Smash Hero
A plot device is anything used to move the story forward. Time traveling in Fringe falls under that.You consider time-travel to be a plot device?
A plot device is a narrative construct use to facilitate some aspect of your storytelling. An example of a plot device in Fringe might be Henry Dunham, who existed purely to facilitate the S3 endgame. Time-travel is more of a genre, where specific applications of time-travel could be considered tropes or conventions of that subgenre (e.g. a time-loop is a convention of time-travel).
To quote Wikipedia
Basically most things are plot devices as long as the move the story forward, which the time traveling aspect does in Fringe. Time travel is most certainly a plot device.A plot device can be anything which moves the plot forward or maintains it.[1]
A contrived or arbitrary plot device may annoy or confuse the reader, causing a loss of the suspension of disbelief. However a well-crafted plot device, or one that emerges naturally from the setting or characters of the story, may be entirely accepted, or may even be unnoticed by the audience.
It should have just stuck with the parallel worlds imo. xDThe show does get heavy on the timey-wimey in the latter half, yeah. But it had enough Space to balance out the Time, I found, what with the whole multiversal and quantum mechanical doohickery.
Eh. This thread need some livening up anyway. xDI could talk about the show for days. At this point, I practically know it inside and out. So as to not flood this thread with long-*** posts, shoot me a PM if you're interested to talk about it further, or have questions about the show, or so forth.
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