150% Damage 1000 Survived to over 150% damage in a single stock.
200% Damage 3000 Survived to over 200% damage in a single stock.
250% Damage 7000 Survived to over 250% damage in a single stock.
300% Damage 10000 Survived to over 300% damage in a single stock.
350% Damage 15000 Survived to over 350% damage in a single stock.
Acrobat 3000 Always did a mid-air jump during every air trip.
Adventure Clear 50000 Cleared Adventure Mode.
Aerialist 2500 Never jumped from the ground.
All Aerial 4000 Used all standard aerial attacks at least once.
All Ground 6000 Used all standard ground attacks at least once.
All on One 20000 Used all attacks except final blows on one enemy.
All-Star Clear 50000 Cleared All-Star Mode.
All Variations 10000 Used all attacks during the fight.
All Thumbs –1500 Failed all attempted dash-grabs (4 minimum).
Ambler 2500 Walked a lot.
Angelic 2000 Ended the match while standing on a Revival platform.
Assisted KO x1500 KO'd an opponent by using an item.
Avenger KO x2500 KO'd an opponent 5 seconds after he KO'd you.
Backstabber 2000 Attacked from behind often (70% of the time).
Bank-Shot KO x3000 KO'd an opponent with a reflected item.
Battering Ram 1500 Used only battering items (3 or more).
Beam Swordsman x800 KO'd a foe by using a Beam Sword.
Berserker 3500 Used sixty attacks within one minute.
Bird of Prey 4000 Only used aerial attacks.
Blind Eye 3000 Was always hit from behind.
Bob-omb's Away –500 Got KO'd by a wandering Bob-omb.
Bob-omb Squad x2500 Grabbed a Bob-omb just before it exploded without being hurt by it.
Bubble-Blast KO x1200 KO'd an opponent who was in a magnifying glass.
Bull's-eye KO x800 KO'd an opponent with a shooting item.
Bully –2000 Only KO'd one enemy. Not given in a two-player match, but given in team battles, even if there is only one opponent.
Bunny-Hood Blast x1200 KO'd someone while wearing a Bunny Hood.
Butterfingers –500 Most grabs failed.
Button Holder 4000 Held down the A or B button for the entire match.
Button Masher 700 Pressed buttons twice as fast as the second-fastest presser.
Brawler 2000 Only used direct attacks.
Capsule KO x800 KO'd an enemy with a Capsule.
Carrier KO x800 KO'd a foe with a container item.
Celebi Catcher 8000 Celebi appeared from a thrown Pokéball.
Cement Shoes 4000 Never jumped in any way.
Center Stage 2000 Spent a long time in the middle of the stage.
Cheap KO x500 KO'd an enemy from behind.
Chuck Wagon 1500 Used only throwing items (3 or more).
Classic Clear 50000 Cleared Classic Mode.
Clean Sweep 5000 Only used low attacks (such as d-tilt or d-smash).
Cliff Diver 500 Let go off the stage and fell.
Cliff Hanger 2000 Hung off edges several times before being KO'd.
Climatic Clash x1200 Hit the same enemy with progressively stronger blows.
Close Call 2000 Thrown an enemy just before he escaped your grasp.
Collector 30000 Snagged all trophies that appeared.
Combo King 2500 Used many combos (average combo counter being 2.5 or greater).
Compass Tosser 3500 Threw enemies in all four directions.
Connoisseur 3000 Got every kind of food that appeared.
Continuation –20000 Cleared by continuing.
Control Freak 1000 Tapped the Control Stick twice as fast as the second-fastest tapper.
Coward –500 Spent a long time away from opponents.
Crazy Hand KO 80000 Defeated Crazy Hand in Classic Mode.
Crowd Favorite 2500 The crowd cheered for player.
Cuddly Bear 2000 Performed at least 3 grabs, but did not pummel or throw.
Dead-Weight KO x4000 KO'd an opponent by throwing someone else at him.
Dedicated Specialist 3100 Only used one move, which was a special move.
Double KO x2000 KO'd two enemies with one attack.
Down, But Not Out 2000 Fell all the way down but got back up the most in the match.
