Going back to to the Jigglypuff things.
There are a couple of problems with cutting Jigglypuff. For one. Besides getting rid of a character that some don't care about, what is accomplished?
I've seen some people say that they could replace Jigglypuff with the hundred of other pokemon...but thats the problem, why should any of those other pokemon get over another?
If Gardevoir got into smash...Well what about Hawlucha? Zororak? If you put in a character like sylveon whose only popular for gen 6, well what happens in the next smash game? By people's logic of Jigglypuff being cut, they would have to replace a Pokemon...every...single...smash game to keep up with "relevancy."
Thats a lot more work that doesn't need to be done.
Also, all of that implies that you COULD replace Jigglypuff with another character. Jigglypuff is easy to make, if thats the case, then replacing her with a newcomer is impossible to begin with.
Then theres the hypocrisy of it. I'm not saying people should complain about these characters, but why don't I ever see the people complaining about Jigglypuff ever complain about Sheik or the retros?
Jigglypuff may not be "relevant" but tell me, why should the Smash team go through such a hassle to include Pokemon that will become irrelevant one day, when he could just keep adding Jigglypuff who is easy to make, not getting in anyone's way, and not have to worry about the word: "relevant."