- I'd be fine with seeing the detailed backgrounds, but nothing really looked all that good to me. My other problem with the art doesn't have to do with how they move, but more with how they look. The designs don't really...look good in anyway. I can nitpick the designs, but like you said, it's up to the person (There is an extent to it though).
- Sure, you need to build your characters and the world; That's what a good piece of literature or show is suppose to do. But seeing what you said, half of the first season is dedicated to constructing the world. That should not take that long to explain. I'm not expecting to learn all of the setting in one go, but it shouldn't be the entire focus. Set up the main parts of it, then continue it in later episodes. However, when you're doing this, you should also build up your characters along side it. I keep hearing how they go more into the characters later on, but in the beginning the gems really aren't all that great. And if i'm watching the show from the beginning, that doesn't give me a good impression of them.
- I'll give you that, it is subjective...to an extent. Not referring to the music in the show, but in general. I could explain it better, but I don't want this to get to long.
- And that's my problem. I keep hearing the show gets better at a later point, but it should've been good since the beginning. It's why I get the impression of these characters, because they couldn't exactly make them likable to me at that point. Greg was really the only one who I thought was ok.
And i'm fine with it being a character driven story. However, when I here the lines, "We always save the day. And if you think we can't, we'll always find a way!" I expect it to have it more centered on them doing things related to protecting Earth. In the end, here is how I want the show to be: I want to see the gems actually doing hero stuff, while also showing them build character along the way.
Well, this took longer than expected. I'm fine with how you think of the show, this is just how I feel. If I watched the show more, then maybe I could get a better understanding of it. For now though, i'm just not caring for it.