Eagle 1500 Spent a lot of time in the air.
Edge Hog x2500 Prevented an enemy from grabbing an edge by grabbing it first.
Elbow Room 2000 Bumped into or pushed opponents a lot.
Environmental Hazard x1000 Got KO'd by a part of the stage environment.
Exceptional Aim 4000 Hit with most attacks.
Face Planter 1500 Always fell face down.
Fall Guy –500 Had the most falls.
Falls x–500 Counts each fall.
Fighter Stance 500 Ended match while taunting.
First Place 1000 Finished the first place in a time match.
First Strike 500 Delivered the first attack of the match.
First to Fall –1000 First one to be KO'd after match began.
Fists of Fury 2500 Always pummelled, never threw.
Flame Thrower 1600 Got a 10 combo or higher with the Fire Flower.
Flipper KO x2000 KO'd enemy with a Flipper.
Flower Finish 1700 Was flowered when the match ended.
Flying Meteor 4000 Hit a reeling enemy with a Meteor Smash.
Floor Diver 1500 Dropped through soft platforms often (about 12 times a minute).
Floored 300 Took a lot of damage from floors (over 50%).
Foresight x500 Got Screen KO'd.
Freezie KO x2000 KO'd an enemy with a Freezie.
Frequent Faller –1000 Had twice the Falls of whoever had the second-most (at least 3).
Friendly Foe 3000 Never pushed an opponent.
Full Power 2000 Ended the match with 0% damage.
Gardener Finish 2000 Put a flower on an enemy's head at match's end.
Giant Kirby KO 10000 Defeated Giant Kirby in Adventure Mode.
Giant KO x600 KO'd a foe while giant.
Giga Bowser KO 100000 Defeated Giga Bowser in Adventure Mode.
Goomba KO x100 KO'd a Goomba.
Gourmet 2000 Used only food items (3 or more).
Ground Pounded x500 Got KO'd by landing on a damaging floor.
Hammer Throw 1500 Threw a Hammer away.
Hangman's KO x2000 KO'd an opponent that was hanging from a ledge.
Half-Minute Man 2500 Beat the stage within 30 seconds.
Heartthrob 2800 Got 2 or more Heart Containers.
Heavy Damage 20000 Survived to over 400% damage in a single stock.
Head Banger 800 Hit walls a lot (3 or more times a minute).
Headless Hammer 2500 Grabbed a broken Hammer.
Hobbyist 1000 Got at least one trophy before the stage ended.
Home-Run King x600 KO'd a foe using a Home-Run Bat.
Instant Poser x100 Taunted at least one second after KO'ing an opponent.
In the Fray 2000 Average distance to foe was very small.
Immortal 5000 Never got KO'd.
Impervious 7000 Never took damage.
Invincible Finish 1200 Ended match while being invincible.
Invincible KO x800 KO'd a foe while being invincible.
Invisible KO x800 KO'd a foe while being invisible.
Item Catcher x1000 Caught a thrown item.
Item Chucker 3000 Attacked only by throwing items.
Item Collector 4000 Collected all items that appeared.
Item Hog 4000 Used at least 10 different kinds of items.
Item-less 1800 Never used items.
Item Self-Destruct –1000 SD'd because of an item.
Item Smasher 3000 Used only smash attacks with swinging weapons.
Item Specialist 2000 Only hit with item attacks.
Jackpot 1110 Damage at end was the same number repeated three times (such as 111%).
Juggler 1500 Struck an enemy several times while keeping them airborne.
Kiss-the-Floor KO x1000 Launched an opponent onto a damaging floor for a KO.
Koopa KO x200 KO'd a Koopa. Knocking a Koopa into its shell does not count, nor does throwing a Koopa Shell off the screen.
KO 64 x640 KO'd an opponent when he/she was at 64% damage.
KO Artist 3000 Had twice the KOs of whoever had the second-most (at least 3).
KO Master 1500 Had the most KOs.
KOs x500 Counts each KO.
Laser Marksman 4000 Hit with every blast from a Ray Gun.
Last Place –1000 Finished in last place in time match.
Last Second 5000 Finished a stage with one second left.
