I actually sold a large amount of games because I still haven't gotten my Wii U yet, I've been holding out for a big opportunity and as a result, I've got a lot of money saved, but enough reluctance to hold back on buying games. Though my brutal on the inside platformer itch needs to get scratched soon.Pretty much the same deal here. I've regretted missing out on loads of 3DS games before this (my last purchase before X/Y was MK7), and for once I have money to blow.
Everyone likes Yoshi on the inside. I grew up with Yoshi's Story!Plus, I might not look or act like it half the time, but I'm actually a huge Yoshi fangirl.

Shameless Plug: Yoshi's Story on the Wii VC for 1000 Points! I recommend it!Eh, I'll stick to Virtual Console games for right now...
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