You kids want my Top 10 favorite Pokemon?
1. Genesect. What can I say, I like robots
2. Feraligatr. Awkardly spelled name, really tall (7 feet 7 inches to be exact), and to this day is my favorite starter partly for being an alligator. I think I'm done here. If Feraligatr were to ever join Smash Bros... I wouldn't complain, I'd be incredibly happy. It won't happen though

Hopefully Mega Feraligatr isn't too far away.
3. Serperior. Ever since Generation 3 I wanted a Grass Snake starter Pokemon... almost as if I had wished on a star, I got exactly that!
4. Donphan. He's an elephant that is also a tire. Nuff said.
5. Blastoise. Way back when, I was so tired of seeing everyone worship Charizard that I had to go with Blastoise to water down all Charizard-kind. Now Blastoise can Mega-volve into a bigger tougher Blastoise with two cannons, one on each arm, and a great big bazooka on his back. I like this... alot!
6. Magnezone. Way back when, I felt absolutely cheated, ripped off, and screwed over that when evolving Magnemite into Magneton, all you got was three Magnemite revolving around each other. Magnezone finally provided closure to that by taking the 3 Magnemite that make up Magneton and subjecting them to such high levels of magnetism that they actually magnetize together so violently that they actually fuse to become a flying saucer with magnets. YES! Closure ACHIEVED!
7. Elgyem/Beheeyem.
I know I'm kind of cheating by including both, but I love them for the same reason... the subject of aliens (and the supernatural as a whole) highly interests me. With their clever names (LGM, Little Green Man and BEM, Bug Eyed Monster) and the fact that they went out of their way to include 3 lights of different colors on their hands, and even include a backstory very similar to Rosswell (along with Beheeyem resembling a man in black with the hat and trench coat design) and the ability to tamper with memories... somebody did their homework, and I like it!
8. Croagunk. Largely because of his depiction in the TV show. He's... a creepy but well-meaning dude that stares at his own reflection, jabs his trainer, has a funny voice, creeps out other Pokemon purely by sitting there, and is actually kind of cute in a creepy kind of way. The design of his eyes also sell me.
9. Deoxys. He's creepy, he's an alien, he has multiple forms all of which are kinda creepy, he has a face like a mask, and tentacles for arms and can regenerate lost limbs. I like this guy.
10. Kyurem. Between the tales of Lacunosa Town citizens being eaten by Kyurem to the point of actually making the citizens lock themselves inside their doors at night out of fear of being eaten, and the idea that he's basically a skeleton of Reshiram and Zekrom's original form... this guy is cool.
Honorable Mention: Xerneas. He's a big ole deer... a big ole deer that can grant eternal life with his christmas tree antlers... This dude's ok, I'll let him pick apart my garden any time he wants so long as he grants me eternal life with them christmas tree antlers.