Wow. Just, wow.
Sure, that game really didn't have much going for it in the beginning, but good Lord does it get hysterical!
I mean, the beginning wasn't all that bad. It had at least something. But I swear, after the head explosion, it got worse.
The plot becomes a mess of hilarity and complication, like having to cheat in order to win the carnival games (The pole is a few feet in front of you! How can you miss that badly?!), finding out that Paul (the creepy guy with the lawn) is some kind of occultist (along with your girlfriend, the mayor, and Jim, and most of the cast dying for no reason. But I always felt that after that scene they just gave up and wrote whatever cane to mind.
So for some ungoldly reason Rita's head appears in the cooked steam (gotta love that steam, filled with vitamins and minerals) and yaps about the Shrimp Baby being some kind of Behemoth (said "Behemoth" being a worm with a buzzsaw on it's head. It's as hilarious as it gets). And will give every back to the Ancients so they can rule the galaxy or something like that. So then it's a race threw that maze, ending anti-climatically (unless a wimpy thrust is action-packed). Or does it?
So get this, Jack (the biker guy), is Mike Dawson's dark world form, or some shape-shifter. Maybe both. And then after a speech he kills Dawson. Yep, the main character isn't even alive in the end.
They kill him off. Don't know why, but I guess he had to throw in one more wrench.
All in all, the game pretty much fits the definition of "so bad it's good". The game was filled with so much Narm one just can't help but laugh. Like Mike being an incompetent loser, Jim before you found his secret (But that void was replaced with the neon cactus and all those dressers and drawers), the ring toss, "Action Dawson Pose", the list goes on and on (special mention goes to the noise that thing make that takes to the hall of death, I hear the only way out of there is death).
Though, I will admit, that longplayer. He sure loves his attention to detail. There's times where he'll talk to everyone (even if they have nothing new to say), or have Mike just stand in place for no reason (unless it's the bathroom. The only true place to think). It kinds makes you wonder what was going on in his head. It got to the point where I started skipping just to get back into the main story.
Ah well, at least we'll always have this.