Lethal Weapon 7000 Hit opponents using a wide variety of attacks.
Life on the Edge x800 Grabbed an edge after being hit without using a double jump.
Like-Like KO x500 KO'd a Like-Like.
Link Master 30000 Defeated all five Links in Adventure Mode.
Lost in Space 2000 Spent at least 25% of the total match time in the magnifying glass.
Lost Luggage 3000 Spent time in a magnifying glass on all four sides of the screen.
Lucky Number Seven 3000 Finished a stage with :07 left.
Lucky Threes 3330 Finished a stage with 3:33 left.
Luigi KO 20 Defeated Luigi in Adventure Mode.
Magnified Finish 1000 Ended the match while in a magnifying glass.
Marathon Man 2000 Ran a lot.
Mario Maniac 8000 Used only Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, and Starmen.
Master of Disaster –1000 Had the most self-destructs.
Master of Suspense 2500 Surprised the crowd a lot (3 or more times a minute).
Materialist 100 Spent the greatest amount of time holding items.*
Melee Master 100000 Cleared All-Star Mode without using any of the Heart Containers.
Merciful Master 3000 Won without KO'ing anybody.
Metal Bros. KO 8000 KO'd the Metal Bros. in Adventure Mode.
Metal KO x800 KO'd a foe while being metal.
Meteor Clear 3000 Cleared a stage with a Meteor Smash.
Meteor Master 8000 Knocked out every opponent using Meteor Smashes (minimum of 2).
Meter Smash x800 Knocked out a foe using a Meteor Smash.
Meteor Survivor x2000 Successfully recovered from a Meteor Smash.
Mew Catcher 10000 Mew appeared from a thrown Pokéball.
Minimalist 1500 Spent the least amount of time holding items.*
Moment of Silence 3000 Took no damage for one minute. (Not given if Impervious is earned.)
Mr. Saturn Fan 3000 Only item used was Mr. Saturn.
Mrs. Saturn 1500 Held a Mr. Saturn for 30 seconds or more.
Mycologist 2500 Got 3 or more Mushrooms.
Mystic 2000 Ended the match while offscreen.
Never Look Back 2500 Never changed directions.
No-Damage Clear 300000 Cleared the entirety of Classic Mode, Adventure Mode, or All-Star Mode without taking any damage.
No Hurry 1000 Always walked; never ran.
No-Miss Clear 10000 Cleared all levels without losing a single life.
No R 4 U 300 Didn't press either L or R.
Octorok KO x150 KO'd an Octorok.
Offensive Artist 2000 Did twice the damage of whoever did the second-most (at least 300).
Offensive Master 1000 Did the most damage.
One-Two Punch 1800 Hit consecutively with an entire neutral combo.
Opportunist –1000 Didn't attack for a time of 30 seconds.
Pacifist 3000 Never attacked, including misses.
Parasol Finish 1600 Was parachuting with the Parasol at match's end (includes Peach's own parasol).
Paratroopa KO x300 KO'd a Paratroopa. (Like Koopas, reducing Paratroopas to a shell does not count.)
Peaceful Warrior 5000 Never attacked, but didn't lose the match.
Perfect Aim 10000 Never missed (at least 8 attacks per minute).
Pitcher 6000 Fought with only grabs and throws.
Pokémon KO x1000 KO'd a foe with a Pokémon.
Polar Bear KO x800 KO'd a Polar Bear.
Pose Breaker x800 Hit a taunting opponent with a weak attack.
Poser 2000 Taunted often (6 or more times in one minute).
Poser KO x5000 KO'd an opponent with a taunt. (Obviously, only Luigi can earn this.)
Poser Poseur x500 Taunted one second after someone else does.
Poser Power x700 Attacked an opponent with a taunt. (Obviously, only Luigi can earn this.)
Power Shielder 5000 Power Shielded at least 3 times in one minute.
Pratfaller 1500 Always landed face up.
Precise Aim 10000 All attacks hit immediately after execution (that is, they all hit on the same frame the hitboxes appeared).
Predator –1500 Always attacked opponents with high damage.
