventure - One of the most beloved new tracks from New Leaf, think of it as the fantasy-themed alternative to the Wild West-themed K.K. Western. Out of Slider's library, it's perfect for an intense fight.
  • K.K. Jongara - Another addition from the 3DS installment, this is one of the few tracks that I believe sounds better live than on CD in-game. It's a fan-favorite, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it show up. It sounds very different from your typical K.K. Slider song, or from other Animal Crossing music in general, and I think it's the perfect way to end this list.
Well this is disappointing Shampoodle was supposed to be my wild, yet unique pick. I'm guessing you had this list composed already so bro are you a mind reader?


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Well this is disappointing Shampoodle was supposed to be my wild, yet unique pick. I'm guessing you had this list composed already so bro are you a mind reader?
Hey, It happens. I stole Attack on New Leaf from @APC99 .


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
So wait... what's the rule on K.K. songs? How many total can we have on our list total?


Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Regardless, go get em city folks! :D

Name: Title
Animal Crossing (Animal Crossing)

Name:City (Morning) / City (Day) / City (Night)
Animal Crossing: City Folk (Animal Crossing)
This isn't a melody, but the song changes depending on the time in your Wii's internal clock. It still counts as including the confirmed theme, right?

Name: 2 A.M.
Animal Crossing (Animal Crossing)
No no no, not the 2 AM we got in Brawl, the original 2 AM! A surprisingly upbeat song, if I say so myself. I picture a remix with some sort of Jazzy-Big Band kind of twist.

Name: Town Hall (New Leaf) - Shampoodle
Animal Crossing: Wild World (Animal Crossing)
Two iconic themes wrapped together into one package!
You may be wondering, what do these themes have to do with one another?
To that I say they're both run by female canines. :awesome:
I think they work well with each other. They give off a sort of similar vibe to me. Each also compliments its respective environment. I picture The Town Hall theme playing during the time the stage is in the "Town," while Shampoodle plays while in the "City." They would, of course, be given some nice remixes, giving them a bit of a faster pace, and perhaps more pronounced percussion. Nothing too extreme though.
There's no "transition theme," instead the song that was playing will continue through the transition until the stage comes to a halt.

Name: Harvest Festival
Animal Crossing (Animal Crossing)
The song debuted in the original Animal Crossing, but the City Folk version is so much better...
Anyway, it's the "Thanksgiving" theme! Surprisingly upbeat for the day where the village is trying to kill and a cook a talking turkey. It appears in all of the Animal Crossing games except Wild World, so it's got some street cred.
I imagine it being reworked into some sort mildly-fast paced country/old time-sounding song with violins, fiddles, and harmonicas.

Name: K.K. Ragtime
Animal Crossing (Animal Crossing)

Instead of describing what exactly I was going for, I thought it would be better to just make it myself.
(Here's the original live version if anyone's interested.)
I had to edit in the K.K. part myself, and the live version and original were at different pitches and speeds so...
I'm terrible at sound editing and mixing, I'm aware. :p But you get what the intention was; a ragtime-y-er version of K.K. Ragtime! Like in Brawl's version of "Go K.K. Rider!" I didn't want K.K. singing through the whole thing, but he still needed to be somewhere, of course!

Name: Title
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Animal Crossing)
The title theme to both City Folk and Wild World! Because of that, I felt a need to bring it back to play on the City Folk stage. It was either this or K.K. Rider, but I didn't want two "K.K." songs.
"Fun" fact, this song appears in Wii Music!...Not a very "fun" fact...

Name: The Roost
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Animal Crossing)
Bah, I know I'll get marked down for having two past tracks, but The Roost must make a return as well. Such a famous and soothing tune.

