My favorite characters to play as:

Obviously obvious choice, no? His buffs made him even more awesome to play as. My #1 choice for punishing any fools that dare to stand on my path!

Still getting used to him, but sword and magic combo has always been appealing to me. His bronze sword lacking some range is the only thing still troubling me.

I really like playing as him in this game. The changes from Brawl were greatly positive. A pretty versatile character.

Plays nearly the same as Pit and was one of my most wanted characters, so yeah.

Fast and quite strong too. I'm liking him more and more. Plus, he's a Dark-type Pokémon. I've always wanted one of those in Smash. He was my starter in Y, so...

Has been a favorite of mine since Brawl and he doesn't seem very different in this game, so yeah.

One of my favorite characters in FE:A and plays nearly like Marth? Instant favorite. I actually play as her more than I play as Marth. She's that awesome.
Other characters gaining my favor:

I'm liking her mechanic and some crazy stuff you can potentially pull off.

I'm getting used to his moves and the Monado Arts. You can say I'm really feeling his play style.
Honorable mention:

Buffs from Brawl make her an actually playable character. She was my worst character in Brawl.