You know, out of all the FE characters, Roy feels the most dumb of them all.
I mean, let's compare all of their playstyle :
- Slow (though faster with the new patch) and tanky character. He needs to do good reads and play mindgames with his opponents to unleash his great power. His recovery needs to be precise, or else he'll get punished for it.
- Based around punishes, Marth and Lucina are generally played defensively, reading every move of their opponent to get the stock. Perseverance and patience are the keys to their success.
- With a great projectile game and strong attacks, Robin has limitate uses for each of his attacks. He/She needs to prepare their plans to win, as doing random moves will only bring them to a tragic end.
- Agressive. Run to the ennemy, grab, do a random move. Do a Fsmash to get your kill. Ridiculous power with a tiny sword that gives him a bad range. Doesn't really need to prepare plans or read, since his power alone is enough to get a stock.
I think I have more respect for the ones playing the other 3 FE characters than Roy now. Roy is our boy, but boy does he have one stupid playstyle. Just my opinion, feel free to disagree.