Pummeler 1500 Did a lot of damage by pummelling.
Punching Bag 100 Got knocked back and forth by two enemies.
Quadruple KO x8000 KO'd four opponents with one attack.
Quintuple KO x15000 KO'd five opponents with one attack.
Quitter x–1000 Fell off the stage without using a double or triple jump.
Reciprocator x2000 Caught an item that an enemy threw and threw it back.
ReDead KO x300 KO'd a ReDead.
Rock Climber 800 Hung ledges at least 4 times in one minute.
Rock Steady 3000 Did not fall down (that is, did not ever lie on the ground).
Rocket KO 5000 Star KO'd all opponents on a team.
Run, Don't Walk 6500 Never walked (except for very small distances).
Sacrificial KO x1500 KO'd both an enemy and yourself with a single attack.
Saturn Ringer 4000 Caught a Mr. Saturn thrown at you.
Saturn Siblings 4000 Got 3 or more (individual) Mr. Saturns.
Screw-Attack KO x2500 Used a thrown Screw Attack to KO an enemy.
Screwed Up 2000 Held a Screw Attack for 30 seconds or more.
SDs x–500 Counts each self-destruct.
Self-Destructor –2000 Had twice the self-destructs of whoever had the second-most (at least 3).
Shameful Fall x–1500 At less than 50%, got KO'd by a foe with over 100% damage.
Shape Shifter 1500 Used only transformation items (3 or more).
Shattered Shield x –1000 Got shield broken.
Shield Buster x 2500 Broke an opponent's shield.
Shield Saver 500 Dropped shield just before it broke.
Shield Stupidity x–2000 Broke your own shield.
Shooting Star 1500 Ended match as a star.
Shy Guy KO x20 KO'd a Shy Guy.
Skid Master 1000 Skidded at least 9 feet in one minute.
Smash-less 1500 Used no smash attacks.
Smash King 3000 Used many smash attacks (50% or more of all hits).
Smash Maniac 3500 Used only smash attacks.
Sniper 2000 Hit only with shooting items.
Solar Being 800 Was only ever Star KO'd.
Special KO x800 KO'd a foe by using a special attack.
Specialist 2200 Used only special moves.
Spectator –2500 Spent a long time on a slanted surface.
Speed Demon 20000 Cleared all levels very quickly.
Speedster 10000 Cleared all levels quickly. (Not given if Speed Demon is earned.)
Stale Moves –2000 Used the same attack constantly.
Stalker –1000 Always attacked the same opponent. Not given in a two-player match, but given in team battles, even if there is only one opponent.
Star KO x300 Star KO'd the enemy.
Statue 500 Barely moved horizontaly at all.
Stiff Knees 300 Never crouched.
Straight Shooter 1500 Used only shooting items (3 or more).
Super Scoper 2000 Did 100% damage or more by firing a Super Scope.
Super Spy x800 KO'd someone with a Motion-Sensor Bomb.
Sweeper 2500 Most attacks were low attacks.
Switzerland 12000 Never attacked (including misses) and never took any damage.
Target Master 30000 Smashed all targets in Target Test.
Throw Down 2500 Cleared a stage with a throw.
Timely KO x3500 KO'd an enemy with less than five seconds left.
Tiny KO x2500 KO'd a foe while tiny.
Topi KO x200 KO'd a Topi.
Triple Items 3000 Used the same items three or more times in a row (such as three Fire Flowers).
Triple KO x4000 KO'd three opponents with one attack.
Twinkle Toes 2500 Succeeded on every attempt to absorb damage (such as techs, Power Shielding, etc).
Vegetarian 1800 Got 2 or more Maxim Tomatoes.
Very-Hard Clear 200000 Cleared Very Hard mode.
Warp Star KO x1000 KO'd a foe using a Warp Star.
Weight Lifter 1500 Frequently held heavy items.
Whipping Boy –1500 Trailed in points for the whole match.
Wimp 1500 Used only recovery items (3 or more).
Wimpy KO x4000 KO'd a foe with a weak attack.
Wire to Wire 2000 Led in points for the whole match.
World Traveler 2000 Got KO'd off all four sides of the screen.