The drive home was rather boring so far, the blank stretch of road seemingly going on for miles. It was pretty late, maybe even early morning, and I was coming home from my parent’s house. They live pretty far away from me, and I had decided to stop by seeing as I hadn’t seen them in a long time. As usual, the trip ended unhappily, clouding my mind with various negative emotions. The outcome and long trip themselves usually are what made me avoid seeing them.
“How much longer is it?” I sighed aloud to myself in an effort to stay awake, yawning briefly. I rested my head on my right palm, keeping my left hand on the wheel and watching the road sleepily. I saw the speed limit sign rush by the side of my car, displaying some number I didn’t have time to see. Soon, my mind began to draw a blank, my eyes slowly drooping down. Sleep felt so inviting right now, the warm embrace slowly taking over me. I felt myself fall unconscious, hand slipping off the wheel.
Suddenly I jerked forward in my seat, a loud crash sounding all around me as I felt a sharp pain in my lower body. The air bags quickly went off, failing their job and only serving to make my pain worse. However, something was on the windshield that shocked me worse than the pain or crash itself.
There was blood covering the glass.
I quickly opened my door, fumbling out the door and declining down onto the lush floor.