K.K. Live Songs
First off, I'd like all of the K.K. tracks in Brawl to return. I think it remains truer to Animal Crossing that way: the library of K.K. songs is only built upon with each game!
So, from Brawl...
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K. Western
K.K. Gumbo
K.K. Condor
Rockin' K.K.
And the new songs!
K.K. House
Surfin' K.K.
Go K.K. Rider! (Oh, look, it's back anyway!)
K.K. Adventure
K.K. Jongara
K.K. Steppe
K.K. Song (Totaka's Song must be somewhere, dang it! It's too famous a tune to leave out again!)


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Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2012
Phew, right on time this time.

Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Universe: Animal Crossing

City (Day)
Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Universe: Animal Crossing
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4fgDObZ4w

Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk
Universe: Animal Crossing

Origin: Animal Crossing
Universe: Animal Crossing
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S1IjOlzHA

Town Hall,Tom Nook's Store and the Able Sisters
Origin: Super Smash Bros Brawl and Animal Crossing City Folk
Universe: Animal Crossing


Note: Able Sisters plays after Tom Nook's Stord and then loops back to Town Hall.

Go K.K. Rider:
Origin: Super Smash Bros Brawl
Universe: Animal Crossing

7:00 PM
Origin: Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Universe: Animal Crossing

Bubblegum K.K.
Origin: Animal Crossing New Leaf
Universe: Animal Crossing

Saturday Night K.K. Song:

K.K. Song : http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WWUZOK5zoc4
K.K. Rock http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1GVJWF6MrU
K.K. Love Song http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=29AnMQ3IegM
K.K. Disco http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3kvvvshF_CU
K.K Jongara :http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EO3TG70v5ME
K.K Adventure http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FjJ62ApryIQ


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
New ones.
Thanks for the clarification. I got my tracklist ready...

[collapse=TOWN VS. CITY!]
Perhaps I should include a song about escaping the city life... Nah.

1. Name: Title
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8S1IjOlzHA?

Reason: Tis confirmed.

2. Name: City (Day)?
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc4fgDObZ4w

Reason: Is also confirmed.

3. Name: Title (Animal Crossing)
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)/ Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3nobz3a_DQ

Reason: This is one of the tracks that HAS to return, in my honest opinion. It summarizes the franchise perfectly. Though the title is from Wild World (it's reused for City Folk), it's actually full of a number of memorable themes from the franchise.

4. Name: Town Hall
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS, 2013)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjzKmQ9_HX8

Reason: As others have said, being the mayor in the newest game makes this track an important one to the series. And it fits better here than it would on Tortimer Island, seeing as the town is promiently featured.

5. Name: Shampoodle
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yLIKbc8sUg

Reason: I haven't played enough City Folk to know which songs are memorable, but this one is catchy and distinct.

6. Name: Go K.K. Rider!
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)/ Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, 2008)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESYWOcXmhPI

Reason: Another classic that needs to return from Brawl! It's very popular and was one of the music tracks demoed prior to Brawl's release. If Smashville isn't a returning stage, I'm certain this track will find its way here.

7. Name: The Roost
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005)

Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS, 2005) / Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii, 2008)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS, 2013)

Animal Crossing: The Movie (Theatres, 2006)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, 2008)

Reason: You may be wondering why I wasted my medley spot on different versions of Roost. Because it's that awesome. Actually, all the good medley ideas were taken (that NES one is sweet). Technically, it's a medley, but it's more of a concept for the Smash 4 remix. It starts off with the opening for the Brawl version (0:00 - 0:15) before starting the original piano piece of Wild World and City Folk, then it transitions to Brawl's motif (0:15 - 0:42). The piece from here gradually gets more parts added in much like the Movie's version of the track (which inspired this whole thing), including throwing in the New Leaf version. Finally, we transition into Brawl's second half of the theme (with the key change), by which it has become a grand orchestra of epicness and pulls off the finale. then it cycles through again. I wish I had the skills to demonstrate it for you guys. But hopefully, I didn't lose anyone.

