Fraud at Smash
Name (Brawl tag):dabuz
FC (Brawl friend code):2191-7315-3890
Region (optional):north america
Skill Level on a scale to 1-10:i guess i might be able to be considered 10 by some
Willing to teach?:yeah, whould i write this then?
Teaching Level on a scale to 1-10 (optional):...ehhh...its hard to juudge, based by person to person basis
Top three characters:[COLOR="Lime"]OLIMAR, kiiiiiiirby," i look just like from melee" [/COLOR] samus
Comfortable teaching which characters and to what level? (Beginner, intermediate, advanced)advanced: olimar, kirby intermediate: samus, captain falcon, zss, pit, begginer:ice climbers(i don't teach cgs, ask kawaii bout that) sonic, toon link
Days available:uh, on weekdays, it varies from week to week, but not on weekends, to may tourneys, also, try to fine me on aib matchmaking chat if you have an account there
Highest Tournament ranking or number of tournaments won (optional):online: atleast 8+ first place finishes with always getting at least top 4
offline: have always finishes top 3 in singles at least, won a few, average is second place
A little about myself (optional): i don't mind training you as long as your serious, and if your really bad and still are learning basics don't ask me to train you because i try to teach advanced and semi advanced tactics and not stick around with teaching basics, and i can be a very harsh trainer, also, im afraid of stalkers for varios reasonsand LOVE animals
FC (Brawl friend code):2191-7315-3890
Region (optional):north america
Skill Level on a scale to 1-10:i guess i might be able to be considered 10 by some
Willing to teach?:yeah, whould i write this then?
Teaching Level on a scale to 1-10 (optional):...ehhh...its hard to juudge, based by person to person basis
Top three characters:[COLOR="Lime"]OLIMAR, kiiiiiiirby," i look just like from melee" [/COLOR] samus
Comfortable teaching which characters and to what level? (Beginner, intermediate, advanced)advanced: olimar, kirby intermediate: samus, captain falcon, zss, pit, begginer:ice climbers(i don't teach cgs, ask kawaii bout that) sonic, toon link
Days available:uh, on weekdays, it varies from week to week, but not on weekends, to may tourneys, also, try to fine me on aib matchmaking chat if you have an account there
Highest Tournament ranking or number of tournaments won (optional):online: atleast 8+ first place finishes with always getting at least top 4
offline: have always finishes top 3 in singles at least, won a few, average is second place
A little about myself (optional): i don't mind training you as long as your serious, and if your really bad and still are learning basics don't ask me to train you because i try to teach advanced and semi advanced tactics and not stick around with teaching basics, and i can be a very harsh trainer, also, im afraid of stalkers for varios reasonsand LOVE animals