btw, I was actually trying to regulate this after the argument....I can't go further....
But to answer the question, anything related to logic and espeically computers. I'm actualy about to end my second semester of computer science in college. I REALLY love programming and I just love the way a computer works. It's like math, but it's not just numbers, you can worth with string and boolean expression. It's actually like chess, VERY simple to get HOW it works.....the art is to combine everything to make something you want. It's just very fun.
This is also why I glitch hunted so much on TTYD, it wasn't just because of the game, but I wanted to combine both interest. Which is why these months were memorable.
Also, I actually have a passion to glitch logic. For example, I really found the missingno glitch fascinating because it's just a single thing that the dev forgot that made the complete game screw up under circumstances. When I was in the speedrunning community, I learned A LOT of glitches like the ocarina of time wrong this one is just phenomenal (you can beat the game under 30 minutes with this and it's not even that hard).
I do enjoy math, but not as much as coimputer logic. Maybe because computers have a more concrete results, but math has really a similar logic, I just find it more boring.
I already told it alot, but for music, vgm and classical is pretty much the only thing I love. I dislike almost anything with a voice because I for some reasons have my attention on the instruments and I always think the voice breaks this.
As for other video games, I have honestly cooled down playing new games lately because of the ballot work, but I enjoy the zelda series and the metroid series, metroid prime trilogy was awesome. I love most of 3d mario games (I meant platformer here).
And of course, I LOVE rpg. I played earthbound, masterpiece, you should get it because 10$ is just freaking underpriced. I used to be a lot active on pokemon but corrupting my sd card with my 200 hours saves caused me to not be so much. My main goal was to complete the dex anyway. I do enjoy the series somehow, I'm jsut way less active.
In gaming in general, I praise innovation and hate repetition. That's the main reason I only play nintendo and indies, but some exceptions are both portal games.
Btw, the reason I didn't told most of these before (I did on mgiht just have not read the posts) is because how can I plug them if you're not talking about it? It would feel random and I would have no idea if it's worth my time. Paper Mario comes from the fact that I just love it so much that it makes me happy most of the time to bring it up
Thoguh, was that enough?