8. Name: Mr. Resetti
Universe: Animal Crossing
Game of Origin: Animal Crossing (GCN, 2002)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60IPzxXmDKs

Reason: While I had considered doing a non-Animal Crossing track, I decided that I could fit in yet another iconic piece. Though not normally heard in the game (unless you're a resetter), it is still a popular theme and should make its grand debut in Smash 4. (It's a shame they couldn't fit it into Brawl.)

Note: This theme would be unlocked by resetting Super Smash Bros. for Wii U in the middle of the match. The next time you play a match on Town & City, this theme will play and Mr. Resetti will be spawned on the stage, who'll scold you for resetting the game. After the match, the track is unlocked for normal play on the stage.


The following tracks are returning from Brawl (no reason for them not to):

Name: K.K. Cruisin'
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4HHibiL0Yc

Name: Rockin' K.K.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-98LFPTjlwA

Name: K.K. Western
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a3uQg9HZWk

Name: DJ K.K.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mehpJcpEUI

Name: K.K. Gumbo
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDZ5lgINouQ

Name: K.K. Condor
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUiXsEJ3NSk

Now for some new tracks...

Name: Bubblegum K.K.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpdvKGR2c14

Name: K.K. Adventure
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II_U-2Zbzlk

Name: Hypno K.K.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZZIUk2vLOs

Name: K.K. House
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e84k_l0AMtA

Name: Agent K.K.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II_U-2Zbzlk

Name: K.K. Brawl
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWdpz_EyNrc

Okay, so the last one isn't official. But c'mon, hearing K.K. Slider performing the main theme of Brawl would be awesome.

Hope my tracklist is good enough... I had to do it in one shot without resetting... for obvious reasons...


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2013
Mintendo Noodle House
So I lurk this thread a lot (not enough time to make actual contributions) and I see a lot of people posted Steep Hill.

Simply wanted to say that you should consider the aircheck version from New Leaf. It's a much more spunky version of the song.

That is all. *flees*

Sarki Soliloquy

Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2013
Andover, MA, USA
If you insist on grading, you may do so with all other entries. Could you please permit me on standby? I'm composing my list as we speak.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
If you insist on grading, you may do so with all other entries. Could you please permit me on standby? I'm composing my list as we speak.
I'm sorry but I already gave you an extra day.

I'm gonna say no here.

Sarki Soliloquy

Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2013
Andover, MA, USA
Godsdamnit! Animal Crossing is an area of my expertise. But if there's anyone to convict, it's me and my abuse of deadlines.

Well, see ya in the next round. I see a lot of similar tunes pop up between lists.

Rounds closed, so here's an honorable mention, 1 PM from Animal Crossing. The only hourly song throughout the series to incorporate kitten sounds! Better be in the final game, remixed or original. Was also planning on doing a holiday theme medley based around New Leaf.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Aw, Cap'n Hotcakes didn't enter in time...

I was actually looking forward to what he would have entered.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2013
Angel Grove
@ TechPowah TechPowah , there used to be some major gaps between the rounds, but changes have been made so now there's a rotating pool of about ten judges. This ensures that the gap between rounds is much shorter and it usually takes five days for submissions, 3-5 days for grades to come in, and then one day for grades to be posted and results to be reflected on. So ideally, two weeks in between each round.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Well, all we can do is wait... I'm sure I'll get sacked hard.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I'm one of the last (or perhaps the last!) judge to submit my grades this time; I'm working on them now. I'm through seven right now; one 40/40 and every one of my scores is at least a 35/40. Some nice work this round!

Anyway, I'll leave you guys with this (someone mentioned it, and it reminded me how I used to love it); I'll get back to grading!

EDIT: I'm done! As I usually say, when the results are announced, feel free to ask me any questions you may have! As a final note, though, I finished with all 35+ scores with two 40/40's. A very, very solid round from all of you! There is one thing I took minor issue with about five times that I'm sure somebody will jump on me for and call me tone deaf, but hey... I kind of have to be to have a theme song like this, right?
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