I'm curious, is Teen Titans Go good? I've always heard it's either absolute crap, or a quality show. And there's never a middle ground.
Many people hate it because instead of continuing the original show it went to a comedy spin-off. While I can understand the dissapointment, I don't see that as enough reason to hate.
HOWEVER, a good bunch of people, including myself, hate it because of one thing:
It's not really funny.
Seriously, a bunch of jokes are unfunny pop culture references, random **** that make you know the writers gave up and pokes at the original show that are practically insulting both to the original and the audience intelligence.
Then there's the characters who were all flanderized: Robin is now a control maniac that when his crush on Starfire is brought up he becomes obsessed (oh, and many times he's actually doing right things and putting everything in order the episodes make him look like an antagonist), Starfire is now a complete airhead who doesn't know a **** about Earth culture (which most jokes about her revolve about), Raven is the one affected the least (they turned her into a brony though, but it's not brought in many episodes), Cyborg and Beast Boy are practiclly the same character: lazy responsibility-avoiding jerks who many times get no consequence on their actions.
There are some decent episodes... but not much.