Too lazy to search for a picture, so insert *bigthecat.jpg* here.
Well i think i'm like this now.
I so want something big like that my wiki page is change or just something else for finish my day. This is horrible.

I'm just going to post this info about me well...
- I change my avatar when i feel like it. And you will never known how much i changed it.
- I don't like to fight against pro player.
- I like gender bender (It's my weird passion)
-I'm posting weird draw on Miiverse stage
-I do profil of my OC.
- My dream is that my two fiction become one day a Anime/Manga
This is all, if you want to said other thing about me. Do it but i don't force you to do this. I would be just happy but it's not obligatory. Thank you if you do it.